nr | Hint | Answer | % Correct |
94 | Part five | Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII | 75%
95 | Part Seven | Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII | 75%
127 | 20th anniversery PSP edition | Final Fantasy | 75%
93 | Four part Tribute to JRPG | Final Fantasy VII | 75%
21 | Part of a Complete Breakfast | Kingdom Hearts | 75%
54 | Keyblades for the Price of Uno | Kingdom Hearts II | 75%
97 | Altaïr | Assassin's Creed | 50%
116 | Ezio | Assassin's Creed II | 50%
5 | Bears | Banjo Kazooie | 50%
56 | Why is it so Dark? | Banjo-Tooie | 50%
133 | Big Daddy and Little Sister | Bioshock | 50%
208 | Daddy Issues | Bioshock 2 Remastered | 50%
76 | Feat. Pat the NES Punk | Castlevania | 50%
87 | Not Simon or Richter but Alucard! | Castlevania: Symphony of the Night | 50%
75 | Foul mouthed Squirrel | Conker's Bad Fur Day | 50%
183 | A Hero With No Neck! | Crash Bandicoot | 50%
36 | What the Hell is a Bandicoot? | Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back | 50%
89 | Crash vs Uka Uka | Crash Bandicoot 3 - Warped | 50%
68 | Beradman's Plight | Dark Souls | 50%
145 | Scholar of Many Deaths | Dark Souls II | 50%
23 | Oh Bananah! | Donkey Kong 64 | 50%
85 | the Kong on the SNES | Donkey Kong Country | 50%
201 | A Platformer Star Returns Donkey Kong Country Returns | Donkey Kong Country Returns | 50%
173 | GO TO HELL! | DOOM | 50%
91 | JRPG only on Wii U virtual console | EarthBound | 50%
43 | Killing Gods | God of War | 50%
135 | More Kratos | God of War II | 50%
187 | Kratos' Last Hurrah! | God of War III | 50%
122 | cute all consuming animal | Kirby Super Star | 50%
30 | Free Mansions for Everyone | Luigi's Mansion | 50%
115 | Rock Man? | Mega Man 1, 2, & 3 | 50%
126 | Rock man? | Mega Man 4, 5, & 6 | 50%
134 | Rock man? | Megaman 7 | 50%
1 | Also played 3 times on SBB | Megaman X | 50%
71 | X vs X-Hunters | Megaman X2 | 50%
99 | Still thuggin' | Megaman X3 | 50%
41 | Featuring. The Warp Zone | Mega Man X4 | 50%
63 | Clunky controlled Snake | Metal Gear Solid | 50%
120 | GBA JRPG | Mother 3 | 50%
181 | The Adventure Unfolds! | Paper Mario | 50%
98 | Catch 'em all with Jwittz and the Dex | Pokemon Gold, Silver and Crystal | 50%
38 | Jirard Red, Greg Blue, Alex Yellow | Pokemon Red, Blue and Yellow | 50%
197 | Feat. Tamashii Hiroka & Sunder | Pokemon Ruby, Saphire and Emerald | 50%
40 | Red Gred Redemption | Red Dead Redemption | 50%
16 | Scott Beardman vs. the World! | Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game | 50%
213 | It's okay to Steal if You're Cute | Sly 2: Band of Thieves | 50%
165 | Pimp Canes and Stealth | Sly Cooper and The Thievius Raccoonus | 50%
6 | Raiders of the Chaos Emeralds | Sonic 3 and Knuckles | 50%
55 | Battle: Battle Front 2? | Sonic Adventure 2 | 50%
27 | They Made a Sonic Movie? | Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut | 50%
136 | Feat. SomecallmeJohnny | Sonic The Hedgehog 2 | 50%
100 | Lot's of cameo's | Sonic The Hedgehog 2006 | 50%
74 | Little Dragon | Spyro The Dragon | 50%
22 | Do a barrel roll | Star Fox 64 | 50%
140 | How the Whip was Changed | Super Castlevania 4 | 50%
82 | Mario's a Cat now | Super Mario 3D World | 50%
67 | It's a Me! | Super Mario 64 | 50%
14 | All starred up Ep. 1 | Super Mario Bros. 2 | 50%
51 | All starred up | Super Mario Bros. 3 | 50%
34 | All starred up | Super Mario Bros. & The Lost Levels | 50%
106 | Mario in Space | Super Mario Galaxy | 50%
153 | The Mellow Black Friday | Super Mario Galaxy 2 | 50%
11 | Legend of the Seven Aldas | Super Mario RPG | 50%
32 | Clean up the island | Super Mario Sunshine | 50%
105 | Dragonborn | The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Legendary Edition | 50%
60 | Created by Alex together with Mario | The Legend of Zelda | 50%
8 | Not randomized | The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past | 50%
218 | A Breath of Fresh Air | The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild | 50%
110 | Wake up Link! | The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening | 50%
164 | The Darkest Zelda Game? | The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD | 50%
53 | No one is Safe from the Tongue | Yoshi's Island | 50%
70 | Completionist vs Defend it! | Zelda II: The Adventure of Link | 50%
225 | A Superstar in the Making | ARMS | 25%
202 | More Ezio | Assassins Creed Brotherhood | 25%
160 | City of Hell | Batman: Arkham City | 25%
193 | Stop Saying it's Dark Souls! | Bloodborne | 25%
113 | He can't jump but can solve puzzles | Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker | 25%
65 | The Story About A Cave | Cave Story | 25%
200 | The 200th Episode! | Chrono Trigger | 25%
226 | The Curse of Trash Bandicoot | Crash Team Racing | 25%
161 | The Merc With the Mouth | Deadpool | 25%
92 | Zombies in a mall | Dead Rising | 25%
39 | Durdley Kerg Racing | Diddy Kong Racing | 25%
189 | Feat ProJared | Final Fantasy Tactics | 25%
109 | Animatronics part 1 | Five Nights at Freddy's | 25%
114 | Animatronics part 2 | Five Nights at Freddy's 2 | 25%
124 | Feat. MatPat from GameTheory | Five Nights at Freddy's 3 | 25%
141 | Feat. Game Theory | Five Nights at Freddy's 4 | 25%
194 | The NEW Final Final Chapter? | Five Nights at Freddy's: Sister Location | 25%
192 | Jirard vs. Competicus Demon | Gears of War Ultimate Edition | 25%
130 | Mesa Black | HALF-LIFE | 25%
104 | Zelda flavored Dynasty Warriors | Hyrule Warriors | 25%
186 | Why Isn't this a Cartoon? | Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy | 25%
169 | The TRUE KeyBlade Wars | Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep | 25%
175 | Fun Size Jedi Action | Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga | 25%
223 | Princess Peach is a WMD! | Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga | 25%
144 | Voice Acting Never Hurt So Much! | Megaman 8 | 25%
152 | It's Morphin' Time! | Mighty Morphin Power Rangers The Movie | 25%
150 | Legos of the World | Minecraft | 25%
139 | Extreme Parkour | Mirrors Edge | 25%
47 | Even Greg beat the game | New Super Mario Bros. U | 25%
28 | A New Hope | No More Heroes | 25%
73 | Desperate Struggle | No More Heroes 2 | 25%
224 | Forget About J | PaRappa the Rapper Remastered | 25%
69 | No Cake? | Portal | 25%
118 | Is there cake now? | Portal 2 | 25%
206 | A Story of Filler? | Sonic and the Secret Rings | 25%
191 | The Incompletable Game!? | Sonic Boom Rise of Lyric | 25%
155 | Team Sonic or Team Dark? | Sonic Heroes | 25%
174 | Is Sonic Dead? | Sonic the Hedgehog Spinball | 25%
162 | Attack of the CGI Alfred Molina | Spider-Man 2 | 25%
131 | Single Player (part 1) | Splatoon | 25%
131 | Multiplayer (part 2) | Splatoon | 25%
199 | Spyro 2,5 | Spyro Year of the Dragon | 25%
163 | Lex Luthor is Pure Evil! | Superman 64 | 25%
88 | Wario's debut | Super Mario Land 2 | 25%
24 | All starred up Ep. 2 | Super Mario World | 25%
15 | Did you just say Boobs? | Super Metroid | 25%
111 | Nintendo fighting game | Super Smash Bros. Wii U & 3DS | 25%
151 | Classically Competitive | Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo | 25%
81 | Revisiting Link to the Past | The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds | 25%
2 | Oh My God I'm out of Mana | The Secret of Mana | 25%
3 | Dude you skate | Tony Hawk Pro Skater 2 | 25%
166 | Why is Nate So Handsome? | Uncharted 2: Among Thieves | 25%
211 | Doughnut Drake Speedrun Nightmare! | Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception | 25%
125 | First Drake | Uncharted: Drake's Fortune | 25%
216 | The Banjo-Threeie You Always Wanted? | Yooka-Laylee | 25%
204 | The Brightest Game | 3D dot Heroes | 0%
58 | The Revenge of Cupid | Actraiser | 0%
52 | Arabian Dodger | Aladdin | 0%
132 | Genesis version, Feat. Dodger | Aladdin | 0%
177 | Please Date Me | Asagao Academy | 0%
138 | Great narrator | Bastion | 0%
129 | Beating up the Joker | Batman: Arkham Asylum | 0%
17 | Claptrap | Borderlands | 0%
25 | Did he just say sushi? | Brave Fencer Musashi | 0%
72 | Blowing Bubbles | Bubble Bobble | 0%
220 | Rockin' Retro Soundtrack | Castlevania Dracula X | 0%
19 | With a C or a K? | Catherine | 0%
182 | Too Cool to Fool | Chester Cheetah: Too Cool to Fool | 0%
66 | The Bruce Willis Wars | Contra III | 0%
112 | Seven Up mascot | Cool Spot | 0%
178 | Return of the Tentacle | Day of the Tentacle Remastered | 0%
44 | That Space Between the Cushions | Dead Space | 0%
79 | Feat. Jesse Cox | Dead Space 2 | 0%
214 | Thank You Blizzard! | Diablo 3 Reaper of Souls | 0%
84 | Old Man Snitchez | Diablo II: Lord of Destruction | 0%
196 | Steal, Don't Kill | Dishonored Definitive Edition | 0%
102 | Genesis vs. HD | Earthworm Jim | 0%
48 | A Rumble in the Jungle | Far Cry 3 | 0%
221 | Seventh game in series, first in the west | Fire Emblem: The Blazing Blade | 0%
180 | Busin' til the Break of Dawn! | Ghostbusters: The Video Game | 0%
215 | Tiny Kratos Remastered | God of War Ghost of Sparta | 0%
13 | Ya dun Goofd | Goof Troop | 0%
46 | The Asparagus War | Gunstar Heroes | 0%
77 | Feat. Caddicarus | Heart of Darkness | 0%
78 | Feat. ProJared | Illusion of Gaia | 0%
18 | What the hell? | Imagine: Wedding Designers DS | 0%
45 | I'd rather be Famous | inFAMOUS | 0%
157 | I want Magnetic Skates! | Jet Set Radio | 0%
50 | It's a Rabbit Thing! | Jumping Flash | 0%
64 | Kirb Your Enthusiasm | Kirby's Dream Land | 0%
159 | Can Kirby swallow Dark Matter? | Kirby's Dream Land 2 | 0%
188 | Study in Story (Perfect Dicks) | L.A. Noire | 0%
222 | Smashing up pirates and bricks | LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean | 0%
96 | Feat. Zan Alda | Mario Strikers Charged | 0%
172 | Not Your Parents Avengers | Marvel Ultimate Alliance | 0%
212 | The Mako is the Reason Aliens don't Repect Humanity | Mass Effect | 0%
62 | Dat Smile | Max Payne | 0%
108 | Looks like The Nightmare Before Christmas | MediEvil | 0%
10 | Invasion of the Lego people | Megaman Legends | 0%
57 | Feat. MatPat from Game Theory | Metroid Prime | 0%
185 | We Will Fight in the Shade! | Metroid Prime 2: Echoes | 0%
103 | Saving little Chldren while moonwalking | Michael Jackson's Moonwalker | 0%
107 | Ninja Vanish! | Ninja Gaiden | 0%
198 | It's not a Card Game, The Card Game | Paper Mario Color Splash | 0%
146 | The Great Soda War | Pepsiman | 0%
176 | The Bearded Rookie | Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney | 0%
217 | Management Skills to put on your Resume | Pikmin | 0%
31 | Return of the Mediocre-ist | Pokemon Snap | 0%
171 | Review: The Game The Movie The Game | Ratchet and Clank (2016) | 0%
35 | I Don't Want This Mansion! | Resident Evil | 0%
121 | Back to Raccoon City | Resident Evil 2 | 0%
184 | The Movies Still Suck | Resident Evil 3: Nemesis | 0%
205 | The Worst Steve | Resident Evil Code Veronica X | 0%
209 | My Worst Game Ever? | Ride to Hell | 0%
61 | In Memory of LucasArts | Sam & Max Hit the Road | 0%
207 | Your First Choice Matter | Saw II: Flesh & Blood | 0%
158 | The Movie The Game The Rehkening | Saw The Videogame | 0%
101 | Steel Thy Shovel! | Shovel Knight | 0%
59 | Assassins Feed | Sneak King | 0%
33 | To Camelot! | Spanky's Quest | 0%
12 | SCHPIDAMAHN! | Spider-Man and Venom: Maximum Carnage | 0%
142 | All I want is a Vacation | Spyro 2: Ripto's Rage! | 0%
154 | Jacked up and good to go | StarCraft | 0%
170 | The Lyiat Wars of Wii U | Star Fox Zero | 0%
42 | Unleash the Fury | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed | 0%
128 | Unlimited Power! | Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II | 0%
143 | Celebrating 30 years of Mario | Super Mario Maker | 0%
7 | My thumbs are broken | Super Meat Boy | 0%
156 | The Violent Wookie | Super Star Wars | 0%
37 | Defeat your own music | Symphony | 0%
190 | Finally Completed! | Tales of Symphonia | 0%
137 | PS1 Fighting Game | Tekken | 0%
179 | Bring Back Japanese Jazz Fusion | Tekken 2 | 0%
117 | Reality tv based game | The Bachelor: The Videogame | 0%
26 | Wait, Where's the House? | The House of the Dead 2 | 0%
203 | Remastered and Beautifully Depressing | The Last of Us | 0%
90 | Feat. Sunder | The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask | 0%
119 | Is Jim Carey in this Zelda Game? | The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 3D | 0%
80 | Feat. Peanutbuttergamer | The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time | 0%
195 | Feat. Peanutbuttergamer | The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages | 0%
148 | Feat. ProJared & Peanutbuttergamer | The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes | 0%
4 | You want me to put this where? | The Shadow of the Colossus | 0%
83 | Co-op puzzle rodents | Tiny Brains | 0%
9 | Don't let him play this game daddy | TMNT 4: Turtles in Time | 0%
123 | Wild boy platformer | Tomba! | 0%
219 | Keep Galactus Away With Fists | Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 | 0%
167 | The Ultimate Route | Undertale | 0%
149 | Feat. Scary Games Squad | Until Dawn | 0%
86 | Western themed JRPG | Wild Arms | 0%
29 | SLOBBERKNOCKER | WWE SmackDown! vs. Raw | 0%
210 | The Most Badass Logan | X-Men Origins Wolverine | 0%
147 | Saving Yoshi One Stitch at a Time | Yoshi's Woolly World | 0%
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