Definition | Term | % Correct |
Connects computer systems within small area such as house, office building, or school, allowing use of peripheral devices such as printers and external hard drives by connected computer systems. | Local Area Network (LAN) | 86%
Connects computer systems within large geographical area, such as cities, countries, or network of contries. | Wide Area Network (WAN) | 84%
More sophisticated than above two, can join multiple networks and acts as intermediary between networks for effective and efficient data exchange between devices | Router | 77%
Global network of a large array of computers and networks connected together | Internet | 73%
Internet | 73%
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"Bus" connects all devices through common cable | {Bus} topology | 71%
Makes "tunnelled" network connection through Internet or any public network. Enables device to exchange and access data across Internet as if it were directly connected to a private network. | Virtual Private Network (VPN) | 69%
Similar to above but wireless; easier for laptop and mobile devices but less secure | Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) | 69%
Network | 67%
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Computer system or software application that provides service to other computer systems on same network | Server | 67%
Nodes/Computers are connected to central node (computer or hub) | {Star} topology | 67%
Like above but knows which port to send data to | Switch | 64%
Requests service from above connected to same network. | Client | 61%
Connection point for devices on a single network that transfers data from one device to all other connected devices, slowing down network | Hub | 60%
Interconnects devices centred around one person's workspace, maximum 10m range. | Personal Area Network (PAN) | 58%
Application | 57%
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Application | 57%
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Physical | 56%
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International rules that ensure data transfer or communication between systems. | Protocol | 56%
Nodes/Computers connected in a circle; no central node | {Ring} topology | 56%
Transport | 51%
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Transport | 51%
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Handles system resources with responsibility for managing all protocols, hardware, and applications to cooperate so that network can function properly | Operating System (OS) | 50%
Portion of message that is transmitted through network. Has data such as check digits and destination address. | Data packet | 49%
Collection of private computer networks within company, school, or organization, whose main purpose is to facilitate communication between individuals or work groups and to improve data sharing. | Intranet | 49%
Uses distributed network architecture where all computer systems (nodes or peers) in network are decentralized and are clients and servers at the same time. | Peer-to-Peer (P2P) | 49%
Partitions LAN | Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN) | 48%
Allows large storage devices to be accessed by servers conveniently | Storage Area Network (SAN) | 47%
Data link | 45%
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Most widely used example of above. Reference model that aims to facilitate communication across variety of systems. | Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model | 44%
Presentation | 43%
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Session | 42%
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Utilizes above to selectively authorize users to specific LAN(s) or WAN(s); to everyone else, LAN or WAN in question is private. | Extranet | 41%
Consists of websites and webpages, and support for services such as email and file transfer | World Wide Web (WWW) | 39%
Carries beam of light, used for data transmission and telephone lines. Higher speeds with high security but very expensive. | Fibre optic cable | 34%
Reduces number of bits by identifying and then eliminating statistical redundancy. No loss of information. | Lossless compression | 32%
Some loss of information, no way to get original file back. Examples: JPG, MPEG2 | Lossy compression | 32%
Hierarchical protocol model that models and represents all functionality required for successful communication between users. | Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) | 32%
Fourth generation of mobile telecommunication technology; released after above. Used for mobile Internet access to laptops, smartphones, etc. | 4G | 30%
Third generation of mobile telecommunication technology. Mobile networking and telecommunications technology used in wireless telephony, GPS and location based services, mobile Internet access, video calls, and mobile TV. More secure than 2G. | 3G | 29%
Uses microwave radio to exchange data at very low power levels. Frequencies change regularly. | Bluetooth | 29%
Fifth generation of mobile telecommunication technology. Not yet publicly available but aims to be faster than previous generations. | 5G | 27%
Theoretical speed of data in media | Bandwidth | 27%
Necessary to prevent unauthorized data access during Internet use. Uses complex mathematical algorithms and keys to render message incomprehensible to unauthorized people. Two categories below. | Encryption | 27%
Process to determine error | Error {checking} | 27%
Network security system that determines what data comes in/goes out of network or computer | Software firewall | 27%
Most common cabling in networks | Copper cable | 26%
Reduction of bits by encoding data using fewer bits than original file/representation | Data compression | 24%
Provided by wireless router, allows wireless data transfer between device and network. | Wireless Access Point (WAP) | 23%
Cheap to install, consists of two copper conductors. Used in networks as well as carrying TV signals. | Coaxial cable | 22%
Allows wireless connection to Internet | Modem | 22%
Specifies set of protocols for accessing information over mobile wireless network, e.g. Internet access, email exchange. Supported by most operating systems | Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) | 22%
When two or more network competing actions are waiting for other to finish but neither does | Deadlock | 20%
Based on this, networks permit access to certain devices. Consists of 12 digits or letters e.g. 1a:2b:3c:4d:5e:6f; what every network card has when manufactured. | MAC address | 20%
Application software used to find, retrieve, and display content on WWW, including web pages, text, images, audio, videos, etc. | Web browser | 20%
Accuracy of data following input, transmission, storage, or processing | Data integrity | 19%
Provide common international "language" that enables compatibility for all computer systems globally | Standards | 19%
Ability to repair error | Error {correction} | 17%
Communication method where file is divided into packets before transmission. Each packet is sent to destination via different routes. Delays are minimal. | Packet switching | 17%
Created by slowest segment of network that affects above | Bottleneck | 16%
Type of above, as well as standard for wireless communication of high-speed data for smartphones. Goal: to be fast and to have large capacity | Long-Term Evolution (LTE) | 16%
Extra digit added to numerical data | Check digit | 15%
When request on network resources exceeds capacity | Congestion | 15%
Another type of above-above. Provides portable mobile broadband connectivity across cities or countries through many devices. Relatively low cost | Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) | 15%
Two wires twisted with each other. Easy and cheap to install | Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) cable | 14%
Required for devices to connect to wireless network | Network Card | 13%
Actual transfer rate of data. Affected by interference, traffic, number of connected devices, errors, etc. | Throughput | 13%
Took over above as interim security measure. Uses Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) block cipher. Considered best protection but strong password still recommended | Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA/WPA2) | 12%
Slowing down data flow rate in order to prevent overload of resources due to limited memory and bandwidth in network infrastructures | Flow control | 11%
Only for very short distances, cannot pass through objects. Directional. | Infrared | 11%
Used extensively for mobile telephone networks and LANs. Information transmitted through air. High bandwidth but lower than cables. | Microwave radio | 11%
Public key for encryption and private key for decryption | Public-key encryption | 11%
Like above but pairs are wrapped. More difficult to install. | Shielded Twisted Pair (STP) | 10%
Protocol that allows server to automatically assign IP address to client device. Very effective and convenient. | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) | 8%
Network access | 8%
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Uses microwave signals | Satellite | 8%
Most common data encryption technique, provides data confidentiality. Adds processing overheads that slow down wireless connection. Cracking is possible but novice users cannot do so. Offers interoperability with older devices/access to legacy wireless device. | Wireless Equivalent Protocol (WEP) | 8%
"Name" of WLAN. Maximum 32 characters, case-sensitive. | Service Set Identification (SSID) | 7%
Same key for encryption and decryption | Symmetric-key encryption | 7%
Significantly increase effective communication area of wireless network. Fixed, optional, or removable. | Wireless antennas | 7%
Transfer rate of usable data | Goodput | 6%
Identity of sender has been validated. Can be proven by data signatures. | Source integrity | 6%
Connects to router or access point | Wireless repeater | 6%
Operates with various radio technologies. | RFID | 4%
Network security protocol specially designed to allow novice and residential users to securely operate wireless network. Requires router and compatible devices. Has known security weaknesses. | Wireless Protected Setup (WPS) | 3%
Wireless computer communication with lasers | Free space optics | 2%
Operates or controls hardware of network card, acting as a translator to device. | Network Interface Card driver | 2%
Includes all software that prevents unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, etc. Includes access, but not limited to, control, firewall, anti-spyware, anti-tamper, antivirus. | Security software | 2%
Can measure data and parameters such as temperature, sound, and pressure for physical or environmental reasons such as sampling, security, health-care monitoring, and underware measurements. | Sensor networks | 2%
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