Cool quiz. If I'd done it myself I think I would have cut it off at top 20 rather than top 30. 30 makes a pretty big circle, it's almost a name-every-country-in-Europe quiz. Missing Kosovo, Macedonia, Greece, Ukraine, Moldova, Russia, Belarus, the Baltic States... that's about it, right? But good quiz anyway.
I'd recommend re-measuring the distances. It's hard to believe that Romania (928 miles) is closer to the UK than the Baltic states when Finland is 692 miles away. Consider measuring a few distances from the Shetland or Orkney islands, as those are British isles too.
Another solution would be to cut the quiz at 20 countries. More than half European countries are answers for this quiz.
Another solution would be to cut the quiz at 20 countries. More than half European countries are answers for this quiz.