Year | Hint | Answer | % Correct |
1912 | This ship crashes into an iceberg, causing the deaths of over 1500 people | The Titanic | 95%
-1250* | This Greek ruse is foolishly accepted by the people of Troy | Trojan Horse | 93%
1998 | This president states that he 'did not have sexual relations' with Ms. Lewinsky | Bill Clinton | 90%
2016 | Nearly 63 million Americans vote for this man to be their president | Donald Trump | 88%
1986 | This nuclear power plant in northern Ukraine melts down catastrophically | Chernobyl | 85%
2003 | George W. Bush attacks the whole of Iraq for actions by this sole dictator | Saddam Hussein | 85%
1789* | Marie Antoinette allegedly declaims this phrase, starting the French Revolution | 'Let them eat cake' | 78%
1920 | This period, intended to lower crime throughout the United States, begins | Prohibition | 75%
1986 | This NASA space shuttle tragically explodes 72 seconds into its flight | Challenger | 73%
1978* | Emsley A. Laney High School cuts this future star from their basketball team | Michael Jordan | 63%
1937 | This luxury liner, filled with hydrogen, bursts into flames in New Jersey | The Hindenburg | 60%
1941 | This German operation, intended to defeat Russia, backfires spectacularly | Barbarossa | 53%
2018 | This user creates a quiz about failures, thinking the comments won't be political | Aesthus | 48%
2012 | Hillary Clinton blunders her way through this attack on U.S. forces in Libya | Benghazi attack | 40%
1957 | This company creates the Edsel, named for its founder's friend, which bombs | Ford | 40%
2016 | Apple removes this useful component from its newest iPhone | Headphone jack | 40%
2017 | This Southern NFL team blows a 28-3 Super Bowl lead | Atlanta Falcons | 38%
1998 | Bill Gates experiences this infamous error on his PC during a presentation | Blue Screen | 38%
1898 | The U.S. blames this ship's sinking on Spain, inciting a controversial war | The Maine | 35%
1803 | Napoleon sells this 828,000 square mile tract of land for 3 cents an acre | Louisiana Territory | 30%
2016 | This phone, created by Samsung, begins exploding at random | Note 7 | 28%
2010 | This oil rig explodes; six years later, a dramatized movie recounts the events | Deepwater Horizon | 20%
1930 | Congress raises these taxes to slow the depression - but makes things worse | Tariffs | 20%
2017 | Apple removes this useful component from its newest iPhone | Home button | 15%
1999 | A metric/imperial err betwixt NASA and this company causes an orbiter to crash | Lockheed Martin | 5%
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