Hint | Answer | % Correct | |
J | A condition that can turn skin and eyes yellow | Jaundice | 91%
C | The uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells anywhere in a body | Cancer | 89%
F | A term used to describe an overall feeling of tiredness or lack of energy | Fatigue | 88%
I | Acronym for area of hospital designated for seriously ill patients | ICU | 88%
E | A deadly disease affecting humans and primates located mainly in sub-Saharan Africa | Ebola | 87%
D | An outdated term that was used to describe early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease | Dementia | 85%
P | Medical practice specializing in child health | Paediatric | 85%
X | One of the two male chromosomes | X Chromosome | 84%
M | Blood producing substance in bones | Marrow | 82%
U | An open sore in the stomach, esophagus or small intestine | Ulcer | 82%
V | A controversial shot given to stimulate antibodies and provide immunity | Vaccine | 81%
W | Bodily organ where offspring are conceived and gestate before birth | Womb | 78%
T | Another word for the coccyx | Tailbone | 76%
S | Disease caused by vitamin C deficiency | Scurvy | 75%
K | Another word for the patella | Kneecap | 74%
R | An area of irritated or swollen skin | Rash | 73%
A | A skin condition caused by hair follicles plugged with oil and dead skin cells | Acne | 70%
N | A sleep disorder | Narcolepsy | 68%
Z | Viral disease spread by mosquitoes that can cause birth defects | Zika | 66%
L | Ancient disfiguring disease that was stigmatized and patients were outcasts | Leprosy | 61%
Y | A viral infection spread by the Aedes mosquito | Yellow Fever | 60%
B | A harmless skin blemish that’s present when, or develops soon after, a baby is born | Birthmark | 59%
O | Medical practice specializing in childbirth and pregnant women | Obstetrics | 59%
H | Genetic disorder that impairs the body's ability to make blood clots | Hemophilia | 55%
G | A condition that occurs when damaged body tissue dies | Gangrene | 52%
Q | Slang word for a doctor | Quack | 45%
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