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Oldest Age
These are the largest land-animals and live a long time as well as remain fertile into old age.
70 years
African Elephant
These long-tailed, often colorful New World parrots are now endangered in the wild because of the illegal pet trade.
60-80 years
These long, skinny, slippery fish are often eaten smoked in many European countries.
106 years
Long Finned Eel
Legend has it that these slow moving animals can out smart hares.
152 years
Galapagos Giant Tortoise
Just how old these marine mammals can be was discovered when a live animal was found with a harpoon that dated to over 100 years ago embedded in it’s skin!
200 years
Bowhead Whale
Oldest Age
These Japanese decorative fish are often kept in outdoor ponds or water gardens.
226 years
Koi Fish
This non-mammalian apex predator of the sea, grows about 1cm a year and reaches maturity at about 100 years old, now that’s a long childhood!
400 years
Greenland Shark
This shell fish is traditionally served baked, fried and Bostonians love it as a chowder.
507 years
Ocean Quahog
These small, spiny creatures are found in the Pacific Ocean so be careful not to step on them because they sting.
Red sea urchins
This gelatinous sea creature can revert back to its premature state when exposed to stress or injury.