Good job! I got 127/129. Couple of suggestions- "Grease" not "Grese", accept "Hammer" and "Kylie", and (because I'm anally retentive) while accepting shortened versions of the credited artists, the answer should display as the full credited artist eg "MC Sar and the Real McCoy" and "Jon Bon Jovi". Also a column with the number of weeks spent at #1 would be awesome.
Thanks, I've fixed Grease, accepted Hammer but not Kylie, changed the text to read MC Star and the Real McCoy (even though I haven't the faintest clue who they are) and Jon Bon Jovi, that one was my/Wiki's mistake, thought it was the band not the man. I'll work on a column with weeks at number 1, good suggestion. Also, great effort to get 127/129, I can't even do that and I made the quiz!