
Famous Sculptures by Description

Most of these answers are carved in stone! Based on the clues, how many of these famed statues (both past and present) can you name?
Quiz by CBTemple
Last updated: January 1, 2020
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First submittedOctober 6, 2012
Times taken10,906
Average score65.0%
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Armless figure of a Greek goddess
Venus de Milo
Mountain with four U.S. Presidents
Mt. Rushmore
Uncompleted Native American
warrior near the above
Crazy Horse
Welcomes immigrants to New York
Statue of Liberty
Considered Michaelangelo's triumph
Rodin's philosopher
The Thinker
Half lion, half man near the pyramids
The Sphinx
Ancient Greek sculpture depicting
a throwing motion
Reflective statue in Chicago's
Millennium Park
Cloud Gate
Name for the stone heads on
Easter Island
Torn down by U.S. troops in Baghdad
Saddam Hussein
Overlooks Rio de Janeiro
Christ the Redeemer
Ancient wonder straddling a channel
Colossus of Rhodes
Mary cradling the dead body of Jesus
Seated figure in the Washington Mall
Lincoln Memorial
Tall monument in Trafalgar Square
Nelson's Column
Fairy Tale character in Copenhagen
The Little Mermaid
Huge sword-wielding woman
in Volgograd
The Motherland
Three of the world's four tallest statues
depict this person
Scientific sculpture in Brussels
Level 37
Sep 28, 2012
'the thinker' is also known as 'thinking man' in some places and other languages. can you accept this as alternative answer please?
Level ∞
Sep 28, 2012
Level 27
Sep 28, 2012
What about this giant shoe in iraq they made for the guy who threw his shoes after George W. Bush?
Level 89
Sep 22, 2019
That's also a famous statue, yes. What's your point?
Level 51
Oct 3, 2012
The actual name of the statue in Brazil is "Cristo Redentor" which translates to what you have here. Might want to add that as an answer.
Level ∞
Oct 6, 2012
Level 81
Oct 1, 2019
I tried Cristo Redentor just now- didn't work.

Maybe accept just "Liberty" for "Statue of Liberty?"

and I was going to comment that the statue of Saddam was pulled down by Iraqis, not by US troops, but then I rewatched the video and it looks like they both had a hand in it.

Level ∞
Oct 1, 2019
Liberty and Cristo Redentor will work now.
Level 87
Feb 8, 2014
100% with 14 seconds left phewww! glad you accept alternative answers.
Level 73
Nov 17, 2016
From the 7 I didn't get, 5 are in the US...
Level 81
Oct 1, 2019
There are only 5 total from the US. Including some pretty world-famous ones. Maybe you should try learning some things about the US.
Level ∞
Oct 1, 2019
The quiz used to be more U.S. centric.
Level 81
Oct 1, 2019
oh. Is this the one where people were whining about not knowing the iconic and world famous St Louis Gateway Arch? Have a vague memory about that.
Level 73
Oct 2, 2019
I don't remember what I missed last time. This time the ones I (still) didn't know from the US were the uncompleted Native American warrior and Chicago's statue. For the former I even tried Sitting Bull, but to no avail.
Level 74
Oct 5, 2019
I've lived all my life in the US and I didn't know the one in Chicago. You were so close with Sitting Bull. He and Crazy Horse (and others) defeated Custer at Little Bighorn.
Level 80
Sep 22, 2019
Great quiz
Level 80
Sep 23, 2019
No Lenin? There must have been thousands and thousands of statues of him, with a certain decline around 1990/91... But yes, great quiz
Level 84
Sep 28, 2019
Not much of a decline in Russia though.
Level 66
Oct 1, 2019
Certainly not enough.
Level 56
Oct 1, 2019
You must add Statue of Unity it's the tallest statue in the world
Level 65
Oct 1, 2019
The Monument of Neutrality in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, could be a nice addition too. It has a pretty weird history.
Level 66
Oct 1, 2019
Was disappointed that Europium didn't work for the sculpture in Brussels.
Level 74
Oct 1, 2019
if you do manage to build a statue out of pure europium, just try not to get it wet. That could be bad.
Level 78
Jan 20, 2022
I tried Francium just to be difficult.
Level 69
Oct 1, 2019
I'm really happy that you accepted "The Bean" as a valid answer.
Level 78
Oct 1, 2019
Yes, I was so surprised but also relieved at the same time! Lol
Level 46
Oct 1, 2019
Being able to type “the bean” and have it work was the best feeling of the day.
Level 68
Oct 1, 2019
A fun one to add in the future might be Kryptos, at the CIA headquarters at Langley. For those of you who have never heard of it, look it up – this is definitely a crowd who would appreciate it! It is covered in letters that make up encrypted messages; only three of the four have been solved since its installation in 1990, and the artist ain’t talkin’!
Level 81
May 4, 2024
Very fun.