Suggested Quizzes

Planets of the Solar System Quiz0-4.88983,675
Most Popular Fast Food Restaurants0-4.17581,579
7 Deadly Sins Quiz0-4.83338,974
Signs of the Zodiac Quiz0-4.41191,303
Name the 7 Dwarfs0-4.39331,546
Name the Harry Potter Books0-4.28263,421
Chinese Zodiac Quiz0-4.70117,701
Actors Known by Three Names0-4.0695,438
Dog Breed Picture Quiz0-4.28190,193
Celebrity Mugshots Quiz #10-4.09242,552
Movies with Animals in the Title #10-4.16172,893
Sports Scandals Quiz0-3.8332,761
Superhero Alter Egos0-4.27142,966
American TV Commercials0-4.0727,988
Car Brands Quiz #10-3.98167,498
Famous Duos Quiz #20-4.14109,518
U.S. Chain Restaurant Menu0-4.01133,140
U.S. Synonymous Trademarks0-4.0565,260
Movies with Food in the Title0-4.09213,612
Sidekicks Quiz0-4.20102,717
American Corporate Slogans Quiz #20-4.0058,053
Horror Movie Taglines Quiz0-3.9837,912
Fast Math - Multiplication0-4.62998,249
Fast Math - Addition0-4.76463,770
Brands that are "The" Something0-3.5033,181
Celebrity Scandals Quiz #10-4.0451,871
Roman Numeral Decoding Quiz0-4.88386,490
"Of Something" Movie Titles0-4.35148,368
Harry Potter Last Names0-4.61869,048
Random Movie Quotes #30-4.03119,660
"And Something" Movie Titles0-4.19176,882
Popular Royal Names 0-4.20113,393
Famous Billionaires0-4.0764,027
Members of the British Royal Family0-4.08107,560
Movies with Colors in the Title #20-3.4452,421
Movie Characters Quiz #10-4.30202,287
Books with Animals in the Title #10-4.4163,514
Movies with Animals in the Title #20-4.23100,512
Super Short Movie Titles0-4.4699,956
Two Letter U.S. State Abbreviations0-4.07684,766
Brand-Name Animals Quiz0-4.2170,422
Name the Constellations Quiz0-4.4840,212
Sci-Fi Movie Quotes Quiz0-4.2934,924
Star Wars Characters0-4.32146,147
Colors by Letter0-4.21151,120
Most-Followed Twitter Users0-3.8872,347
Countries that Produce the Most Wine 0-4.86175,412
Countries by Alcohol Consumption0-4.40189,109
Top 50 Comic Book Heroes0-3.8972,489
Most Popular Dog Breeds Quiz0-4.16101,270
Disney Animated Characters0-4.86566,036
Harry Potter: Voldemort's Horcruxes0-4.37103,458
Harry Potter Spells0-4.19127,916
Harry Potter Characters by Death0-3.91121,270
American Corporate Slogans Quiz #10-4.0462,937
American Corporate Slogans Quiz #30-3.9824,682
Avengers Team Members0-3.9969,299
Title in the Lyrics - Disney Songs0-4.34117,257
Disney Feature Films by Characters0-4.42261,404
Marvel Superheroes0-4.33259,466
Most Popular Boy Names in the U.S. 20220-4.10148,875
Top 100 Movie Quotes0-4.4661,914
Highest Grossing Superhero Movies0-4.26151,200
Ultimate Harry Potter Name Game0-4.95455,474
U.S. Baby Boy Names by Letter0-3.7682,255
U.S. Baby Girls Names by Letter0-3.6070,604
Movies with Names in the Title #10-4.14104,581
Batman Actors Quiz0-4.2344,377
Basic Harry Potter Quiz0-4.47355,635
Superhero Nicknames0-4.1856,248
Harry Potter Patronus Charms0-4.2128,847
U.S. Baby Boy Names by Decade0-4.47429,408
U.S. Baby Girl Names by Decade0-4.36623,558
Product Mascots Quiz0-3.9024,483
Brand Name Vocabulary0-4.1836,407
Groups of Things - Harry Potter0-4.80253,923
Sibling Actors0-4.1145,517
Movie Title Antonyms #10-4.70175,881
Political Movements by Country0-4.4366,810
1990s Catchphrases0-4.13156,010
Horror Movie Quotes Quiz0-4.1647,476
All Disney Animated Movies0-4.82371,671
Most Valuable Brands Quiz0-4.27121,873
Horror Movie Villains0-4.2174,130
Stores in the Mall #10-3.8444,436
Stores in the Mall #20-3.6729,976
American Junk Food Brands #10-3.8558,546
American Junk Food Brands #20-3.7629,578
Supervillain Alter Egos Quiz0-3.937,553
Movies with Colors in the Title #10-3.8334,555
Disney Villains0-4.26134,949
Lord of the Rings Characters0-4.51103,048
Monty Python Quotes0-4.8439,702
Star Wars Quotes0-4.85150,678
First Names of U.S. Presidents0-4.84330,876
Car Brands Quiz #20-3.9148,828
Movie Titles by Synonyms #10-4.41114,373
American Commercial Jingles0-3.827,264
Political Figures by Last Name #10-4.4858,183
Harry Potter Places0-4.2395,604
Harry Potter - Order of the Phoenix Members0-3.9439,436
Movie Characters A-Z0-4.0844,893
Celebrity Scandals Quiz #20-4.0412,494
Harry Potter A-Z0-4.39195,521
Honest Corporate Slogans Quiz0-3.6818,528
Batfacts: The Batman Quiz0-4.4851,384
X-Men Mutants0-4.0141,023
Game of Thrones Last Names0-4.4190,022
The Spiderman Quiz0-4.2659,677
Four-Letter Acronyms0-4.25103,191
Comic Book Characters by Last Name0-3.9311,490
Harry Potter - Name The Hogwarts Classes0-4.1524,114
A to Z: Movie Quotes0-4.2731,276
Movie Title Antonyms #20-4.4170,535
Countries that Produce the Most Beer0-4.85111,436
Word Puzzles - Movie Titles0-4.3526,562
Word Puzzles - Movie Titles #20-3.6811,755
The Eleven Colors0-4.62212,976
Top 100 Harry Potter Characters by Mention0-4.95336,679
Guardians of the Galaxy0-4.118,775
Star Wars Decoder0-4.5169,458
Superhero Decoder0-4.3549,162
US Presidents - 1 Minute Sprint0-4.38258,236
Harry Potter Creatures0-4.2755,329
Marvel Cinematic Universe - All Movies0-4.83259,161
Chess Pieces (With Board and Pictures!)0-4.4666,714
Word Scramble - Harry Potter Characters0-4.2054,666
Brand Logos Quiz #10-4.682,007,334
Marvel Comics Movie Franchises0-4.1386,384
UK Baby Girl Names by Decade0-4.30123,479
UK Baby Boy Names by Decade0-4.33100,833
Brand Logos Quiz #20-4.621,411,552
Brand Logos Quiz #30-4.281,019,733
Brand Logos Quiz #50-4.32878,183
Brand Logos Quiz #40-4.39824,488
Brand Logos Quiz #60-4.18615,389
World Countries by 10 Category Elimination #10-4.96100,858
World Countries by 10 Category Elimination #20-4.4761,164
Five Most Populated Countries on a Multicolored World Map0-4.9762,083
2010s Celebrities by Picture #10-4.15142,408
2010s Celebrities by Picture #20-4.06122,820
Superman Facts0-4.1419,551
Obfuscations of Movie Titles #10-4.8549,457
Fast Math - Double That Number!0-4.70529,691
Marvel Cinematic Universe - Actor to Character0-4.1095,669
Divided World City Name Puzzle #10-4.9037,700
Game of Thrones Characters by Screen Time0-4.5675,641
Star Wars Characters by Screen Time0-4.3393,980
Batman Characters by Screen Time0-3.9726,043
Lord of the Rings Characters by Screen Time0-4.5561,757
Harry Potter Characters by Screen Time0-4.20118,449
Justice League Team - Movie Edition0-4.239,884
Strongest Nation Brands0-4.5132,807
Countries by Emojis0-4.99195,940
Avengers Infinity War Deaths0-4.1539,029
MCU Characters by Screen Time0-4.1287,442
Movie Titles by Emoji0-4.37102,633
Movie Plots by Emoji0-4.3171,320
U.S. States by Emoji0-4.4289,079
Small Countries with Large Economies0-4.6159,208
Fast Math - Division0-4.5299,831
Category Elimination - Countries #10-4.99272,483
Name a Valid U.S. President #10-4.92158,704
Category Elimination - Countries #20-4.98198,731
Random Sequential U.S. States on a Map0-5.00208,215
Category Elimination - Countries #30-4.98190,338
Category Elimination - U.S. States #10-4.91185,603
MCU Actors by Picture0-4.3667,037
Clothing Brand Logos0-4.18173,879
Brand Logos Quiz #70-4.31490,720
Category Elimination - Countries #40-4.99161,743
Brand Logos Quiz #80-4.25419,248
Category Elimination - U.S. States #20-4.82109,081
Name an Official Language A-Z0-4.88128,625
Random Sequential European Countries on a Map0-4.99195,720
Random Brand Logos0-4.40339,497
The Wonderful World of Elon Musk0-3.0710,336
Random Sequential African Countries on a Map0-5.00111,556
Random Sequential Asian Countries on a Map0-4.99103,619
Random Sequential Countries on the World Map0-5.00436,354
Category Elimination - Capital Cities #10-4.89110,140
Category Elimination - Countries #50-4.63122,083
Category Elimination - Disney Animated Movies0-4.0340,534
Fruits: No Vowels0-4.6969,610
Vegetables: No Vowels0-4.7065,007
Name a World Capital A-Z0-5.00135,402
Animal Emojis0-4.6858,393
Category Elimination - European Geography #10-4.94191,740
Soft Drink Brand Logos0-4.20151,036
Random Sequential Countries on the World Map - Hard Version0-5.0058,143
Flag Coloring Book Puzzle #10-4.94142,639
Flag Coloring Book Puzzle #20-4.3562,527
Category Elimination - Official Languages0-4.9656,148
Random Sequential Oceanic Countries on a Map0-4.9721,355
20 Random Countries Sequentially on a World Map0-4.61102,179
Top Five Countries by Random Categories0-4.96101,742
Random Countries Hidden in the World Map0-4.8385,266
Name a Valid Country A-Z0-4.9576,570
Name a Disney/Pixar Movie A-Z0-4.7926,877
Category Elimination - European Geography #20-4.98136,355