Currently Saarema works as a type-in (and it is thus impossible to write Saaremaa). For me, writing Saarenmaa is less of an insult than "Saarema", which probably doesn't mean anything in any language.
Without having checked any maps - if Asian Greek islands are in, then the Canary Islands and Madeira should be included. Perhaps going as far as Reunion and other colonial ones for France? On the other hand, Greece is mostly thought of as one chunk and all the islands being part of that "Greece proper", Madeira, Canaries and all those French outliers are thought of as outliers and not really part of X proper. Ehm. Just draw a line somewhere, and in true JetPunk fashion there'll be a bunch of people arguing that it should be somewhere else.
It's a bit difficult to draw the line between Europe and Asia somewhere in the Aegean, so I included all Aegean islands in the quiz. However, none of the Turkish islands are large enough. Gökçeada is the largest with 9k inhabitants.
Didn't know there was more than one Holy Island. And this made the inclusion very puzzling because 10k people on THE Holy Island would be impossible long term and certainly not in social distancing times.
The fact that the Anglesey one has a population that big is quite surprising.
Fun and very difficult. I got 37, although two of them were from typos that somehow happened to be acceptable type-ins for Streymoy and Goeree-Overflakkee. I only knew Ile de Re because my cousin did a summer exchange program there through his French class.
There are plenty famous smaller islands – Stromboli, Vulcano, Lampedusa, Heligoland, Ios, Patmos and many other Greek and Croatian islands. Or Scottish or Scandinavian if one is more familiar with that part of Europe
Flevoland should be replaced by Flevopolder. Flevoland (population 408k) is the entire province consisting of 1/3 part reclaimed mainland (Noordoostpolder) and 2/3 island. The island part is called Flevopolder and only has 317k inhabitants.
I really cannot find any source referring to the island part as Flevoland. I think you can allow it as a possible answer, but it really should show up as Flevopolder
There's something wrong with Venice. Just Cannaregio is listed, but it's just one of the six historical neighborhoods that constitute the city, the others being Castello (30k inhabitants), Dorsoduro (15,5k), Santa Croce (5k), San Marco (4k) and San Polo (4k). None of these properly makes up a single island, since the original topography of the lagoon has been - quite obviously - deeply reshaped century after century. Venice should be definitely counted as one, with around 60k inhabitants as a whole.
Got 47, including Noirmoutier (thanks for starting there in 2018, Tour de France!) but missed out on Mykonos (spelled it Myconos) Shetland and Orkney Mainland (Mainland alone wasn't enough), Anglesey (spelled it Anglesea), Fehmarn (missed one “Germany” clue apparently), and all the other ones which either didn't cross my mind or which I never heard of before.
Good quiz but I did not do very well on this quiz, I never realised there were so many populated islands in Europe, I'll have to swat up a bit more before trying this again.
Plate tectonics were discovered a very, very long time after the concept of continents was birthed and the two things have very little to do with one another.
A few nitpicks: One of the umlauts of Färingsö are missing. Sjælland is spelled with æ. You have included Södertörn although parts of it are only separated from the mainland by manmade canals. I guess you've included it because Statistics Sweden has classified it as an island (since 2014). But at the same time, the same government organization has stopped classifying Hertsön as an island (also since 2014).
And a question: What continent do the Azores belong to if not Europe? You have included the Channel Islands, Isle of Man and Åland even though they are overseas territories.
The note says "Azores, Canary Islands, Cyprus and any overseas territories are not included". Madeira is not any of the above, yet it is not an answer to the quiz.
The lowest % I guessed, which isnt in my own country, is mykonos. And I got Fasta Åland while trying to get Öland ( I think... maybe I did mean Åland, I just never seen/heard it with fasta in front
Åland refers to the archipelago. Fasta åland is the main island in the archipelago. It's similar to Shetland mainland in the Shetland islands for example.
The homepage of the municipality Hiiumaa Vald lists a population of 9558. Which is also used in the English Wikipedia article with an additional "(2019)". While the Wikipedia article in my language lists 11087 which is probably older data.
This is just silly, calling a polder an island, crikey I lived on sodermalm, never saw it as an island spose it is tho. How about the Isle of Dogs in London, romney thanet etc etc.
L'Île-Saint-Denis, an island city on the Seine river in the suburbs of Paris, with 8646 inhab.
Grande-Île in Strasbourg, unfortunately there is no reliable data. This city website says 14675 inhab including a small adjacent neighbourhood, so it is reasonable to suppose Grande-Île has about 10k.
Azores, Canary islands, Cyprus and any overseas territories are not included
The fact that the Anglesey one has a population that big is quite surprising.
Shouldn't the Île-de-France be included then?
And a question: What continent do the Azores belong to if not Europe? You have included the Channel Islands, Isle of Man and Åland even though they are overseas territories.
(Which I guess would mean oil country in german)
The use of the point rather than the comma is a European convention. It's a bit confusing but appropriate given the topic of the quiz.
Very pedantic, but the "i" in Canary islands should be capitalized.
L'Île-Saint-Denis, an island city on the Seine river in the suburbs of Paris, with 8646 inhab.
Grande-Île in Strasbourg, unfortunately there is no reliable data. This city website says 14675 inhab including a small adjacent neighbourhood, so it is reasonable to suppose Grande-Île has about 10k.,1%20%25%20de%20la%20population%20strasbourgeoise.