Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Bremen is a city in which country? | Germany | 87%
Who played the lead role in the 1993 film Groundhog Day | Bill Murray | 82%
What color are the fibers from most cotton plants? | White | 79%
What type of colorful windows are often found in cathedrals? | Stained glass | 63%
What are large crows often called? | Ravens | 58%
What aircraft is like an aeroplane except it has no motor? | Glider | 45%
What country's flag has two keys on it? | Vatican City | 42%
What is the name of the condition involving shaking and confusion, caused by withdrawel from alcohol? | Delirium tremens | 24%
In what US state did Buddy Holly's plane crash in? | Iowa | 24%
What country lies due south of the Arafura Sea? | Australia | 16%
What is the biggest selling Jazz song of all time? | Take Five | 5%
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