Letter | Clue | Answer | % Correct |
A | The Sun Summoner | Alina Starkov | 99%
J | Sharpshooter and gambler | Jesper Fahey | 93%
G | Talented tailor | Genya Safin | 91%
N | How the dregs say "good luck" | No mourners, no funerals | 88%
V | Surname of Jan, Alys and Wylan | Van Eck | 86%
P | Kaz's arch nemesis | Pekka Rollins | 85%
W | Nickname of Inej | Wraith | 83%
L | Ravka's royal family | Lantsov | 82%
K | Grisha garment | Kefta | 81%
D | Fjerda's god | Djel | 78%
H | Kerch prison | Hellgate | 78%
F | Grisha who works with metal | Fabrikator | 75%
C | Dregs' gambling den | Crow Club | 72%
B | Creator of jurda parem | Bo Yul-Bayur | 71%
T | Owner of the Menagerie | Tante Heleen | 69%
E | The Order of Summoners | Etherealki | 67%
I | Creator of three amplifiers | Ilya Morozova | 63%
U | Also called the Shadow Fold | Unsea | 62%
R | Kaz's real surname | Rietveld | 58%
M | Ravkan word for magic or abomination | Merzost | 47%
O | Black Tip member who lost an eye | Oomen | 45%
S | Kaz and Inej's residence | Slat | 45%
Y | Monk who worships the Starless Saint | Yuri Vedenen | 44%
Z | Another word for Grisha | Zowa | 40%
Q | Disease also called firepox | Queen's Lady Plague | 20%
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