Hint | As In... | Starts With | Answer | % Correct |
To give or send someone notice asking for money that they owe for a product or service | Gates | B | Bill | 100%
A device for lifting heavy objects such as a car when changing a tire | Nicholson | J | Jack | 100%
To make a visible impression or stain on | Twain | M | Mark | 97%
A religious folk song associated with Christmas | Burnett | C | Carol | 95%
To throw something carelessly or casually | Norris | C | Chuck | 95%
A small cut or notch | Cannon | N | Nick | 95%
To tap a dog gently | Sayjak | P | Pat | 93%
To take money or property illegally from a person or place, often using threats or violence | Kardashian | R | Rob | 93%
To make a quick short movement up and down like a bottle floating in the sea | Hope | B | Bob | 92%
To pursue in order to catch or catch up with | Chevy | C | Chase | 92%
The first appearance of light in the sky before sunrise | Wells | D | Dawn | 92%
A feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen | Bob | H | Hope | 92%
To walk through water or another liquid or soft substance | Dwayne | W | Wade | 92%
To make a hole in something by pushing a sharp object into it | Brosnan | P | Pierce | 90%
To tear something quickly and with a lot of force | Van Winkle | R | Rip | 90%
A close friend | Holly | B | Buddy | 88%
A high-ranking member of the Mafia | Cheadle | D | Don | 86%
A long weapon formerly used by a horseman in jousting contests | Armstrong | L | Lance | 86%
To move backward and forward or from side to side in a gentle way | Hudson | R | Rock | 86%
To institute legal proceedings against someone, typically for redress | Ramirez | S | Sue | 86%
To do honor or credit to someone or something by one's presence | Kelly | G | Grace | 83%
The act of a horse trying to violently dislodge a rider by jumping into the air | Rogers | B | Buck | 81%
Small pieces of wood dislodged in the course of chopping wood | Kelly | C | Chip | 81%
To persistently harass | Belafonte | H | Harry | 80%
A short crowbar used by a burglar to force open a window or door | Carter | J | Jimmy | 76%
To tease someone in a playful way | Groban | J | Josh | 66%
To turn pale | Devereaux | B | Blanche | 59%
A cylindrical piece of wood used for holding things together | Parnevik | P | Peg | 49%
To verbally intimidate or bully someone | Camacho | H | Hector | 27%
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