Great Historical Battles

some are easier than others
Quiz by lilpeepot
Last updated: April 18, 2017
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First submittedMarch 31, 2017
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300 spartans and their 4,000 allies vs 100,000-150,000 persians resulting in a horrifically brutual battle and then a catastrophic loss for the Greeks
Battle of Thermopylae
Took place between Carthage and Rome as Hannibal prepared an army of 50,000 and proceeded to defeat the Romans (216 AD)
Battle of Cannae
Islam attempts to spread in to the Catholic heartland of France (732)
Battle of Tours
Harold Godwinson defeats Harold Hadrada (1066)
Battle of Stamford Bridge
William the bastard becomes a conquerer after the death of Harold Godwinson (1066)
Battle of Hastings
A major victory for the English during the 100 years war with France, which against all odds saw Henry V win and signs a treaty making him the next king of France after the death of Charles VI (1415)
Battle of Agincourt
A conflict which resulted in a shift in power during the War of the Roses (1461)
Battle of Towton
The battle said to have ended the War of the Roses with the arrival of Henry VII (1485)
Battle of Bosworth Field
The siege of the capital of the Aztecs during the Spanish conquest of South America (1521)
Battle of Tenochtitlan
Seen as the first "modern battle" in Japan during a defence of a famous castle by Nobunaga (1575)
Battle of Nagashino
A conflict on the sea between Queen Elizabeth of England and the Spanish off of the northen most French Coast (1588)
Battle of Gravelines
Oliver Cromwell defeats the remaining Royalists seeing the British Civil war draw to a close (1651)
Battle of Worchester
2 battles happened in one place during the Franco-Dutch war but only resulted in the loss of 3 ships (1673)
Battles of Schoonveld
The most bloody battle in the history of Ireland which ended Jacobitism (1691)
Battle of Aughrim
A conflict between Sweden and Russia, sparking the Great Northen War (1700)
Battle of Narva
A conflict during the French and indian wars which saw George Washingtons only military surrender (1754)
Battle of Fort Necessity
The battle which resulted in American independence from the British and saw some of the most renowned American and French generals and scholars defeat the Englsh (1781)
Battle of York Town
Seen as Napoleons greatest victory during his invasion of the Austrian Empire before sparking the fourth coalition against Napoleon (1805)
Battle of Austerlitz
Seen as one of the most famous battles in history as the Duke of Wellington and Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher defeat Napoleon in what is now modern day Belgium ending Napoleons rule as Emperor (1815)
Battle of Waterloo
A conflict which lasted 34 hours, killed no one and started the American Civil war (1861)
Battle of Fort Sumter
Robert E. Lee faces overwhelming forces and leads his men into one of the bloodiest battle of the whole American Civil War seeing 22,000 men die (1862)
Battle of Antietam
Robert E. Lee makes a move through virginia, but this meeting of forces led to over 50,000 casualties, the largest artillery bombardment of the entire war and the Confederacy loses confidence (1963)
Battle of Gettysburg
The longest fighting took place in this battle as Grant and Lee play a game of attrition for 13 days (1964)
Battle of Spotsylvania
The Union and Confederacy meet in mass numbers for the last time and is marked as the last battle of the American Civil War (1965)
Battle of Columbus
Custer gets cocky and is massacred by Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse during the conflict with the Plains Indians (1876)
Battle of Little Big Horn
The Sioux give their last efforts before being slaughtered and Sitting Bull is killed (1890)
Battle of Wounded Knee
The Germans expect an easy push through France but face a considerable British and French force there preventing a simple campaign (1914)
Battle of the Marne
The largest naval conflict during world war 1 as the British and German Dreadnought fleets met properly for the first and last time (1916)
Battle of Jutland
Horrific attrition took place for close to a year resulting in minimul movment, 1 million deaths, a 10 hour German artillery bombardment and saw a French "victory" (1916)
Battle of Verdun
Similar to the above but impacted the BEC more, saw mass gassings and the bloodiest day in British Military history with taking 57,000 casulties in one day (1916)
Battle of the Somme
Late July sees the Allies attempt another attack on the Germans as the French and British try to hit German lines and attack Flanders fields for the 3rd time (1917)
The Third Battle of Ypres
British Forces finally push the Germans back to the Hindenburg line with the help of American forces (1918)
Battle of Amiens
As Nazi Germany sweep through Europe the UK remains alone as they fight for the skies against the Luftwaffe (1940)
Battle of Britain
As the Germans trigger Operation Barbarossa they march through what is now modern day Ukraine and destroy a key USSR city within a month (1941)
Battle of Kiev
The American fleet decisively prevent a Japanese assault in the Pacifc and destroy 4 of the best Japanese carriers (1942)
Battle of Midway
A victory which turned the tide during the African Campaign and ended the threat to the Suez Canal and Egypt (mainly Cairo) (1942)
Battle of El Alamein
Commonly seen as the turning point of the second World War, as the Nazis and their allies reaches the Volga River, the USSR apply the "no surrender" rule to its armies holding the city (1942-43)
Battle of Stalingrad
saw less than 5,000 Allied men die within half an hour and 10,000 more injured, but opened a second front against the Nazis in france (1944)
Battle of Normandy
After Allied advancment into France the Germans attempt a counter attack during a bitter winter and saw the 101st Airborne surrounded in the Ardenne Forest (1944-45)
Battle of the Bulge
Germany refuses to surrender as the Soviets march through the streets of their capital, tens of thousands of Germans die as they refuse to give up (1945)
Battle of Berlin
During one of the most brutual assults on the Japanese by the Americans, saw an invasion of this extremely important island but cost the lives of over 100,000 men (1945)
Battle of Okinawa
Saw the beginning of Chinese intervention In the Korean War and is said to be the Australians and Canadians most important moment in the war before being pushed back and begin to prepare for a counter attack (1951)
Battle of Kapyong
Over 1,000 troops fight for 4 days against overwhelming North Vietnamese forces at LZ X-Ray in one of the first American conflicts in the Vietnam war (1965)
Battle of La Drang Valley
Part of the second stage of the 3 phase process to destroy the North Vietnamese army which included this brutual push by the 101st Airborne Divison and the 9th Marines regiment (1969)
Battle of Hamburger Hill
Level 18
Mar 31, 2017
Good quiz, but I think I need a bit more time, ended up rushing a bit. Even still really enjoyed it!