Questions | Answer | % Correct |
What was the name of Marty's girlfriend? | Jennifer | 97%
What was the name of Doc Browns dog in 1985? | Einstein | 84%
What was Biff's last name? | Tannen | 82%
Was there two different actresses who played Jennifer? | Yes | 77%
How fast did the Delorean have to go to time travel? | 88 mph | 75%
Who was Biff's high school crush? | Lorraine | 72%
What does Marty ride to School? | Skateboard | 72%
Who played Marty McFly? | Michael J Fox | 68%
Who played Emmet Brown? | Christopher Lloyd | 59%
Was the name accidentally changed in a later part of the movie? | Yes | 58%
What was the mall called? | Twin pines mall | 43%
What was Marty wearing when he crashed in to the barn? | Radiation suit | 29%
What brand of car is Biff waxing at the end of the movie? | BMW | 26%
Who came to kill Doc at the mall? | The Libyans | 14%
What happened to the Brown mansion? | It burnt down | 2%
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