Dodge (2). Magic: Add a Bone to the enemy hand.
Sans Dog
Magic: Add Flour, Eggs, and Milk to your deck. Dust: Draw a TOKEN card.
Killer Cook
Need: You spent G on spells last turn. Magic: Cast the most expensive spell from your deck on the monster in front of this (max cost: 10).
Haste. Magic: Paralyze a monster. Delay: If it's dead and this is alive, return to your deck with +1 base ATK. At 5, turn into Snowgrave.
Armor. Whenever this takes DMG, add a random Chaos Weapon to your hand.
Support: Program (1): Give the attacker +2 HP and trigger the Shock. Shock: Give +2 HP to you.
Butler Ralsei
Haste. Dust: Copy this to your hand with -1/-1/-1 base stats. At 1 base ATK or less turn into Demon Flowey.
Whenever you cast a non-Generated spell, add a copy of it to your hand.
Hooded Ralsei
Magic: Have an ally non-DT monster's stats (rounded up) and summon an exact copy of it. Program (4): Summon another.
Mad Mew Mew
Magic: Look at all non-DT monsters in the enemy hand and choose one. Halve its ATK and HP (rounded down) and add an exact copy to your hand.
Mio Mio San
Charge. Whenever this attacks the opponent, give 2 random monsters in your hand +1 ATK.
Biker Lancer
Taunt. Magic: Fill your hand with Too Many Dogs.
Legendary Artifact
Taunt. Turn end: If you spent 6+ G on spells this turn, add a copy of this with +1/+1 base stats to your hand.
Magic: Add the Royal Invention of your SOUL to your hand.
Magic: Remove negative effects from all other ally monsters and fully heal them.
Need: You cast a spell of every SOUL this game. Magic: Add a Chaos Bomb to your hand.
Caged Jester
Magic: Fill your board with Blue Houses and enemy board with Red Houses. Delay: Kill all Blue Houses.
Captain Rouxls
Magic: Add a Thrashing Machine to your hand with Haste and Candy for each unique tribe in your dustpile.
Magic: Add a Junk for Sale to your hand.
Transparency. You are Invulnerable. Magic: Add a Puzzle Box to the enemy hand.
Rouxls Kaard
Dodge (3). Charge. Magic and Turn start: Add a Gaster Blaster to your hand.
Need: Your dustpile has monsters costing from 1 to 10. Magic: Burn them to add 3 Chalks to your deck.
Teacher Alphys
Magic: Look at the enemy hand. Choose a card to send to the enemy deck.
Teacher Toriel
Magic: Send your hand to your deck. Add 7 Arcane Codes to your hand.
Dog Slots
Magic: Return another non-DT ally monster to your hand with -8 cost. Delay: Burn it if it's not on the board.
MTT Reporter
Magic: Burn all Pipis in your dustpile. Add a Pipis with Haste to your hand for each burned. Give them +1/+1 for each one not added.