EXPERT LEVEL Characters in A Song of Ice and Fire / Game of Thrones

Enter the names of the many, many players in the game of thrones.
Different colors represent different houses, loyalties, ethnicities, organizations, etc.
Quiz by MungoJerry
Last updated: September 22, 2018
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First submittedAugust 6, 2018
Times taken2,955
Average score32.8%
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Lord of Winterfell
Deceased; beheaded at King's Landing
Lord Eddard Stark
Lady Stoneheart
Undead; slain at the Red Wedding; revived by Thoros of Myr
Lady Catelyn Tully
The Young Wolf
Deceased; slain at the Red Wedding
King Robb I Stark
Alayne Stone
Alive; at the Gates of the Moon
Lady Sansa Stark
Cat of the Canals
Alive; at Braavos
Princess Arya Stark
The Winged Wolf
Alive; at the cave of the three-eyed crow
Prince Brandon Stark
Youngest Stark son
Alive; on Skagos
Prince Rickon Stark
Lord Snow
Unknown; stabbed at Castle Black
Lord Commander Jon Snow
First Ranger of the Night's Watch
Unknown; missing beyond the Wall
Benjen Stark
Previous lord of Winterfell
Deceased; burned at King's Landing
Lord Rickard Stark
The Wild Wolf
Deceased; strangled at King's Landing
Brandon Stark
The She-Wolf
Deceased; succumbed to a fever at the Tower of Joy
Lyanna Stark
Maester at Winterfell
Deceased; Given the gift of mercy at Winterfell
Maester Luwin
Old servant woman
Unknown; possibly deceased or captive at the Dreadfort
Old Nan
Giant stableboy
Alive; at the cave of the three-eyed crow
Wilding turned servant
Alive; on Skagos
Septa at Winterfell
Deceased; slain at King's Landing
Septa Mordane
Septon at Winterfell
Deceased; drowned at the capture of Winterfell
Septon Chayle
Kennelmaster at Winterfell
Deceased; beheaded at Winterfell
Blacksmith at Winterfell
Deceased; slain at Winterfell
Captain of the guard at Winterfell (GoT)
Deceased; slain at King's Landing
Fat Tom
Young fat guard at Winterfell
Deceased; slain at the capture of Winterfell
Captain of the guard at Winterfell (GoT)
Unknown; missing in the riverlands
Hallis Mollen
Northern outlaw in the Brotherhood without Banners
Alive; in the riverlands
Former First Sword of Braavos
Unknown; probably slain at King's Landing
Syrio Forel
Lean grey direwolf
Deceased; slain at the Red Wedding
Grey Wind
Small grey direwolf
Deceased; slain at Darry
Fierce grey direwolf
Alive; in the riverlands
Silver direwolf
Alive; at the cave of the three-eyed crow
Wild black direwolf
Alive; on Skagos
Silent albino direwolf
Alive; at Castle Black
Master-at-arms at Winterfell
Deceased; slain at the battle at Winterfell
Ser Rodrik Cassel
Captain of the guard at Winterfell
Deceased; slain at King's Landing
Jory Cassel
Steward of Winterfell
Deceased; slain at King's Landing
Vayon Poole
"Arya Stark"
Alive; at Winterfell
Jeyne Poole
The Leech Lord
Alive; at Winterfell
Lord Roose Bolton
Lady of the Dreadfort
Alive; at Winterfell
Lady Walda Frey
The Bastard o' Bolton
Alive; at Winterfell
Ramsay Bolton
Alive; at Winterfell
Servant to the Bastard o' Bolton
Deceased; slain in the Hornwood
Master of Deepwood Motte
Alive; possibly in the Neck or captive at the Twins
Galbart Glover
Heir to Deepwood Motte
Alive; at White Harbor
Robett Glover
Lady of Deepwood Motte
Alive; at Deepwood Motte
Lady Sybelle Locke
Lord of Karhold
Deceased; beheaded at Riverrun
Lord Rickard Karstark
Lord of Karhold (SoS)
Alive; at Maidenpool
Lord Harrion Karstark
Second Karstark son
Deceased; slain at the battle in the Whispering Wood
Eddard Karstark
Third Karstark son
Deceased; slain at the battle in the Whispering Wood
Torrhen Karstark
Karstark daughter
Alive; at Castle Black
Lady Alys Karstark
Castellan of Karhold
Alive; at Winterfell
Arnolf Karstark
Son of the castellan of Karhold
Alive; at Castle Black
Cregan Karstark
Lord Too-Fat-to-Sit-a-Horse
Alive; at Winterfell
Lord Wyman Manderly
Heir to White Harbor
Alive; at White Harbor
Ser Wylis Manderly
Second Manderly son
Deceased; slain at the Red Wedding
Ser Wendel Manderly
Commander of the White Harbor garrison
Alive; at White Harbor
Ser Marlon Manderly
Daughter of the heir to White Harbor
Alive; at White Harbor
Wylla Manderly
The She-Bear
Alive; possibly in the Neck or captive at the Twins
Lady Maege Mormont
Heir to Bear Island
Deceased; slain at the Red Wedding
Dacey Mormont
The Young She-Bear
Alive; at the crofter's village west of Winterfell
Alysane Mormont
Youngest Mormont daughter
Alive; at Bear Island
Lyanna Mormont
Lord of Greywater Watch
Alive; somewhere in the Neck
Lord Howland Reed
Little Grandfather
Alive; at the cave of the three-eyed crow
Jojen Reed
Reed daughter
Alive; at the cave of the three-eyed crow
Meera Reed
The Greatjon
Alive; at the Twins
Lord Jon Umber
The Smalljon
Deceased; slain at the Red Wedding
Jon Umber
Alive; outside of Winterfell
Mors Umber
Alive; at Winterfell
Hother Umber
The Flint
Alive; at Castle Black
Lord Torghen Flint
Second Flint son
Alive; at the crofter's village west of Winterfell
Artos Flint
Middle Liddle
Alive; at the crofter's village west of Winterfell
Morgan Liddle
The Norrey
Alive; at Castle Black
Lord Brandon Norrey
Big Bucket
Alive; at the crofter's village west of Winterfell
Lord Hugo Wull
Lord of Cerwyn
Deceased; succumbed to battle wounds at Harrenhal
Lord Medger Cerwyn
Lord of Cerwyn (CoK)
Deceased; slain at the battle at Winterfell
Lord Cley Cerwyn
Master of Torrhen's Square
Deceased; slain at the battle at Duskendale
Ser Helman Tallhart
Heir to Torrhen's Square
Deceased; drowned at the Stony Shore
Benfred Tallhart
Castellan of Torrhen's Square
Deceased; slain at the battle at Winterfell
Leobald Tallhart
Lady of Barrowton
Alive; at Winterfell
Lady Barbrey Ryswell
Lady of Hornwood
Deceased; starved to death at the Dreadfort
Lady Donella Manderly
Lord of Oldcastle
Alive; at Winterfell
Lord Ondrew Locke
Lord of Goldgrass
Alive; at Winterfell
Lord Harwood Stout
Lord of the Rills
Alive; at Winterfell
Lord Rodrik Ryswell
The Old Lion
Deceased; slain at King's Landing
Lord Tywin Lannister
Former lady of Casterly Rock
Deceased; died giving birth at Casterly Rock
Lady Joanna Lannister
The Kingslayer
Alive; somewhere in the riverlands
Ser Jaime Lannister
The Imp
Alive; outside of Meereen
Tyrion Lannister
Lord Regent of the Seven Kingdoms (DwD)
Deceased; slain at King's Landing
Ser Kevan Lannister
Wife of the Lord Regent (DwD)
Alive; at Casterly Rock
Lady Dorna Swyft
Lord of Darry (CoK)
Alive; at King's Landing
Lancel Lannister
Wet Nurse
Unknown; probably slain at the riot of King's Landing
Tyrek Lannister
Second son of the Lord Regent (DwD)
Deceased; slain at Riverrun
Willem Lannister
Third son of the Lord Regent (DwD)
Alive; at the Golden Tooth
Martyn Lannister
Good-brother to the Old Lion
Deceased; slain at the Battle of Oxcross
Ser Stafford Lannister
Warden of the West (SoS)
Alive; somewhere in the riverlands
Ser Daven Lannister
The Mountain that Rides
Deceased; slain at King's Landing
Ser Gregor Clegane
The Hound
Deceased; succumbed to battle wounds somewhere in the riverlands
Sandor Clegane
Balding member of the Mountain's Men
Deceased; slain at the inn at the crossroads
The Sweetling
Deceased; slain at Braavos
Bad-mouthed member of the Mountain's Men
Alive; at Harrenhal
Torturer in the Mountain's Men
Deceased; slain at the inn at the crossroads
The Tickler
Sadistic member of the Mountain's Men
Deceased; pushed off of a wall at Harrenhal
Lord of the Crag
Alive; at the Crag
Lord Gawen Westerling
Lady of the Crag
Alive; at the Crag
Lady Sybell Spicer
Heir to the Crag
Deceased; slain at the Red Wedding
Ser Raynald Westerling
Queen in the North
Alive; at Casterly Rock
Queen Jeyne Westerling
Heir to the Crag (SoS)
Alive; at the Crag
Rollam Westerling
Lord of Crakehall
Alive; at Crakehall
Lord Roland Crakehall
Alive; at Darry
Ser Lyle Crakehall
Lord treasurer on the small council (FfC)
Alive; at Braavos
Ser Harys Swyft
The Manticore
Deceased; fed to a bear at Harrenhal
Ser Amory Lorch
Lord of Castamere
Alive; at the Golden Tooth
Ser Rolph Spicer
Cousin of the lord of Feastfires
Alive; at Casterly Rock
Ser Forley Prester
Squire to the Kingslayer
Alive; at Pennytree
Josmyn Peckledon
The King's Justice
Alive; at Pennytree
Ser Ilyn Payne
Squire to the Imp
Unknown; possibly deceased in the riverlands
Podrick Payne
Lord Commander of the City Watch of King's Landing (SoS)
Alive; somewhere south of the Red Fork
Ser Addam Marbrand
Lord of the Golden Tooth
Deceased; drowned at the Battle of the Fords
Lord Leo Lefford
Knight in service to House Kayce
Alive; at Pennytree
Ser Kennos of Kayce
Head of House Jast
Alive; at Casterly Rock
Lord Antario Jast
Lord of Nightsong (CoK)
Alive; at King's Landing
Lord Philip Foote
Lord of Hornvale
Deceased; drowned at the Battle of the Camps
Lord Andros Brax
Lord of Hornvale (CoK)
Alive; at Casterly Rock
Lord Tytos Brax
Heir to Hornvale (CoK)
Alive; at Pennytree
Ser Flement Brax
The Usurper
Deceased; succumbed to hunting wounds at King's Landing
King Robert I Baratheon
Lady of Casterly Rock (FfC)
Alive; at King's Landing
Lady Cersei Lannister
Lord of the Seven Kingdoms (GoT)
Deceased; poisoned at King's Landing
King Joffrey I Baratheon
"Daughter" of the Usurper
Alive; at the Water Gardens
Princess Myrcella Baratheon
Lord of the Seven Kingdoms (SoS)
Alive; at King's Landing
King Tommen I Baratheon
Eldest bastard daughter of the Usuper
Alive; at the Gates of the Moon
Mya Stone
The Bull
Alive; at the inn at the crossroads
Ser Gendry
Bastard son of the Usurper
Alive; at Lys
Edric Storm
King in the Narrow Sea
Alive; at the crofter's village west of Winterfell
King Stannis I Baratheon
Queen in the Narrow Sea
Alive; at Castle Black
Queen Selyse Florent
Daughter of the king in the Narrow Sea
Alive; at Castle Black
Princess Shireen Baratheon
The Red Woman
Alive; at Castle Black
Melisandre of Asshai
Onion Lord
Alive; traveling to Skagos
Lord Davos Seaworth
Wife of the Onion Lord
Alive; at Cape Wrath
Marya Seaworth
Second Seaworth son
Deceased; slain at the Battle of the Blackwater
Allard Seaworth
Squire to the king in the Narrow Sea
Alive; at Castle Black
Devan Seaworth
King in Highgarden
Deceased; slain outside of Storm's End
King Renly I Baratheon
Previous lord of Storm's End
Deceased; drowned at Shipbreaker Bay
Lord Steffon Baratheon
The Evenstar
Alive; at Evenfall Hall
Lord Selwyn Tarth
The Maid of Tarth
Alive; somewhere in the riverlands
Lady Brienne Tarth
Alive; at Griffin's Roost
Lord Jon Connington
Red Connington
Alive; at King's Landing
Ser Ronnet Connington
Lord of Nightsong
Deceased; slain at the Battle of the Blackwater
Lord Bryce Caron
The Bastard of Nightsong
Unknown; possibly deceased or captive at Dragonstone
Ser Rolland Storm
The Lightning Lord
Deceased; passed the flame of life to Lady Stoneheart somewhere in the riverlands
Lord Beric Dondarrion
Knight of House Estermont
Alive; at Lys
Ser Andrew Estermont
The Good
Alive; at Harrenhal
Ser Bonifer Hasty
Castellan of Storm's End
Deceased; slain at Storm's End
Ser Cortnay Penrose
The Mad King
Deceased; slain at King's Landing
King Aerys II Targaryen
Previous queen of the Seven Kingdoms
Deceased; died from childbirth at Dragonstone
Queen Rhaella Targaryen
The Last Dragon
Deceased; slain at the Battle of the Trident
Prince Rhaegar Targaryen
Daughter of the Last Dragon
Deceased; slain at the Sack of King's Landing
Princess Rhaenys Targaryen
Young Griff
Alive; at Griffin's Roost
Prince Aegon Targaryen
The Beggar King
Deceased; slain at Vaes Dothrak
Prince Viserys Targaryen
Mother of Dragons
Alive; somewhere in the Dothraki Sea
Queen Daenerys Targaryen
Exiled lord of Bear Island
Alive; outside of Meereen
Ser Jorah Mormont
Dothraki handmaiden to the Mother of Dragons
Alive; somewhere in the Dothraki Sea
Dothraki handmaiden to the Mother of Dragons
Alive; somewhere in the Dothraki Sea
Lysene handmaiden to the Mother of Dragons
Deceased; dies of disease in the Red Waste
The Arakh
Alive; somewhere in the Dothraki Sea
Ko Rakharo
The Whip
Alive; outside of Meereen
Ko Jhogo
The Bow
Alive; somewhere in the Dothraki Sea
Ko Aggo
Commander of the freed Unsullied
Alive; at Meereen
Grey Worm
Second in command of the freed Unsullied
Alive; outside of Meereen
Commander of the Mother's Men
Alive; at Meereen
The Strong
Alive; at Meereen
Strong Belwas
Scribe for the Mother of Dragons
Alive; at Meereen
Captain of the Stormcrows
Alive; outside of Meereen
Daario Naharis
Lord Admiral for the Mother of Dragons
Deceased; beheaded outside of Meereen
Captain Groleo
Commander of the Free Brothers
Alive; at Meereen
Symon Stripeback
Alive; at the cave of the three-eyed crow
Brynden Rivers
Deceased; slain at the Battle of the Blackwater
Ser Jacelyn Bywater
The Red
Deceased; slain in the Blackwater Bay
Ser Dontos Hollard
Pious knight of House Rambton
Deceased; burned alive at Dragonstone
Ser Hubard Rambton
Head of House Rosby of Rosby
Deceased; died of a cough at King's Landing
Lord Gyles Rosby
Lady of Stokeworth
Deceased; died of a chill at Stokeworth
Lady Tanda Stokeworth
Lady of Stokeworth (FfC)
Alive; at Stokeworth
Lady Lollys Stokeworth
Father of the Kettleblack brothers
Alive; at the Gates of the Moon
Oswell Kettleblack
First Kettleblack brother
Alive; at King's Landing
Ser Osmund Kettleblack
Second Kettleblack brother
Alive; at King's Landing
Ser Osfryd Kettleblack
Third Kettleblack brother
Alive; at King's Landing
Ser Osney Kettleblack
The Red Crab
Alive; at King's Landing
Lord Ardrian Celtigar
Maester at Dragonstone
Deceased; poisoned at Dragonstone
Maester Cressen
Maester at Dragonstone (CoK)
Alive; at Dragonstone
Maester Pylos
Fool at Dragonstone
Alive; at Castle Black
The Bastard of Driftmark
Alive; at Torturer's Deep
Aurane Waters
King of the Isles and the North (CoK)
Deceased; fell off of a bridge at Pyke
King Balon IX Greyjoy
Queen of the Isles and the North (CoK)
Alive; at Ten Towers
Queen Alannys Harlaw
The Kraken's Daughter
Alive; at the crofter's village west of Winterfell
Asha Greyjoy
Alive; at the crofter's village west of Winterfell
Theon Greyjoy
The Crow's Eye
Alive; at Oakenshield
King Euron III Greyjoy
The Iron Captain
Alive; somewhere in Slaver's Bay
Lord Captain Victarion Greyjoy
The Damphair
Alive; at Oakenshield
Aeron Greyjoy
The Cleftjaw
Alive; at Torrhen's Square
Infamous black-haired raider
Deceased; slain at the sack of Winterfell
Black Lorren
The Maid
Alive; at the crofter's village west of Winterfell
The Barber
Alive; at Oakenshield
Second-in-command of the Iron Captain (DwD)
Alive; somewhere in Slaver's Bay
Wulfe One-Ear
Lord of Lordsport (FfC)
Alive; at the crofter's village west of Winterfell
Tristifer Botley
Bastard of House Botley
Alive; at White Harbor
Wex Pyke
The Reader
Alive; at Oakenshield
Lord Rodrik Harlaw
The Drumm
Alive; at Oakenshield
Lord Dunstan Drumm
The Unsmiling
Alive; at Oakenshield
Lord of the Lonely Light
Alive; at the Lonely Light
Lord Gylbert Farwynd
Warrior of House Stonehouse
Unknown; missing in the Summer Sea
Red Ralf Stonehouse
Alive; at Pyke
Lord Erik Ironmaker
Lord of Highgarden
Alive; at King's Landing
Lord Mace Tyrell
Lady of Highgarden
Alive; at Highgarden
Lady Alerie Hightower
Heir to Highgarden
Alive; at Highgarden
Willas Tyrell
The Gallant
Alive; at Highgarden
Ser Garlan Tyrell
The Knight of Flowers
Unknown; wounded or possibly slain at Dragonstone
Ser Loras Tyrell
Queen of the Seven Kingdoms (SoS)
Alive; at King's Landing
Queen Margaery Tyrell
The Queen of Thorns
Alive; at Highgarden
Lady Olenna Redwyne
The Gross
Alive; at Highgarden
Lord Garth Tyrell
Fool at Highgarden
Alive; at Highgarden
The Blue Bard
Alive; at King's Landing
Lord of Brightwater
Deceased; burned alive at Dragonstone
Lord Alester Florent
Lord Admiral of the king in the Narrow Sea's fleet
Deceased; slain at the Battle on the Blackwater
Lord Imry Florent
The Old Man of Oldtown
Alive; at Oldtown
Lord Leyton Hightower
Lord of Horn Hill
Alive; at King's Landing
Lord Randyll Tarly
The Slayer
Alive; at Oldtown
Samwell Tarly
Heir to Horn Hill
Alive; at Maidenpool
Dickon Tarly
Maester at Greenshield
Deceased; slain in the Summer Sea
Maester Kerwin
Heir to Southshield
Deceased; slain at the taking of the Shields
Ser Talbert Serry
Lord of Longtable
Alive; at Longtable
Lord Orton Merryweather
Lady of Longtable
Alive; at Longtable
Lady Taena Merryweather
Lord of the Arbor
Alive; somewhere off the coast of Dorne
Lord Paxter Redwyne
Alive; at King's Landing
Ser Horas Redwyne
Alive; at King's Landing
Ser Hobber Redwyne
Lord of Goldengrove
Alive; at Storm's End
Lord Mathis Rowan
Knight of House Mullendore
Alive; at King's Landing
Ser Mark Mullendore
Knight of House Hunt
Unknown; possibly deceased in the riverlands
Ser Hyle Hunt
Prince of Dorne
Alive; at Sunspear
Prince Doran Martell
Heiress to Sunspear
Alive; at Sunspear
Princess Arianne Martell
Deceased; burned with dragonfire at Meereen
Prince Quentyn Martell
Second Martell son
Alive; at Sunspear
Prince Trystane Martell
The Red Viper
Deceased; slain at King's Landing
Prince Oberyn Martell
Wife of the Last Dragon
Deceased; slain at the sack of King's Landing
Princess Elia Martell
Paramour of the Red Viper
Alive; at Sunspear
Ellaria Sand
Captain of guards at Sunspear
Alive; at Sunspear
Areo Hotah
Maester at Sunspear
Alive; at Sunspear
Maester Caleotte
Milk brother of the heir to Sunspear
Alive; at Ghaston Grey
Garin of the Orphans
Eldest Sand Snake
Alive; at Sunspear
Obara Sand
Second Sand Snake
Alive; on the way to King's Landing from Sunspear
Nymeria Sand
Third Sand Snake
Alive; at Sunspear
Tyene Sand
Lord of Starfall
Alive; somewhere in the riverlands
Lord Edric Dayne
The Darkstar
Alive; at High Hermitage
Ser Gerold Dayne
The Big Man
Alive; at Meereen
Ser Archibald Yronwood
Heir to Lemonwood
Alive; at Ghaston Grey
Ser Andrey Dalt
Alive; at Meereen
Ser Gerris Drinkwater
Lady of Greenstone (FfC)
Alive; at Estermont
Lady Sylva Santagar
Master-at-arms of the Red Keep
Deceased; slain at the riot of King's Landing
Ser Aron Santagar
Lord of Riverrun
Deceased; died of old age at Riverrun
Lord Hoster Tully
Lord of Riverrun (SoS)
Alive; at Casterly Rock
Lord Edmure Tully
The Blackfish
Alive; somewhere in the riverlands
Ser Brynden Tully
Maester at Riverrun
Alive; at Riverrun
Maester Vyman
The Late Lord Frey
Alive; at the Twins
Lord Walder Frey
Heir to the Crossing
Deceased; succumbed to battle wounds at Oxcross
Ser Stevron Frey
Third son of the Late Lord
Alive; at Winterfell
Ser Aenys Frey
Sixth son of the Late Lord
Alive; at Winterfell
Ser Hosteen Frey
Ninth son of the Late Lord
Deceased; hanged at Oldstones
Merrett Frey
Lame Frey
Alive; at the Twins
Lothar Frey
Squire to the Young Wolf
Alive; at the Twins
Olyvar Frey
Bastard Frey
Alive; at Riverrun
Ser Walder Rivers
Heir to the Crossing (CoK)
Deceased; hanged near Fairmarket
Ser Ryman Frey
Deceased; slain at the Red Wedding
Aegon Frey
Little Frey
Deceased; slain at Winterfell
Walder Frey
Big Frey
Alive; at Winterfell
Walder Frey
Heir to the Crossing (FfC)
Alive; at Riverrun
Edwyn Frey
Black Frey
Alive; at Riverrun
Walder Frey
Pimple Frey
Deceased; hanged at Oldstones
Petyr Frey
Lady of Riverrun (SoS)
Alive; at the Twins
Lady Roslin Frey
Gatehouse Frey
Alive; at Darry
Lady Amerei Frey
Lord of Riverrun (FfC)
Alive; at Riverrun
Lord Emmon Frey
Lady of Riverrun (FfC)
Alive; at Riverrun
Lady Genna Lannister
Son of the second son of the Late Lord
Deceased; slain near Maidenpool
Ser Cleos Frey
Lord of Raventree Hall
Alive; at Raventree Hall
Lord Tytos Blackwood
Second Blackwood son
Deceased; slain at the Red Wedding
Lucas Blackwood
Blackwood hostage
Alive; at Pennytree
Hoster Blackwood
Lord of Stone Hedge
Alive; somewhere in the riverlands
Lord Jonos Bracken
Understeward at Harrenhal
Deceased; mauled by his dog at Harrenhal
Lord of Harrenhal (GoT)
Deceased; beheaded at Castle Black
Lord Janos Slynt
Lord of Darry
Deceased; slain at the Battle at the Mummer's Ford
Lord Raymun Darry
Master-at-arms at Riverrun
Alive; at Maidenpool
Ser Desmond Grell
Lord of Seagard
Alive; at Seagard
Lord Jason Mallister
Heir to Seagard
Alive; at Seagard
Patrek Mallister
Lord of Pinkmaiden
Alive; somewhere in the riverlands
Lord Clement Piper
Heir to Pinkmaiden
Alive; at the Twins
Ser Marq Piper
Captain of the guard at Riverrun
Alive; at Maidenpool
Ser Robin Ryger
Lord of Atranta
Alive; somewhere in the riverlands
Lord Norbert Vance
Lord of Wayfarer's Rest (GoT)
Alive; somewhere in the riverlands
Lord Karyl Vance
Steward of Riverrun
Alive; at Riverrun
Utherydes Wayn
Innkeep at the inn at the crossroads
Deceased; hanged at the inn at the crossroads
Masha Heddle
Lady of Acorn Hall
Alive; at Acorn Hall
Lady Ravella Swann
Singer at the Eyrie
Deceased; jumped out of a sky cell at the Eyrie
Previous lord of the Eyrie
Deceased; poisoned at King's Landing
Lord Jon Arryn
Lord of the Eyrie
Alive; at the Gates of the Moon
Lord Robert Arryn
Lady of the Eyrie
Deceased; pushed out of the Eyrie
Lady Lysa Tully
Maester at the Eyrie
Alive; at the Gates of the Moon
Maester Colemon
Gaoler at the Eyrie
Alive; at the Gates of the Moon
Alive; at the Gates of the Moon
Lord Petyr Baelish
Alive; at the Gates of the Moon
Ser Lothor Brune
The Mad Mouse
Alive; at the Gates of the Moon
Ser Shadrich of the Shady Glen
Heir to Heart's Home
Alive; at the Gates of the Moon
Ser Lyn Corbray
Bronze Royce
Alive; at Runestone
Lord Yohn Royce
The Red
Deceased; slain outside of Storm's End
Ser Robar Royce
High Steward of the Vale
Alive; at the Gates of the Moon
Lord Nestor Royce
Daughter of the High Steward of the Vale
Alive; at the Gates of the Moon
Myranda Royce
Lady of Ironoaks
Alive; at Ironoaks
Lady Anya Waynwood
Lord of Sweetsister
Alive; at Breakwater Castle
Lord Godric Borrell
Lord of Strongsong
Alive; at the Gates of the Moon
Lord Benedar Belmore
Captain of the guard at the Eyrie
Deceased; slain at the Eyrie
Ser Vardis Egen
Old Lord Hunter
Deceased; died suddenly at Longbow Hall
Lord Eon Hunter
Young Lord Hunter
Alive; at Longbow Hall
Lord Gilwood Hunter
Lord of the Redfort
Alive; at the Redfort
Lord Horton Redfort
The Knight of Ninestars
Alive; at Gulltown
Ser Symond Templeton
The Old Bear
Deceased; slain at the mutiny at Craster's Keep
Lord Commander Jeor Mormont
Black Bulwer
Deceased; slain beyond the Wall
Jack Bulwer
First Ranger of the Night's Watch (GoT)
Deceased; slain at Castle Black
Ser Jaremy Rykker
Master-at-arms at Eastwatch-by-the-Sea (SoS)
Unknown; missing beyond the Wall
Ser Alliser Thorne
Third Royce son
Deceased; slain beyond the Wall
Ser Waymar Royce
Ranger of House Smallwood
Deceased; slain at the fight at the Fist
Thoren Smallwood
The Halfhand
Deceased; slain at the Skirling Pass
Elderly ranger of House Stout
Alive; at Castle Black
Ser Wynton Stout
Young ranger
Deceased; slain beyond the Wall
Experienced ranger
Deceased; beheaded near Winterfell
Alive; at Eastwatch-by-the-Sea
Alive; at Eastwatch-by-the-Sea
Alive; at the Shadow Tower
Wood-toothed ranger
Unknown; missing beyond the Wall
Expert climber and ranger
Unknown; missing in the Skirling Pass
Bald ranger
Deceased; slain at the Skirling Pass
Former squire and ranger
Deceased; slain at the Skirling Pass
Squire Dalbridge
Expert archer and ranger
Alive; at Castle Black
Ulmer of the Kingswood
Master-at-arms at Castle Black (DwD)
Alive; at Castle Black
Deceased; slain beyond the Wall
Ranger who totes a dirk
Deceased; slain beyond the Wall
The Old Pomegranite
Alive; at Castle Black
Lord Steward Bowen Marsh
Blacksmith at Castle Black
Deceased; slain at the attack on Castle Black
Donal Noye
Dolorous Tollett
Alive; at Long Barrow
Eddison Tollett
Lord Snow's steward
Alive; at Castle Black
Steward at Castle Black
Alive; at Castle Black
Kennelmaster at Castle Black
Deceased; slain at the fight at the Fist
The Oaf
Alive; at Castle Black
Strongest ranger on the Wall
Deceased; slain beyond the Wall
Small Paul
Head cook at Castle Black
Alive; at Castle Black
Three-Finger Hobb
Commander of Eastwatch-by-the-Sea
Unknown; possibly deceased at Hardhome
Cotter Pyke
Commander of the Shadow Tower
Alive; at the Shadow Tower
Ser Denys Mallister
Commander of Long Barrow
Alive; at Long Barrow
Iron Emmett
Commander of Icemark
Alive; at Icemark
Maester at Castle Black
Deceased; died of old age off the coast of Dorne
Maester Aemon
Septon at Castle Black
Alive; at Castle Black
Septon Cellador
First Builder at Castle Black
Alive; at the Nightfort
First Builder Othell Yarwyck
Recruiter for the Night's Watch
Deceased; slain at the God's Eye town
Deceased; slain at Braavos
Unknown; possibly deceased or a captive at Winterfell
Mance Rayder
Wife of the King-Beyond-the-Wall
Deceased; died giving birth beneath the Wall
The wilding princess
Alive; at Castle Black
The Giantsbane
Alive; at Castle Black
Wilding lover of Lord Snow
Deceased; slain at the attack on Castle Black
Bag o' Bones
Deceased; burned alive at Castle Black
Lord O' Bones
Deceased; succumbed to battle wounds beyond the Wall
Magnar of Thenn
Deceased; slain at the attack on Castle Black
Magnar of Thenn (FfC)
Alive; at Castle Black
Sigorn Thenn
The Dogshead
Deceased; slain at the battle beneath the Wall
Lover of the wilding princess
Deceased; impaled on a tree after falling off of the Wall
Watery eyed wilding leader
Alive; somewhere beyond the Wall
The Weeper
Alive; at Castle Black
Master of Craster's Keep
Deceased; slain at the mutiny at Craster's Keep
Daughter-wife of the master of Craster's Keep
Alive; at Oldtown
The Bold
Alive; at Meereen
Ser Barristan Selmy
Kingsguard knight of House Oakheart
Deceased; slain at the Greenblood
Ser Arys Oakheart
Kingsguard knight of House Trant
Alive; at King's Landing
Ser Meryn Trant
Kingsguard knight of House Moore
Deceased; slain at the Battle of the Blackwater
Ser Mandon Moore
Kingsguard knight of House Blount
Alive; at King's Landing
Ser Boros Blount
Kingsguard knight of House Greenfield
Deceased; slain at the riot of King's Landing
Ser Preston Greenfield
Kingsguard knight of House Swann
Alive; at Sunspear
Ser Balon Swann
Former squire of the previous head of House Arryn
Deceased; slain at the Hand's tourney
Ser Hugh of the Vale
Boastful hedge knight
Alive; somewhere in the crownlands
Ser Creighton Longbough
The Penniless
Alive; somewhere in the crownlands
Ser Illifer
The Spider
Alive; at King's Landing
Lord Varys
Grand Maester
Deceased; slain at King's Landing
Grand Maester Pycelle
The Bloody Maester
Alive; at King's Landing
Lord Qyburn
Exiled prince from the Summer Isles
Alive; at King's Landing
Prince Jalabhar Xho
Fool at the Red Keep
Alive; at King's Landing
Moon Boy
The Mage
Alive; at Oldtown
Archmaester Marwyn
The Sphinx
Alive; at Oldtown
Acolyte Alleras
Lazy Tyrell
Alive; at Oldtown
Leo Tyrell
Goofy novice at the Citadel
Deceased; slain at Oldtown
Head of the Alchemist's Guild
Alive; at King's Landing
Lord Hallyne
Silver Tongue
Deceased; slain at King's Landing
Qohorik master armorer in King's Landing
Alive; at King's Landing
Tobho Mott
Orphan baker's boy
Alive; at the Inn of the Kneeling Man
Hot Pie
Deceased; slain somewhere in the riverlands
Lord of Stokeworth (FfC)
Alive; at Stokeworth
Ser Bronn of the Blackwater
The Imp's concubine
Deceased; slain at King's Landing
Brothel owner from the Summer Isles
Alive; at King's Landing
Clan chief of the Stone Crows
Alive; in the Kingswood
Shagga, son of Dolf
Red Hand of the Burned Men
Alive; in the Mountains of the Moon
Timett, son of Timett
Clan chief of the Black Ears
Alive; in the Mountains of the Moon
Chella, daughter of Cheyk
Lhazareen maegi
Deceased; burned alive somewhere in Lhazar
Mirri Maz Duur
Qartheen merchant prince
Alive; somewhere in Slaver's Bay
Xaro Xhoan Daxos
Qartheen warlock
Unknown; possibly deceased or captive in the Iron Islands
Pyat Pree
Asshai'i shadowbinder
Alive; location unknown
Prince of the Narrow Sea
Alive; somewhere in the Stepstones
Salladhor Saan
Fat magister of Pentos
Alive; at Pentos
Magister Illyrio Mopatis
Dwarf entertainer
Alive; outside of Meereen
Representative of the Iron Bank of Braavos
Alive; at the crofter's village west of Winterfell
Tycho Nestoris
The Great Khal
Deceased; smothered somewhere in Lhazar
Khal Drogo
Astapori Unsullied slaver
Deceased; burned with dragonfire at Astapor
Kraznys mo Nakloz
The Butcher King
Deceased; slain at Astapor
King Cleon the Great
Male claimant to the Astapori throne
Deceased; mauled by a pack of dogs at Astapor
King Cutthroat
Female claimant to the Astapori throne
Deceased; slain at the siege of Astapor
Queen Whore
King of Meereen (DwD)
Alive; at Meereen
King Hizdahr zo Loraq
The Shavepate
Alive; at Meereen
Skahaz mo Kandaq
The Seneschal
Alive; at Meereen
Reznak mo Reznak
The Green Grace
Alive; at Meereen
Galazza Galare
The Yellow Whale
Deceased; succumbed to the bloody flux outside of Meereen
Yezzan zo Qaggaz
Slave overseer for the Yellow Whale
Deceased; poisoned outside of Meereen
Hermaphrodite slave of the Yellow Whale
Unknown; still enslaved or possibly deceased outside of Meereen
Supreme Commander of the Armies and Allies of Yunkai
Deceased; trampled to death at Meereen
Yurkhaz zo Yunzak
Commander of the Company of the Cat
Alive; outside of Meereen
Captain-General of the Golden Company
Alive; at Griffin's Roost
Homeless Harry Strickland
The Halfmaester
Alive; at Griffin's Roost
Septa for Young Griff
Alive; at Griffin's Roost
Septa Lemore
Alive; at Griffin's Roost
Ser Rolly Duckfield
The Goat
Deceased; mutilated at Harrenhal
Lord Vargo Hoat
The Faithful
Alive; somewhere in the Reach
Septon in the Brave Companions
Deceased; hanged at a riverland septry
Septon Utt
Jester in the Brave Companions
Deceased; slain at the Whispers
The Mad Dog of Saltpans
Deceased; slain at the inn at the crossroads
Cannibalistic member of the Brave Companions
Deceased; slain at the inn at the crossroads
Dornish spearman in the Brave Companions
Deceased; slain at the Whispers
Timeon of Dorne
The Fat
Unknown; possibky deceased or missing in the riverlands
The Titan's Bastard
Deceased; slain at Meereen
Commander of the Second Sons
Alive; outside of Meereen
Brown Ben Plumm
Commander of the Windblown
Alive; outside of Meereen
The Tattered Prince
Female torturer in the Windblown
Alive; outside of Meereen
Pretty Meris
The Ember
Alive; somewhere in the riverlands
Thoros of Myr
Alive; at Riverrun
Tom of Sevenstreams
The Lemon
Alive; somewhere in the riverlands
Lem Lemoncloak
Alive; somewhere in the riverlands
Tyroshi warrior in the Brotherhood Without Banners
Alive; somewhere in the riverlands
"Mad" Stoney Sept native in the Brotherhood Without Banners
Alive; somewhere in the riverlands
The Mad Huntsman
One-eyed convict in the Brotherhood Without Banners
Alive; somewhere in the riverlands
Pious but harsh High Septon
Alive; at King's Landing
The High Sparrow
Wandering septon
Alive; somewhere in the riverlands
Septon Meribald
High Priest of the Red Temple of Volantis
Alive; at Volantis
The Black Flame
Alive; somewhere in Slaver's Bay
Hand of the queen in the Narrow Sea
Alive; at Castle Black
Ser Axell Florent
Hedge knight of House Suggs
Alive; at the crofter's village west of Winterfell
Ser Clayton Suggs
The Giantslayer
Alive; at the crofter's village west of Winterfell
Ser Godry Farring
Knight of House Massey
Alive; at the crofter's village west of Winterfell
Ser Justin Massey
Knight of House Horpe
Alive; at the crofter's village west of Winterfell
Ser Richard Horpe
Knight from King's Mountain
Deceased; slain at Castle Black
Ser Patrek of King's Mountain
Faceless Man disguised as a Lorathi criminal
Unknown; possibly Oldtown
Jaqen H'ghar
Priest in the House of Black and White
Alive; at Braavos
The Kindly Man
Female Faceless Man
Alive; at Braavos
The Waif
The Winged Shadow
Alive; somewhere in the Dothraki Sea
Green dragon
Alive; at Meereen
White dragon
Alive; at Meereen
The Mighty
Deceased; slain at the attack on Castle Black
Mag Mar Tun Doh Weg
Giant member of the Night's Watch
Alive; at Castle Black
Wun Weg Wun Dar Wun
Undead ranger
Undead; somewhere beyond the Wall
Level 45
Nov 1, 2018
nicely done.