Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Hydrophobia | Fear of water | 98%
Zoophobia | Fear of animals | 93%
Claustrophobia | Fear of confined or crowded spaces | 93%
Arachnophobia | Fear of spiders | 93%
Aerophobia | Fear of flying | 83%
Hemophobia | Fear of blood | 75%
Acrophobia | Fear of heights | 73%
Bibliophobia | Fear of books | 70%
Necrophobia | Fear of death | 65%
Cyberphobia | Fear of computers | 55%
Octophobia | Fear of the number eight | 50%
Equinophobia | Fear of horses | 45%
Chromophobia | Fear of colors | 38%
Ophidiophobia | Fear of snakes | 38%
Heliophobia | Fear of the sun | 33%
Astraphobia | Fear of thunder and lightning | 20%
Pathophobia | Fear of disease | 18%
Trypanophobia | Fear of needles | 18%
Dendrophobia | Fear of trees | 18%
Selenophobia | Fear of the moon | 13%
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