Hint | Answer | % Correct |
German monk and author of the 95 Theses | Martin Luther | 97%
French-Swiss theologian who wrote Institutes of the Christian Religion, doctrine can be summerized in the acronym TULIP | John Calvin | 79%
English monarch whose desire for a divorce precipitated the English Reformation | Henry VIII | 77%
Bohemian priest who was influenced by above, burned at the stake at the Council of Constance | Jan Hus | 53%
Fourteenth-century English preacher who made the first English translation of the Bible, followers were called Lollards | John Wycliffe | 53%
Swiss theologian who asserted communion and baptism were mere symbols, killed in a Swiss civil war | Ulrich Zwingli | 53%
Eighteenth-century pair of brothers responsible for Methodism | John and Charles Wesley | 48%
Theologian who established a Scottish church based on teachings of above | John Knox | 47%
Seventeenth-century English tinker, Baptist lay preacher, and author of The Pilgrim's Progress | John Bunyan | 35%
Archbishop of Canterbury who was fundamental in establishing the Church of England, wrote the Book of Common Prayer, burned at the stake by Queen Mary I | Thomas Cranmer | 32%
Collaborator with above who helped formulate doctrine of the new church, especially on matters of gospel and law | Philipp Melanchthon | 25%
Dutch Anabaptist who argued for unconditional pacifism | Menno Simmons | 13%
Seventeenth-century minister who established the first American Baptist congregation in Rhode Island | Roger Williams | 13%
Puritan leader who established the Massachusetts Bay colony in 1630 | John Winthrop | 9%
Nineteenth-century American preacher who frequently predicted precise dates for the end of the world, followers include the Seventh-Day Adventists | William Miller | 8%
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