Hint | Answer | % Correct |
3.14159... | Pi | 94%
300,000 km / second | Speed of light | 93%
-273.15 (or -459.67) | Absolute zero | 84%
343 m / second | Speed of sound | 78%
9.8 m / second 2 | Standard gravity | 76%
6.02 x 10 to the 23 | Avogadro's number | 69%
365.2422 | Days in a year | 69%
40,075 km | Circumference of the earth | 58%
101 kPa (or 14.7 psi) | Atmospheric pressure | 56%
13.82 billion | Age of the universe | 51%
384,400 km | Distance to the moon | 42%
2.71828... | Eulers number | 34%
1.61803... | Golden ratio | 34%
6.62607004 × 10-34 m2 kg / sec | Plank's constant | 26%
4.37 light years | Distance to Alpha Centauri | 24%
125 GeV | Higgs boson | 9%
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