Five Most Populated Countries by Continent
Nigeria / Ethiopia / Egypt / D.R. Congo / Tanzania / China / India / Indonesia / Pakistan / Bangladesh / Russia / Germany / United Kingdom / France / Italy / United States / Mexico / Canada / Guatemala / Haiti / Australia / Papua New Guinea / New Zealand / Fiji / Solomon Islands / Brazil / Colombia / Argentina / Peru / Venezuela
Five Richest Countries by Continent
Seychelles / Mauritius / Equatorial Guinea / Gabon / Botswana / Qatar / Singapore / Brunei / United Arab Emirates / Kuwait / Monaco / Liechtenstein / Luxembourg / Ireland / Norway / United States / Canada / Trinidad and Tobago / Bahamas / St. Kitts and Nevis / Australia / New Zealand / Nauru / Palau / Fiji / Chile / Uruguay / Argentina / Brazil / Suriname
Five Poorest Countries by Continent
Burundi / Central African Republic / D.R. Congo / Niger / Malawi / North Korea / Afghanistan / Yemen / Syria / Nepal / Moldova / Ukraine / Kosovo / Albania / Bosnia & Herzegovina / Haiti / Honduras / Nicaragua / El Salvador / Guatemala / Kiribati / Solomon Islands / Vanuatu / F.S. Micronesia / Papua New Guinea / Bolivia / Guyana / Venezuela / Ecuador / Paraguay
15 Largest Cities in Europe (with a map)
Moscow / London / Istanbul / Paris / Madrid / Saint Petersburg / Milan / Berlin / Barcelona / Naples / Rome / Kiev / Athens
Top 10 Newest U.S. States
Hawaii / Alaska / Arizona / New Mexico / Oklahoma / Utah / Wyoming / Idaho / Washington / Montana
First Five Countries Alphabetically by Continent
Algeria / Angola / Benin / Botswana / Burkina Faso / Afghanistan / Armenia / Azerbaijan / Bahrain / Bangladesh / Albania / Andorra / Austria / Belarus / Belgium / Antigua & Barbuda / Bahamas / Barbados / Canada / Belize / Australia / F. S. Micronesia / Fiji / Kiribati / Marshall Islands / Argentina / Bolivia / Brazil / Chile / Colombia
Countries with Megacities
China / India / Japan / Brazil / Pakistan / United States / Indonesia / South Korea / Philippines / Mexico / Bangladesh / Nigeria / Thailand / Russia / Egypt / Argentina / United Kingdom / Turkey / Iran / South Africa / France / D.R. Congo
Top 10 Countries with the Most Registered Soccer Players
Germany / United States / Brazil / France / Italy / England / South Africa / Netherlands / Japan / Canada
Countries Invaded by USSR
Poland / Estonia / Latvia / Lithuania / Finland / Romania / Iran / Hungary / Bulgaria / Germany / Austria / Japan / Czechoslovakia / Afghanistan
Present-Day Communist Nations
China / Cuba / Laos / Vietnam / Nepal
Elements with One-Letter Symbols
Boron / Carbon / Fluorine / Hydrogen / Iodine / Potassium / Nitrogen / Oxygen / Phosphorus / Sulfur / Uranium / Vanadium / Tungsten / Yttrium
Top 20 Football Clubs in Europe
Real Madrid / FC Barcelona / Bayern Munich / Atlético Madrid / Chelsea / Manchester United / Juventus / FC Porto / Arsenal / S.L. Benfica / Paris Saint-Germain / Liverpool / Sevilla / Manchester City / Borussia Dortmund / Shakhtar Donetsk / Olympique Lyonnais / AC Milan / Ajax / FC Schalke 04
10 Easternmost Capital Cities in Asia
Tokyo / Seoul / Pyongyang / Dili / Taipei / Manila / Beijing / Bandar Seri Begawan / Ulan Bator / Jakarta
10 Northernmost Capital Cities in Europe
Reykjavík / Helsinki / Oslo / Tallinn / Stockholm / Riga / Moscow / Copenhagen / Vilnius / Minsk
Countries that Visit the UK the Most
France / United States / Germany / Ireland / Spain / Netherlands / Italy / Poland / Belgium / Australia / Switzerland / Canada / Sweden / Denmark
Five Countries with the Longest Coastline by Continent
Madagascar / Mozambique / Egypt / South Africa / Morocco / Russia / Indonesia / Philippines / China / Japan / Norway / United Kingdom / Greece / Sweden / Canada / United States / Mexico / Cuba / Australia / Papua New Guinea / New Zealand / Solomon Islands / Vanuatu / Chile / Brazil / Argentina / Venezuela / Colombia
Asian Countries Ending in "IA"
Armenia / Cambodia / Georgia / India / Indonesia / Malaysia / Mongolia / Saudi Arabia / Syria
10 Easternmost Countries in Europe
Russia / Ukraine / Norway / Belarus / Finland / Moldova / Romania / Greece / Bulgaria / Latvia
Countries of Asia with Two or More Words
East Timor / North Korea / Saudi Arabia / South Korea / Sri Lanka / United Arab Emirates
Countries that Touch the Prime Meridian or Equator
Brazil / Colombia / DR Congo / Ecuador / Gabon / Indonesia / Kenya / Republic of Congo / São Tomé & Príncipe / Somalia / Uganda / Algeria / Burkina Faso / France / Ghana / Mali / Spain / Togo / United Kingdom