Quizzes by CBTemple

A list of all the public JetPunk quizzes released by user CBTemple.
# of Quizzes 100
# Featured 33
# Subscribers 65
Times taken 2,208,372
Quizmaker Rank # 39
566,4162018-09-03 Disney Animated Characters
146,5002015-05-05 Star Wars Characters
119,6422022-05-20 Countries with the Most Exports
99,1002022-10-10 Pixar Characters by Picture
97,4412019-10-08 The 13 Colonies Quiz
82,1552019-12-22 Disney Animated Characters Quiz #2
80,8622020-12-21 Analogies #2
78,5532020-01-08 Common U.S. Street Names
77,0132019-12-12 Types of Disasters
56,9982015-08-25 Christmas Movies
54,8852019-12-16 Most Popular Board Games Quiz
53,9642012-06-02 The Ten Commandments Quiz
49,2162013-01-25 Sports That Don't Use a Ball
44,1842022-04-12 Trees in the Answer
41,9522012-09-12 Word in the Middle #1
37,9652012-09-06 What Did That Plate Say? - #2
35,5962012-08-01 What Did That Plate Say? - #1
34,8472018-11-13 Monopoly Game Tokens
33,3372022-05-10 Famous Redheads by Picture
32,7832020-01-01 Famous Literary Characters
30,2842012-04-11Bones in the Human Body
29,2592017-10-28 Answers Contain Stone
28,6112012-09-12 Word in the Middle #2
28,2962020-02-11 U.S. Presidents by Event
27,3822018-09-21 Fads of the 1970s
17,9212012-08-08Countries That No Longer Exist
16,7802023-01-21 Golf Terms
16,4202023-12-28 Famous People from Ohio by Picture
14,8402013-05-08 Nursery Rhymes #2
14,0072019-12-07People Named Patrick
13,9982013-08-10Disney Films by Character
12,6282012-04-22Fast Typing of the Alphabet
10,9122020-01-01 Famous Sculptures by Description
10,7012014-12-26 Fads of the 1960s
8,1672012-03-05Most-Visited Theme Parks Quiz
7,6022013-01-11 Short Historical Figures
6,6202012-04-28First Sentences of Literature
5,9982020-01-01 Famous Missourians Quiz
5,9172012-09-16Authors of Bible Books
5,4802020-01-01 Famous Kentuckians Quiz
5,4742017-02-01 Gilligan's Island Castaways
4,3522012-04-21World's Biggest Importing Countries
4,2512012-02-25World Chess Champions
3,7572012-08-03Famous Cigar Smokers Quiz
3,7422012-03-05Characters from the Godfather
3,4822012-05-27Fifty States -- in order!
3,4422014-04-19The Masters
3,3262013-04-03Top 25 Oscar-Winning Films
3,2352012-03-05Rose Bowl Champions
3,2152012-07-21U.S. Government Quiz
2,9822012-09-01The Gettysburg Address
2,6842012-08-09Presidential Military Service
2,2592012-06-08Word Maker Quiz - JetPunk
1,9282012-08-21Famous Foursomes
1,9212012-11-01U.S. Navy Ranks (Rates)
1,7632015-02-19Most Common Prescription Drugs
1,6832012-05-17Guess the State by its Cities!
1,6252012-09-11DreamWorks Animated Characters
1,4932012-02-29I-90 Quiz
1,0572015-01-28The 50's Fad Quiz
9302012-07-07Presidential Conventions Quiz
8372012-08-02Most Common US County Names
8362012-05-04Disney Live Action Characters
7682012-07-22A River Doesn't Run Through It
7512014-04-21Places of Worship
7132012-05-04The Voice Behind the Character
6402012-09-04Tall Actors and Actresses
6062012-08-28The Pre-1950's Fad Quiz
5952012-09-25Short Actors
5902014-10-01Countries by Geographical Feature
5422012-04-10Most Popular Condiments in the U.S. by Brand
4922012-02-28Famous Siblings
4832012-09-07Famous People With Disabilities
4822014-04-26101 Gadgets That Changed the World
4582012-04-13Cops and Robbers
4312012-08-16Famous Explorers
4042012-09-21"I Have a Dream" Speech
3932012-03-03Mercury Astronauts
3862012-08-29The Twilight Zone Quiz
3702012-04-21The World's Newest Countries
3612012-09-03Things That Are Striped
3572012-04-13Members of the Grand Ole Opry
3462012-08-29Nations in Space
3152014-10-01Fictional Ethnic Groups
2802012-04-20"Linked Chain" Quiz
2392012-05-07People Who Lived to be 100
2372012-07-23Animal Actors
2352012-10-24Movie Studios
1582012-04-28Memorial Day Quiz
1542012-08-10Match the Classic Character with the Actor
1442012-04-13Mel Blanc Characters
1432012-08-06Match the Modern Character with the Actor
1282012-07-22Toy Makers
1222014-04-18Famous Pilots
1172012-04-02Green Acres Quiz
1012012-02-25World's Longest Caves
982012-07-25Famous Puppets
862012-04-19Best Hospitals
712012-04-22U.S. - Based Charities
702012-09-01American Weights and Measures