
What Did That Plate Say? - #2

Here's another list of real vanity plates! Can you decipher the messages on them?
Quiz by CBTemple
Last updated: September 6, 2012
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First submittedSeptember 6, 2012
Times taken37,952
Average score58.3%
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Three times the fun!
Me and my dog (canine)
Too fast for you!
Harry Potter
Yellow fever
Naughty one
Oh, behave!
Too sexy for you
I'm a cutie!
Cutie patootie
Buzz and Woody
Light saber
I rock and roll!
John 3:16
Kentucky girl
Too big to fail
Captain Solo
Irish jewel
Gone fishing
Level 18
Sep 3, 2012
Level 61
Sep 3, 2012
. . . So I figured out what KYG1RL must have meant, but for the life of me, I can't figure out why someone would pick that particular plate. Because, uh, that really isn't what it looks like.
Level 69
Sep 3, 2012
I kept thinking the same thing, lube, lol.
Level 90
Aug 9, 2019
I always thought that stuff was Kentucky Jelly.
Level 72
Sep 10, 2019
I thought "Okay girl"
Level 81
Feb 2, 2015
Wouldn't mind meeting her but spit works better.
Level 81
Feb 2, 2015
Just not true. Ask any professional from San Fernando.
Level 74
Jan 12, 2017
Coconut oil, if anyone's interested in a feminine point of view. (Said blushingly.)
Level 57
Aug 9, 2019
@ander217 Maybe this works for you, but it's not a good idea if you're using condoms, and will increase your risk of infections. Oils in general are not a good idea. They compromise the latex in condoms and are good at messing with your pH balance and keeping bacteria exactly where you don't want them
Level 40
Jul 31, 2015
Because not everyone's mind revolves around sex? And KY as an abbreviation for the state has existed a lot longer than the product (which many people may have never even heard of, btw).
Level 62
Mar 25, 2016
Many people also do not know US state abbreviations, though there is likely a large overlap there with those who haven't heard of the brand.
Level 74
Apr 19, 2016
Your brain has been shaped by millions of years of evolution to want a very small set of things. Sex is one of them. literally everyone's brain revolves around sex. Don't act all high and mighty because you didn't think about the sexual answer.
Level 83
Jun 17, 2016
^ Being asexual I would have to disagree.
Level 85
Sep 13, 2016
Maybe they're not "high and mighty". Maybe it's just that your mind is in the gutter. Obviously it's true for you, but not everybody's life revolves around sex.
Level 81
Feb 20, 2018
The reactions of the deluded to the honest are sometimes sad, sometimes hilarious.
Level 81
Aug 8, 2019
Also all humans are sexual beings, whether or not they've been so traumatized by society so as to deny this or react negatively to it.
Level 30
Sep 3, 2012
Could "O behave" be accepted? I didn't think to put on an "h..." :)
Level 19
Sep 3, 2012
i kept typing captain slow :L
Level 31
Sep 16, 2012
Me too :(

But fun quiz! I really like these. It's a good brain work out, if you don't accidentally break your brain doing it.

Level 57
Aug 14, 2014
Me too.
Level 74
Feb 2, 2015
Me three.
Level 73
Sep 10, 2016
Probably because that's what it says...obviously a James May tribute.
Level 74
Oct 6, 2014
Yeah, any fan of Top Gear would have. :)
Level 57
Nov 16, 2014
Agreed. That MUST be the right answer - it is on a CAR!!
Level 67
Feb 2, 2015
Yes, and even if you don't watch Top Gear (which I do), then Captain Slow should still seem like the likeliest option, especially on a car.
Level 55
Feb 4, 2015
Captain Slow is a thing (from Top Gear, as said above), and the letters spell out that pronunciation, not the given answer. And why would the plate not have an 'O' there anyway?
Level 66
Aug 9, 2019
Absolutely. I think Quizmaster made a rare misteak on this one.
Level 72
Sep 10, 2019
Yea pretty sure It is captain slow, I will stand corrected if there is a source where the owner actually states that he does mean solo (not a website that says so). But it isnt the obvious choice. slo is more logical slow than solo, actualy slo for solo is not logical at all. (I know these plates arent the epitome of logic, but usually the letters that are left out can be missed and the word still sound nearly the same.

(And this is besides the point that it is more logical to put on a car, like if there was speed monster it would be more logical it was about velocity than the drugs)

Level 41
Feb 3, 2015
me too
Level 22
Sep 3, 2012
good quiz :p
Level 38
Sep 3, 2012
SOMEONE likes Harry Potter...
Level 22
Sep 4, 2012
I second that too!
Level 9
Sep 4, 2012
you should except to cute for you also for too cute for you or too fast for you
Level 79
Sep 4, 2012
I got quite a few of them but could not get credit for them because the spelling was too rigid
Level 22
Sep 5, 2012
this is a tough quiz because spelling is too objective. Both to write and answwer
Level 10
Sep 8, 2012
I think this was a good quiz :) I just couldn't spell patootie for the life of me
Level 50
Jan 16, 2013
Need to add the plate from my old 68 Charger Magnum with it's 440. LYTEMUP

Wish I still had that car, but damn, gas is expensive when you get 4mpg.

Level 74
Jan 12, 2017
I remember those days when gas wars frequently knocked the price down to 19 cents per gallon from the normal 30 or 40 cents. Who cared that our cars only averaged 10 mpg in those days?
Level 35
Oct 5, 2013
100% first try 1:09 left
Level 84
Feb 23, 2014
Totally missed that scripture. I couldn't even venture a guess.
Level 81
Feb 2, 2015
I suppose "JOHN316" was already taken?
Level 66
Nov 14, 2016
Most likely. It's popular.
Level 81
Oct 15, 2014
I got them all! And I've never read or watched Harry Potter.
Level 57
Feb 2, 2015
CPTNSLO could also be Captain Slow, the nickname for co-host James May on BBC America's programme "Top Gear". This should be accepted.
Level 57
Feb 2, 2015
CPTNSLO should only be Captain Slow. There really is no other appropriate answer. SLO will always be the shorter version of slow, and will never be interpreted as anything else. Not to mention in the context of liscense plates, it makes much more sense.
Level 74
Feb 2, 2015
Who is the authority on what these actually say?
Level 82
Feb 2, 2015
These (and those on the other quiz of this name) are culled from a number of sites; too many to list. I would suggest that you Google terms like "vanity plates", "funny license plates", "clever license plates", etc. and look for the sites with actual photos of these plates on cars. Don't forget to look at "images" as well as url's. All of these are real plates -- not made up, and if memory serves me correctly they are all American plates.
Level 81
Feb 2, 2015
There was a contest amongst my friends to come up with a clever vanity plate to put on my first Viper when I got it back in 2003. Three times in a row the plates came from the DMV spelled incorrectly and I would send them back. After the last time I gave up and just went with regular plates. By then I had decided that I'd be a little too embarrassed driving around with what my friends had thought up, anyway.
Level 74
Jan 12, 2017
I wasn't questioning that these are real, I just wondered who decided what they actually meant - such as Captain Solo versus Captain Slow, etc. Love the quiz, BTW.
Level 81
Feb 2, 2015
You ought to accept "please ticket me" as an answer for both #3 and #4.
Level 13
Feb 4, 2015
Level 55
Jul 15, 2015
JK Rowling is very proud of your literacy and control of the caps lock button.
Level 35
Feb 5, 2015
I got all except cutie patootie... I tried patuti potuti pututi... can you accept any phonetic spelling for that? not like it's a real word...
Level 67
Jul 15, 2015
For the CPTN SLO, I didn't find any sites listing it as Captain Solo but a bunch listing it as Captain Slow:,, (see the commenter who responded to the "CPT SLO" license plate). In other words, I too vote that CPTN SLO should be Captain Slow.
Level 70
Apr 30, 2016
19/24, I'm one of the few who got KYG1RL.
Level 68
Sep 1, 2016
Great quiz, CBTemple!!!
Level 81
Sep 13, 2016
So we're sure it's not 'Captain Slow'?
Level 72
Sep 10, 2019
We are sure it IS captain slow, but it still hasnt been fixed..
Level 28
Sep 29, 2016
Oh austin, behave!
Level 66
Nov 14, 2016
Who puts "Inoculate" on a licence plate?
Level 74
Jan 12, 2017
Probably someone from the medical profession.
Level 57
Aug 9, 2019
Someone who cares about herd immunity I suppose
Level 62
Nov 8, 2017
great quiz but why would someone have "Yellow Fever" "Inoculate" or "Exposure" as their licence plate lol
Level 78
Oct 15, 2018
Can't speak for "Yellow fever" or "Exposure," though I'm sure they had their reasons, but I could definitely see some sort of medical professional choosing "Inoculate." Because seriously, if your kids CAN be vaccinated, they SHOULD be vaccinated.
Level 57
Aug 9, 2019
Very important message, but questionable delivery. I think it's cute though. Maybe it'll do someone some good
Level 56
Dec 22, 2017
Can you accept "Cutie Petutie"?
Level 69
Jul 13, 2018
YLO FVR should also accept Yolo Fever or You only live once fever because YLO looks a lot more like yolo than yellow!

Also maybe accept forever as well as fever?

Level 26
Aug 12, 2018
Yolo isn't a word it's an abbreviation. You only live once fever makes no sense and neither does Yellow forever. Wanting it to fit your mistakes doesn't make you smarter...
Level 73
Mar 30, 2021
I thought it was YOLO Forever at first
Level 82
Jan 22, 2019
Yellow fever is either a disease or a pretty offensive declaration of fetishizing East Asians. Neither meaning is good to advertise.
Level 57
Aug 9, 2019
Yeah, some of these are pretty questionable
Level 77
Mar 14, 2023
It could just as easily be some kind of innocuous inside joke among friends and family. Someone whose favorite color is yellow, maybe?
Level 56
Mar 28, 2019
Just change it to Captain Slow already
Level 61
Jun 13, 2019
My best misinterpretation was probably ‘axel rater’.
Level 55
Aug 9, 2019
Kinda sad. I though YLO FVR was YOLO forever
Level 72
Sep 10, 2019
Please fix cptn slow, it really IS Captain Slow, not solo. James May's picture is even next to the plate!! Captain Slow
Level 67
Jan 21, 2020
I'm apparently one of the few who's never heard of Captain Slow, and immediately thought of Captain Solo
Level 56
Apr 27, 2021
i think NAWT1 says naughty. otherwise not 1, but naughty one doesn't fit, in my humble opinion.
Level 81
Feb 11, 2023
I don't know why, but I really like the OB HAYV one.
Level 80
Jun 9, 2023
I could have sworn I tried "Too big to fail". Knowing me, I probably wrote it as "Two big two fail" or something like that.
Level 94
Nov 21, 2024
Petition for it to be changed to Captain Slow
Level 76
Jan 6, 2025
Nahhh I refuse to believe it's Captain Solo rather than Captain Slow, James May' nicknames in the world of cars. Who even is Captain Solo? Google search comes up with some random Zambian army captain.