Suggested Quizzes

Biggest Cities in the United States0-4.91776,607
Biggest Cities in Texas0-4.23108,283
Biggest Urban Areas in the UK0-4.38163,542
Biggest Metro Areas in the USA0-4.98311,539
Biggest Cities with a Muslim Majority0-4.6395,782
Biggest English-Speaking Cities0-4.37132,878
Biggest Spanish-Speaking Cities0-4.84105,295
Biggest Cities by Language0-4.95207,112
Biggest Mediterranean Cities0-4.6173,069
Jewish Cities Quiz0-4.3058,306
Biggest Cities in Japan0-4.7072,597
Biggest US Cities by Decade0-4.95149,848
Biggest Cities in Russia0-4.4674,077
Biggest Cities in Brazil0-4.5446,555
Biggest Cities in Poland0-4.5545,505
Biggest Cities Starting With A0-4.47107,696
Biggest Cities Starting With B0-4.29142,275
Biggest Cities Starting With C0-4.0393,939
Biggest Cities Starting With D0-4.46103,590
Biggest Cities Starting With H0-4.5393,204
Biggest Cities Starting With L0-4.41105,539
Biggest Cities Starting With M0-4.50123,093
Biggest Cities Starting With P0-4.46109,522
Biggest Cities Starting With S0-4.35110,240
Biggest Cities Starting With T0-4.28111,415
Biggest Cities in Mexico0-4.5324,095
Biggest U.S. Cities Starting with A0-4.3180,256
Biggest U.S. Cities Starting with B0-4.3467,150
Biggest U.S. Cities Starting with C0-4.2275,058
Biggest U.S. Cities Starting with D0-4.0980,926
Biggest U.S. Cities Starting with M0-4.1064,392
Biggest U.S. Cities Starting with N0-4.1460,160
Biggest U.S. Cities Starting with O0-4.1320,175
Biggest U.S. Cities Starting with P0-3.8554,879
Biggest U.S. Cities Starting with L0-4.1958,409
Biggest U.S. Cities Starting with S0-4.2765,712
Biggest U.S. Cities A-Z0-4.51118,592
Biggest World Cities A-Z0-4.38178,721
Biggest Cities in France0-4.48178,765
Biggest Cities in Spain0-4.51146,453
Biggest Cities in Italy0-4.61207,335
Biggest Cities in California0-4.34126,842
Biggest Cities in the World Quiz0-4.82628,728
Biggest Cities in New Zealand0-4.5622,158
Biggest Cities in Africa Quiz0-4.8989,497
Biggest Cities in The Netherlands0-4.5047,508
Biggest Cities in Europe0-4.49436,094
Biggest Cities in Canada0-4.63116,264
Biggest Cities in Sweden0-4.8435,464
Most Populous Countries A-Z0-4.98281,368
Biggest Cities in China0-4.43130,531
Biggest Cities in Germany0-4.94250,432
Biggest City in Each U.S. State0-4.84145,031
Biggest City in Every Country0-4.9773,658
Biggest Cities in North Carolina0-4.5330,878
Biggest Cities in Wisconsin0-4.4422,611
Biggest City by Time Zone0-4.7852,194
Biggest Two-Word U.S. Cities0-4.4596,083
Biggest English Cities by Century0-4.9395,423
Biggest Cities in Switzerland0-4.5242,065
Biggest European Cities by Letter0-4.51115,700
Biggest Cities in India0-4.6060,151
Biggest Cities in Asia0-4.9292,010
Biggest City by Island0-4.5044,857
Biggest Cities in History0-4.4776,492
Biggest Cities by Trait #10-4.4342,161
U.S. Cities A-Z0-4.2530,109
World Cities A-Z #10-4.4757,720
European Cities A-Z0-4.2169,198
British Places A-Z0-4.2773,775
Biggest Cities in Europe, 1700 A.D.0-4.9563,300
Rivers A-Z0-4.3030,851
Islands A-Z0-4.4599,956
Capitals A-Z0-4.7540,804
Five Biggest Cities by Country0-4.52146,629
Capitals A-Z #20-4.4024,835
World Cities A-Z #20-4.4050,691
Southernmost Countries A-Z0-4.95137,770
Northernmost Countries A-Z0-4.99166,040
Countries with the Most Borders A-Z0-4.98107,156
Least Populous Countries A-Z0-4.99159,067
100 Biggest US Cities in 19000-4.4459,755
Top 10 World Cities Through History0-4.4266,318
Biggest Coastal City by Country0-4.5526,659
Biggest Countries by Area A-Z0-4.96170,355
Biggest Cities in the Commonwealth of Nations0-4.5161,753
Most Populous World Capitals0-4.90135,518
Biggest City by Region0-4.4532,288
Most Populous 2nd Cities0-4.5151,487
Biggest City by Region #20-4.4522,220
Geography A-Z #10-4.6164,406
Geography A-Z #20-4.4347,966
Biggest European Cities by Century0-4.96114,507
Countries Closest to United States A-Z0-4.7492,720
Richest Countries A-Z0-4.8483,373
Countries Closest to the United Kingdom A-Z0-4.92170,225
Countries Closest to Spain A-Z0-4.9783,801
Spain A-Z0-4.2025,382
Geography A-Z #30-4.2135,844
Geography A-Z #40-4.3023,341
Biggest Cities by Latitude0-4.7025,729
25 Biggest Cities of the Soviet Union0-4.9467,508
Countries A-Z by Neighbor0-5.00161,484
California A-Z0-4.4327,360
Italy A-Z0-4.3739,323
Russia A-Z0-4.3325,181
China A-Z0-4.5357,337
New York City A-Z0-4.1129,510
Germany A-Z0-4.5047,851
Japan A-Z0-4.4637,084
Australia A-Z0-4.4237,270
India A-Z0-4.2729,906
Largest World Cities With Four Letters0-4.4242,271
Biggest Cities once in the Roman Empire0-4.6362,912
Biggest Axis-Controlled Cities0-4.2533,011
Biggest Two-Word Cities0-4.6337,824
Five Biggest World Cities by Letter #10-4.9364,974
Five Biggest World Cities by Letter #20-4.8061,114
Cities of Ireland0-4.4238,226
Largest Cities in Alexander's Empire0-4.4737,848
Five Most Populated Cities by Continent0-4.94159,763
Biggest Cities in the World - Extreme0-4.9887,528
Biggest Cities once in the Spanish Empire0-4.8049,335
Geography A-Z #50-4.3333,864
Biggest Cities in the U.S. - Extreme0-4.93127,034
Cities of China (With Some Help)0-4.8627,052
Biggest Cities in Asia - Extreme0-4.9041,265
Biggest Cities with Exceptions0-4.8546,568
Biggest Cities in Germany - Extreme0-4.8542,682
Biggest Cities in the UK0-4.4188,225
10 Biggest Cities That Aren't World Capitals0-4.9489,558
Biggest World Cities in 18500-4.6362,880
Megacities on a World Map0-4.98213,204
15 Largest Cities in Europe With a Map0-4.98190,446
Biggest Cities in the Southern Hemisphere0-4.7652,006
15 Largest Cities in Asia With a Map0-4.97104,132
15 Largest Cities in the Middle East With a Map0-4.8680,280
Biggest Cities once in the Ottoman Empire0-4.7641,832
Ten Northernmost Megacities0-4.4145,996
15 Largest Cities in South America With a Map0-4.9587,477
100 Biggest Cities on a World Map0-4.99353,385
Shortest Country Name A-Z0-4.99205,020
U.S. Cities With Population > 1 Million0-4.4453,743
Biggest U.S. Cities Within 100 Kilometers0-4.4637,001
Biggest World Cities within 1,000 Km0-4.4638,884
All 1M Cities by Proximity0-5.00490,077
Megacities on an Empty Map0-4.9683,900
World Cities Based on Location A-Z - #10-4.4040,116
2,000 Biggest World Cities Furthest from a Larger City0-4.9757,726
All 3M Cities on the World Map0-4.9460,113
European Geography A-Z0-4.3943,736
All Cities in China with Population of 1 Million0-4.6035,503
Northernmost Major City by Country0-4.5229,916
10 Biggest Cities by U.S. State0-4.9126,297
All Cities in India with Population of 1 Million0-4.8238,193
African Geography A-Z0-4.2320,237
Ten Biggest Cities by Hemisphere0-4.9461,045
Top 10 Most Populous U.S. State Capitals0-4.4549,774
Two Largest Cities by First Two Letters0-4.6060,516
U.S. States by Second Most Populous City0-4.4238,856
Largest World Capitals with Exceptions0-4.6849,631
Biggest Cities in Europe - Extreme0-4.7066,518
First U.S. States to Reach 1 Million People0-4.4757,534
First U.S. Cities to Reach 100,000 People0-4.6054,567
Biggest Cities in Deserts0-4.9340,649
100 Biggest Cities in Europe with a Map0-4.97290,121
250 Biggest Cities in Europe With a Map0-4.9091,299
Biggest Cities in Each U.S. State - Extreme0-4.9166,721
Biggest "Saint" Cities - United States0-4.4632,949
Biggest Cities with a Tropical Climate0-4.3628,995
Ten Southernmost Megacities0-4.8244,966
Flags to Largest Cities0-4.6228,343
500 Biggest US Cities0-4.8589,890
Fastest Shrinking U.S. Cities0-4.4428,023
A-Z Cities by Pictures0-4.4437,548
Saint Lucia Country Quiz0-4.6015,535
Countries with the Greatest Elevation A-Z0-4.7052,020
Countries with the Most Forest A-Z0-4.6049,049
Every 1,000,000+ City on a Map0-4.9974,598
Biggest Cities in France - Extreme0-4.8739,523
100 Biggest Cities in Italy on a Map0-4.7058,754
100 Biggest Cities in Germany on a Map0-4.8668,895
Biggest Cities and Towns in England - 1377 AD0-4.5823,696
Name an Official Language A-Z0-4.88127,082
Ethnic Groups A-Z0-4.5426,676
100 Biggest Cities in Spain on a Map0-4.5733,346
Most Populous Cities as a Percent of Their Continent0-4.8856,595
Paris A-Z0-3.9615,881
Rome A-Z0-4.3514,414
Los Angeles A-Z0-4.148,454
Chicago A-Z0-4.189,855
Biggest Cities in Australia on a Map0-4.6131,048
Largest Nordic Cities on a Map0-4.5217,991
Hong Kong A-Z0-4.5213,120
100 Biggest Cities in New Zealand with a Map0-4.4719,699
100 Biggest Cities in North America on a Map0-4.8049,485
Biggest Cities in the Confederate States in 18600-4.3921,520
European Cities in the Top 200 Worldwide0-4.5334,962
Name a World Capital A-Z0-5.00133,038
Scotland A-Z0-4.7436,276