Infamous Americans That Impacted History

Name American figures that either nefariously changed the course of history or were suppressed before they could further impact the U.S. Not all figures are to be despised but are rather on this list due to majority depiction by historians.
Quiz by wolfather
Last updated: December 1, 2019
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First submittedApril 8, 2019
Times taken103
Average score51.5%
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Killed Alexander Hamilton; fled to Europe after being charged with treason
Aaron Burr
Crime boss that ran a multi-million dollar crime operation during the Prohibition era
Al Capone
CIA officer turned KGB double agent convicted of espionage in 1994 sentenced to life in prison
Aldritch Ames
Soviet spy convicted of perjury in 1950, served only 44 months in prison
Alger Hiss
U.S. President impeached for violating the Tenure of Office Act
Andrew Johnson
Revolutionary War hero who later betrayed the U.S.
Benedict Arnold
Former chairman of the NASDAQ stock market; confessed operator of the largest Ponzi scheme in world history and the largest financial fraud in U.S. history.
Bernie Madoff
U.S. President impeached for lying under oath about sexual allegations
Bill Clinton
Assassinated James A. Garfield
Charles J. Guiteau
Mobster crimelord dubbed "the father of organized crime," initiated the first Commission
Charles "Lucky" Luciano
U.S. President who controversially decided to invade Iraq
George W. Bush
U.S. President who did little to prevent the Great Depression and expected it to solve itself
Herbert Hoover
U.S. President who did nothing to prevent the nation from falling into the Civil War
James Buchanan
Former president of the Confederate States; poor political leader
Jefferson Davis
Assassinated Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
James Earl Ray
Founder and leader of the People's Temple cult, initiating mass suicide/murder
Jim Jones
Great Depression era gangster having robbed 24 banks and escaped jail twice
John Dillinger
Assassinated Abraham Lincoln
John Wilkes Booth
Fomer senator exacerbated the Red Scare, claiming several government officials were working for the Soviet Union without evidence
Joseph McCarthy
Convicted Soviet spy sentenced to death in 1951
Julius Rosenberg
Assassinated John F. Kennedy
Lee Harvey Oswald
Assassinated William McKinley
Leon Czolgosz
Anti-semetic who claims to be the true Jesus Christ; leader of Nation of Islam
Louis Farrakhan
U.S. President who crashed a booming economy and worsened it with ineffective policies
Martin Van Buren
U.S. President who signed the Fugitive Slave Act, setting the stage for black codes
Millard Fillmore
Chief Justice whose decision in United States v. Cruikshank effectively disabled the federal government from protecting the freed blacks from white southern terrorists during Reconstruction
Morrison Waite
Confederate army general who formed the Ku Klux Klan after losing the Civil War
Nathan Bedford Forrest
U.S. President most known for corruption and Watergate scandal
Richard Nixon
Chief Justice who decided Dred Scott and Ex Parte Merryman
Roger B. Taney
U.S. President who ended the Reconstruction era by allowing the South to return to harsh discrimination after promising to protect the rights of Black Americans
Rutherford B. Hayes
Domestic terrorist responsible for 1995 Oklahoma City bombing killing 168 and injuring 680
Timothy McVeigh
U.S. President known for corruption in Teapot Dome scandal
Warren G. Harding
Corrupt politician most notable as the "boss" of Tammany Hall and political machines
William M. Tweed
Level 36
Apr 18, 2019
Fillmore has two LL's.
Level 56
May 2, 2019
Corrected it, thanks!