Plant Life
An additional benefit that improves an already very good situation
The cherry on top of the cake
To take only what’s beneficial to you from the available options
To cherry-pick
Expression of encouragement said to a child who has fallen
To attempt to improve something that is already perfect
To gild the lily
A bad/corrupt person will ruin the group’s endeavour
A bad apple spoils the barrel
Someone who is slower than their peers to develop
A late bloomer
To stop something before it becomes a problem
To nip something in the bud
To emerge victorious from a difficult situation
To come out smelling like a rose
Someone who is shy or excluded at a party
Every good situation will have its problems
Every rose has its thorn
Someone who is negative and jealous
Sour grapes
A source of annoyance or discomfort
A thorn in your side
To follow the wrong course of action
Barking up the wrong tree
An easy and pleasurable way of life
Primrose path
To make the best of a bad situation
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade
The person someone most loves
Apple of someone’s eye
To be unconcerned, to not care
To not give a fig
Healthy, energetic, youthful
As fresh as a daisy
Very different/incompatible
Like comparing apples to oranges
To disturb the status quo
To upset the apple cart
Difficult, uncomfortable
No bed of roses
To become established
To take root
To irritate someone
To drive someone bananas
Dead and buried
Pushing up the daisies
A shy person
A shrinking violet