Growing up in the South during the mid 1860s, it has been said that the young Wilson once witnessed defeated General Robert E. Lee march on Augusta. Which war was witnessed by Wilson?
American Civil War
Before becoming Governor of the State of New Jersey and later president, which Ivy league university did Wilson teach at?
Wilson was said to have impeccable speaking skills and charisma. Before becoming an educator, what was his profession?
Which modern day political party was Woodrow Wilson affiliated with?
Democratic Party
Who was Wilson's vice president? (hint: he bears the same name as the plan put in place by the US to reconstruct Europe after the Second World War)
Thomas R. Marshall
Which central banking system, namely known for issuing the currency, did Wilson create?
Federal Reserve
Which global conflit did Wilson lead the USA through?
World War I
What was Wilson's 1916 reelection slogan, alluding to his opposing to any foreign intervention in that war?
''He Kept Us Out of War''
Which treaty, approved by Wilson and most senate Democrats, was signed on the 28th of June 1919?
Treaty of Versailles
In order to bring everlasting peace to the world after what was the deadliest conflict ever recorded, which international organization, the predecessor of the United Nations, did Wilson take part in creating?
League of Nations
After over a century of protest by the Suffragettes, what was accorded to women by the 19th amendment, which was ratified by Wilson and would come under effect in 1920?
Right to Vote
Known to be an avid racist, what policies, similar to Apartheid in South Africa, did Wilson say to be '' not a humiliation but a benefit, and ought to be so regarded by you gentlemen'' while in a meeting with civil-rights leader William Monroe Trotter
Wilson once praised film maker D. W. Griffith for his movie ''The Birth of a Nation''. What racist cross burning organization was portrayed in the film?
Ku Klux Klan
Characterized by the blocking of blood circulation to the brain, what accident did Woodrow Wilson finally succumb to in 1924?