Just for the interest of JetPunk history, for people who are into that kind of thing, I made a few SVG sudden death quizzes back in June. "Only Click Primes" was actually the first one I made, published June 20 after working on it for a few days. Anyone who is friends with me can still see it, if I understand how making a quiz private works--I made that quiz private when the new format came out. Mine was to 100, though, and might have been a bit unwieldy. By all means we should just enjoy a new native format and get creative!
It depends on the definition! Historically, the number 1 was considered a prime. However, modern mathematicians use a stricter definition that excludes 1. This is primarily because 1 has unique properties, such as being invertible, and it simplifies mathematical frameworks to classify invertible elements separately.
I love Dimby, but this quiz was made one day earlier. This quiz was released on November 7th and Dimby's was released on November 8th.Edit: Sorry for the mistake and thank you for correcting me!
second attempt: solve it with 30 seconds left