
Marvel Superheroes

Using the clues, can you name these Marvel superheroes?
Quiz by Ekrousee
Last updated: September 3, 2018
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First submittedJune 11, 2012
Times taken260,255
Average score55.6%
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Radioactive spider bite gave him a sixth sense and web-throwing ability
Peter Parker
Body enhanced from an injection of a special serum during WWII
Steve Rogers
Captain America
Bones are covered in adamantium; has claws, healing powers
James "Logan"
Psycho-telepathic powers; hidden entity called the Phoenix resides in her
Jean Grey
Uses a futuristic suit to fight crime; eccentric playboy billionaire
Tony Stark
Iron Man
His mighty hammer, Mjolnir, gives him power over thunder and lightning
Donald Blake
Ability to coat his body in flames
Johnny Storm
Human Torch
Half-human, half-vampire; hunts vampires with swords
Eric Brooks
Body can transform into steel-like substance
Piotr Rasputin
Assassin turned hero; romantically involved with Matthew Murdoc
King of African country Wakanda; has a vibranium covered suit
and cat-like agility and senses
Black Panther
Meek physicist who turns into green raving monster when angry
Bruce Banner
The Hulk
Ability to control the weather
Ororo Munroe
Superhuman eyesight and skill with his bow and arrows
Clint Barton
Can turn his body into ice and shoot ice beams and spikes
Bobby Drake
Can shoot lasers from mutated eyes
Scott Summers
King of Atlantis; member of many superhero teams
Namor, the
Head of S.H.I.E.L.D. No powers besides resisted aging
Nick Fury
Mutant with ability to transport with a puff of blue smoke
Kurt Wagner
Assassin with enhanced agility, healing, and skill in firearms;
"slightly" psychotic
Wade Wilson
Can generate bio-electric blasts and has sixth sense to locate danger
Jessica Drew
Large, muscular body is covered in blue fur; genius intellect
Henry McCoy
S.H.I.E.L.D. agent with peak human physical qualities
Natalia Romanova
The Black Widow
Mutant with feathery wings on his back
Worthington III
Ability to steal other mutants powers at a touch
Anna Marie
Infused with the power of chi; peak physical perfection
Daniel Rand
Iron Fist
Given powers from an Egyptian god, Khonshu
Marc Spector
Moon Knight
Superhuman powers given to her from the Kree
Carol Danvers
Captain Marvel
Sorcerer Supreme, the most powerful magic user on Earth
Stephen Strange
Dr. Strange
Motorcycle rider who became the Spirit of Vengeance after a demonic deal
Johnny Blaze
Ghost Rider
Defense attorney by day; Blind but with other senses heightened
Matthew Murdock
Herald of Galactus, now a hero. Often seen on a surfboard
Norrin Radd
Silver Surfer
Ability to stretch his body to unbelievable contortions; brilliant scientist
Reed Richards
Mr. Fantastic
Ability to become invisible and create force fields
Susan Storm
The Invisible
Skin is hard as steel; was a mercenary hero on the streets, but
then became a normal free-for-use hero
Luke Cage
Rock hard skin and super strength; experienced pilot
Ben Grimm
The Thing
Level 5
May 23, 2012
As Darth Vader said "All too easy"
Level 23
May 23, 2012
Glad to see you enjoyed it.
Level 14
Jan 8, 2015
How come Ant-man or Wasp aren't on this quiz? other than that i loved it
Level 28
Jan 13, 2018
There are already enough animals...
Level 9
May 24, 2012
As Ren Hoek once said, "With only thirty seconds to spare!"
Level 12
Apr 12, 2018
You only had thirty seconds to spare? You must be a DC fan. ;o)
Level 69
Sep 25, 2020

But I did have 1:47 left

Level 63
Jul 7, 2012
Thirty five. I'd love to see a villain one: "Green skinned pterodactyl man," etc.
Level 19
Jul 8, 2012
most of the xmen ones i knew but couldnt remember their names. bummer.
Level 14
Feb 18, 2021
Level 32
Jul 8, 2012
beyond easy, i didnt even use the descriptions for the ones that had an alter ego listed
Level 12
Jul 9, 2012
I must know all the less popular superheroes. C'mon, how can you not get Daredevil, Luke Cage, and Ms. Marvel? Haha! Oh, and It should be Matther Murdock, with a "k" at the end. Good quiz, though.
Level 86
Jan 13, 2018
Got my brother to do this quiz. He missed Luke Cage, then went on a rant about how his skin is stronger than steel, not as strong as steel.
Level 12
Jul 26, 2012
Gah i'm mad at myself, I totally forgot that Blade was a marvel character. =[
Level 54
Aug 21, 2012
31 out of 36. good quiz
Level 23
Sep 15, 2012
Yes, you are correct. I left out Superman and Batman. But for a very clear reason. They are superhero characters created by a different brand of comic books named DC Comics. This is a strictly Marvel brand quiz. If you would like me to make a DC hero quiz, I'd be glad.
Level 26
Dec 29, 2021
black widow wasn't accepted and why not
Level 17
Nov 4, 2012
AGH!! I knew like all of these X-Men ones but didn't get them!! *slaps herself*...
Level 81
Mar 16, 2013
tried spidergirl, missed spiderwoman
Level 81
Jan 20, 2015
and, though nobody ever calls her this anymore, Jean Grey's superhero name was originally Marvel Girl.
Level 81
Sep 11, 2021
same for Luke Cage (whose superhero name is Power Man)
Level 27
May 20, 2022
it is 2022 may 20

9 years

Level 37
Mar 22, 2013
I knew WAY too many of these. Choked on Elektra, knew nothing about moon knight... knew the rest. Thanks for putting Deadpool on there, he's my favorite psycho :)
Level 45
Aug 14, 2014
Ah, Deadpool, nothing like him.
Level 32
Nov 13, 2013
Thor does have an alter ego-- Donald Blake
Level 17
Apr 19, 2014
Actually Thor hasn't used that persona in a very, very long time and technically even then it wasn't his real name, just someone he was attached to. Thor's real name IS Thor so the quiz creator is correct in leaving it how it is.
Level 14
Jan 8, 2015
Did you know Rogue's name before? I had no idea they told us her name
Level 81
Jan 20, 2015
kinda like Superman in that way. Superman is who he really is (though his name is Kal-El, but, still, he's Superman)... Clark Kent is his disguise.
Level 78
Feb 23, 2018
That depends very heavily on what version of Superman you're going by. Post-Crisis, it was generally shown that Clark was the real person and Superman was the mask. On the '90s show Lois and Clark, for instance, he said at one point "Superman is what I can do. Clark is who I am."

Now Batman, on the other hand, is frequently potrayed as really thinking of himself as Batman first, and puts on "Bruce Wayne" for the rest of the world.

Level 81
Jun 16, 2018
I don't mean in terms of his personality or job, I mean Superman is the super-powered confident heroic son of Krypton, while Clark Kent is pretending to be a fragile somewhat fumbling nerdy human. Of course it's a disguise.
Level 20
Jan 3, 2014
Luke Cage is actually called powerman not Luke Cage. Change it. His secret identity is Luke Cage
Level 17
Apr 19, 2014
Luke Cage hasn't used Power man in a very very long time and the way that he's depicted nowadays he uses his real name. Not his superhero name. The quiz creator is correct to leave it how it is
Level 32
Nov 13, 2014
Can you guess the top 100 characters for Marvel and DC, according to Find out here:!
Level 14
Jan 8, 2015
got all of 'em with 3 minutes remaining! awesome quiz. I LOVE Marvel
Level 33
Jan 20, 2015
Wny not add some Guardians of the Galaxy in there?
Level 47
Jan 24, 2015
I've read too many comic books. I didn't even read the power and the description; I went down the line reading only alter egos for the most of them. Thanks for a fun trip back to my teenage years.
Level 19
Feb 22, 2015
Poor Moon Knight, he gets no respect
Level 46
May 15, 2022
now he does
Level 35
May 8, 2015
HAHA!! It has me on here!
Level 48
Jun 22, 2015
Nick Fury is not a superhero.
Level 21
Jun 23, 2015
Nick is by no means a superhero. He's just the annoying director of SHIELD. I wish there were more girls represented in this quiz though. There are plenty of girls in the Marvel universe, especially super or mutated girls.
Level 38
Jul 23, 2015
lol couldn't think who was King of Atlantis besides aquaman, danm DC
Level 23
Jun 3, 2016
Level 9
Aug 19, 2015
All in all a fun quiz, although Moon Knight totally stumped me ;)

Since I'm kinda uptight about this sort of thing, I noticed there are a few changes that could be made to improve this quiz. Thor does have an alter ego, "Donald Blake," first of all. Secondly, Carol Danvers is now called "Captain Marvel" so that should also be an acceptable answer for her superhero name. Thirdly, I'm pretty sure Jean Grey went by "Phoenix" as her superhero name at some point during her existence, so could you make that an acceptable superhero name for her? Thanks!

Level 17
Aug 18, 2017
Thor hasn't used "Donald Blake" in a very long time and even then it wasn't his real name. Just someone he was attached to. The quiz creator is correct in leaving it the way it is. Also Jean Grey's superhero name was always "Marvel Girl". If there is a change to her, that should be it. I agree with you about Captain Marvel, however.
Level 78
Sep 7, 2021
Jean has indeed used "Phoenix" as her code name as well. See, for instance, this page from Uncanny X-Men #382 where the narration refers to her as "Jean Grey. Also known as Phoenix."
Level 12
Nov 27, 2015
Johnny Blaze is not the Ghost Rider. Please fix.
Level ∞
Nov 17, 2017
Level 54
Apr 22, 2016
Can't believe I forgot Namor....
Level 1
Aug 8, 2016
Damn so close.I just needed 20 more seconds
Level 37
Dec 25, 2016
100% first try! Nice quiz! I only had to look at the identeties for most of them. I ALMOST forgot Jessica Drew, but I remembered with the "Bio-Electric Blasts" hint. Good job!
Level 17
Jan 29, 2017
Level 63
Apr 11, 2017
Captain Marvel should be accepted for Carol Danvers. She's been going by that name for several years. Ms. Marvel is now Kamala Khan.
Level 54
May 7, 2017
I kept on writing Captain Marvel for Carol Danvers and I spent like two minutes trying to figure out what I did wrong. I agree Captain Marvel should be accepted for Carol Danvers.
Level ∞
Nov 17, 2017
The answer has been changed to Captain Marvel.
Level 66
May 31, 2017
Should accept Captain Planet for Captain America becuz America is basically the Planet.
Level 12
Jul 26, 2017
Sadly, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver aren't on this list..... #IWillAvengeYouQuicksilver
Level 12
Jul 26, 2017
I thought Black Widow's last name was Romanoff...or am I crazy?
Level ∞
Nov 17, 2017
Sometimes its Romanoff.
Level 89
Sep 15, 2021
I'm not an authority on Slavic names, but my understanding is that Russian patronyms are gendered, and if a patronymic surname ends in a consonant then an "A" is added at the end to make it feminine. So a female of the Romanoff (or Romanov) family would Romanova.
Level 12
Sep 17, 2017
What, no Bucky?
Level 37
Oct 27, 2017
Professer X deserves some recognition

I mean he's so strong marvel decided "you know what he's gonna end this movie to quick let's NOT make that happen"

Level 37
Oct 27, 2017
Oh yeah also punisher
Level 49
Nov 15, 2017
Beginning to think the person who made this quiz abandoned it. People have been, justifiably, asking for Captain Marvel to be added as an acceptable answer for Carol Danvers for over two years now and it hasn't been fixed. The fact that it hasn't been fixed is incredibly ridiculous seeing as how there's even a big-budget MCU movie coming out titled Captain Marvel with Brie Larson playing Carol Danvers. This seems to be a pretty popular quiz, too. It's a shame that the creator chooses not to edit it.
Level ∞
Nov 17, 2017
The quiz was edited, but not resubmitted. The Carol Danvers thing is fixed now.
Level 78
Jan 13, 2018
Come on, Marvel MCU - give us the Moon Knight movie!
Level 46
May 15, 2022
we got a show!
Level 86
Jan 13, 2018
Invisible Girl should be accepted for Susan Storm, given that that was her codename for the 24-year period from November 1961 to November 1985.
Level 86
Sep 7, 2021
Level 41
Jan 13, 2018
What about Peter Porker?
Level 37
Jan 13, 2018
kept trying to put in Ms/Mrs Fantastic instead of invisible woman for some reason
Level 37
Jan 13, 2018
Another thing please change the description for Captain Marvel to vague I think. Another thing is add Ms Marvel and White Tiger
Level 20
Jan 18, 2018
29, not bad I guess. I completely drew a blank with Daredevel.

Happy I got Luke Cage though. :)

Level 62
Feb 2, 2018
Quite disturbing as they translated Iceman into Iceberg in french and Nightcrawler into Diablo so I get the guys but didn't find them in English...

I haven't any clue they did as Diablo is not even a french name...

Level 89
Jul 3, 2018
Interesting. "Iceberg" kinda cracks me up. Diablo is actually the name of a Fantastic Four villian.
Level 72
Jun 11, 2019
Nightcrawler is Harlekein (harlekin/harlequin) in dutch. Been doing some research (not done yet or I ll forget to comment haha) But the harlequin was a devil character and has a very long history, though it is hard to pinpoint the exact origin as it has been used in various (medieval and older) pieces.

So it being a devil demon makes sense, I guess the used diablo since "THE devil"(in french) is kind of already taken... plus diablo is allready used in other thing for demonlike characters, and I guess just saying demon was too generic.

But still no reason not to stick with nightcrawler, or the french literal translation of that.

Level 47
Jan 30, 2019
3+ minutes left... took me awhile to realize you meant Luke Cage... Marvel Girl wasn't accepted for Jean Grey?
Level 89
Jul 2, 2019
I dig this quiz but I have a quibble: Hawkeye is a badass, but he doesn't actually have superhuman eyesight, or any super powers, except for when he's using Pym particles to become Giant Man.

Level 89
Sep 15, 2021
Two years later, I have an additional quibble: Rogue can steal powers from any superhero, not just mutants. Her absorption of Carol Danvers's powers is a prime example.

No big deal though, still a fun quiz!

Level 71
Nov 21, 2019
3:47 remaining
Level 29
Jun 9, 2020
35 out of 36 , my brother let me do a quiz on his account. I never would have guessed Spiderwoman. Great quiz tho man, keep it up!
Level 14
May 19, 2021
no vision, ant-man, or wasp
Level 87
Aug 20, 2021
I really don't mean to be a jerk, but this quiz just highlights how ridiculous the superhero movies are.

But I understand that some of them tell good stories, I just wish it weren't so fantastic.

Level 89
Sep 15, 2021
To each their own, but I'm not sure I understand your objection... If you feel they are unrealistic, okay, but some are more egregiously "fantastic" than others, and the better films are usually internally consistent. And superhero movies are hardly the only genre requiring some suspension of disbelief, although if you also dislike film series like Harry Potter and Star Wars, then fair enough.
Level 88
Sep 7, 2021
I’ll never be able to complete this quiz and I’m okay with that. However, I would like to point out a small matter of punctuation in one of the clues: "Ability to steal other *mutants* mutants' powers at a touch | Anna Marie”. Cheers
Level 48
Oct 26, 2021
You should add Daisy Johnson and Bobbi Morse
Level 81
Dec 22, 2021
I was hoping to see the likes of Gambit, Dazzler, Jubilee, Adam Warlock, Sentry, etc.

Good quiz, nonetheless.

Level 31
Mar 10, 2022
Jean Grey's superhero name is Phoenix.
Level 27
May 20, 2022
66perceentage of dr strange now it will be 90+
Level 56
Jul 7, 2022
If you don't type "The" for invisible woman, you don't get it
Level 18
May 12, 2023
100% no google I need a life
Level 23
Jul 10, 2023
forget i was doing amarvel quiz so i put aquaman instead of namor.
Level 88
Sep 21, 2023
Why does it say that this quiz was last updated in 2018? The thumbnail is from Far From Home a movie which came out in 2019. So it's from at least 2019.
Level 34
Jan 18, 2024
Im on this quiz!!!
Level 46
Feb 22, 2024
Isn't Luke Cage's real name Carl Lucas? I have only seen the TV show though, so maybe it's different in the comics