English | Português | % Correct |
to love | amar | 91%
to drink | beber | 91%
to open | abrir | 90%
to eat | comer | 90%
to sing | cantar | 88%
to help | ajudar | 87%
to buy | comprar | 87%
to be | estar | 87%
to speak | falar | 87%
to walk | andar | 85%
to run | correr | 85%
to sleep | dormir | 85%
to go | ir | 84%
to think | pensar | 84%
to learn | aprender | 83%
to continue | continuar | 83%
to dance | dançar | 83%
to give | dar | 83%
to pay | pagar | 83%
to live | morar | 82%
to want | querer | 82%
to use | usar | 82%
to visit | visitar | 82%
to enter | entrar | 81%
to make | fazer | 81%
to read | ler | 81%
to know | saber | 81%
to work | trabalhar | 81%
to decide | decidir | 80%
to prepare | preparar | 80%
to count | contar | 79%
to understand | entender | 79%
to sell | vender | 79%
to arrive | chegar | 78%
to defend | defender | 78%
to write | escrever | 78%
to study | estudar | 78%
to hug | abraçar | 77%
to cook | cozinhar | 77%
to say | dizer | 77%
to wait | esperar | 77%
to wash | lavar | 77%
to admit | admitir | 76%
to exist | existir | 76%
to lose | perder | 76%
to touch | tocar | 76%
to complicate | complicar | 75%
to win | ganhar | 75%
to permit | permitir | 75%
to travel | viajar | 75%
to rain | chover | 74%
to send | enviar | 74%
to explain | explicar | 74%
to need | precisar | 74%
to leave | deixar | 73%
to remember | lembrar | 72%
to show | mostrar | 72%
to begin | começar | 71%
to sit | sentar | 71%
to confess | confessar | 70%
to lie | mentir | 70%
to die | morrer | 70%
to fall | cair | 69%
to forget | esquecer | 68%
to practice | praticar | 68%
to analyze | analisar | 67%
to contribute | contribuir | 67%
to destroy | destruir | 67%
to receive | receber | 67%
to discuss | discutir | 66%
to find | encontrar | 65%
to discover | descobrir | 64%
to listen | ouvir | 64%
to ask for | pedir | 63%
to cost | custar | 62%
to teach | ensinar | 62%
to spend | gastar | 62%
to bring | trazer | 62%
to cover | cobrir | 61%
to describe | descrever | 59%
to be able | poder | 59%
to bite | morder | 58%
to spy | espiar | 57%
to rent | alugar | 56%
to watch | assistir | 54%
to hunt | caçar | 54%
to break | quebrar | 54%
to suffer | sofrer | 54%
to go up | subir | 53%
to turn off | apagar | 52%
to look for | procurar | 52%
to owe | dever | 47%
to fear | temer | 45%
to heat up | aquecer | 44%
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