I wouldn't consider Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in this list. At least they aren't in the geography song my kids learned about the countries of the former USSR
Technically, yes. Many countries, in fact most, considered it an illegal takeover and several, including the US, maintained that the Baltic States were independent nations.
The USSR issued passports, Russified the Baltic countries, and were governed by the Communist Party and all three were Republics of the USSR, on par with other republics (except for Russia). They were considered essentially Soviet. Recognized or not, legal or not, they were part of the Soviet Union in practice.
I think because people just think Russia = USSR, so its like the other countries broke off and they forget to put Russia as an answer. I almost missed it as well and then the light bulb went on.
I think you answered your own question when you said Russia was practically the Soviet Union. A lot of people are probably thinking of countries *other than* Russia since they see Russia and the USSR as synonymous.
The bread lines. The complete lack of decent entertainment options. Not getting to choose what city you lived in. The bleak apartment blocks. Those were the days!
Finland was part of the Russian Empire but became independent after the Russian Revolution and the USSR never got Finland back, though they tried during the Winter War.
We couldve counted tannu tuva because they were apart of the ussr but in ww2 they were only reconized by mongolia and the ussr sooo maybe but maybe not.
You can see the pattern here: 3 Baltic countries, 5 central Asian '-stan' countries, 3 Caucasus region countries, 4 eastern European countries so a total of 15 countries. Pretty easy to memorize.
I find it funny how lax the typeins for Tajikistan are. "Tajoctopusstan" "Tajuwuowoperiodahhperioduhhstan" and "Tajpneumoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosisstan" all work.
The USSR was established in 1922
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