Hint | Answer | % Correct |
First-century BC poet, wrote Aeneid, Georgics, Eclogues | Virgil | 86%
First-century BC and first-century AD poet, wrote Metamorphoses, Art of Love, Tristia | Ovid | 81%
Third-century AD Stoic philosopher and emperor, wrote Meditations | Marcus Aurelius | 78%
First-century BC politician, wrote Commentaries on the Gallic War, Commentaries on the Civil War | Julius Caesar | 73%
Prolific first-century BC author of philosophical treatises, letters, and speeches, including On the Republic, On the Laws, Against Verres, and Against Catiline | Cicero | 70%
First and second-century AD historian, wrote Annals of Imperial Rome, Histories, Agricola, Germania | Tacitus | 61%
First-century AD philosopher, wrote Moral Epistles, tragedies, assorted Stoic dialogues and letters | Seneca | 52%
First-century BC historian, wrote comprehensive history of Rome from the legendary founding of Latium to Augustus, only a fraction of the complete work has survived | Livy | 50%
First and second-century AD historian, wrote The Twelve Caesars | Suetonius | 50%
First-century BC author of short poems, especially those of yearning for his mistress, Lesbia | Catullus | 48%
First-century BC lyric poet and satirist, wrote Odes | Horace | 42%
Third and second-century BC playwright, wrote The Pot of Gold, The Swaggering Soldier, other comedies | Plautus | 36%
Second-century AD poet, wrote especially caustic Satires | Juvenal | 32%
First-century BC Epicurean philosopher, wrote long, atheistic poem On the Nature of Things | Lucretius | 32%
Fifth and sixth-century AD philosopher and political advisor, wrote The Consolation of Philosophy | Boethius | 28%
First-century BC historian, wrote Catiline's War and the Jugurthine War | Sallust | 27%
First-century AD rhetoritician who wrote textbook on oratory | Quintilian | 16%
Fourth-century AD historian, wrote history of the late Empire, only accounts of 353-378 AD survive | Ammianus Marcellinus | 11%