
108 Essential Movies

Another quiz by a similar format of my book quiz. Name not in any particular order the best movies if I were for some reason asked. I did some editing, looked on Reddit and
Yellow means I have completed that work
That one purple means I have sort of completed it
Updated to include Famous Foreign films
Quiz by DwarvinBishnu
Last updated: January 14, 2025
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First submittedJuly 29, 2017
Times taken183
Average score14.8%
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Stanley Kubrick, Arthur C Clarke, Ray Lovejoy
2001: A Space Odyssey
Quentin Tarantino, Sally Menke
Pulp Fiction
David Fincher, Jim Ulhs, James Haygood
Fight Club
Francis Ford Coppola, Mario Puzo, Aram Avakian
Godfather I
Andrew Stanton, Jim Stewart, Pete Docter
Monsters Inc
John Lasseter, Joel Cohen, Lee Unkrich,
Toy Story (1 and 2)
Jim Reardon, Danielle Feinberg, Stephen Schaffer
Brad Bird, Patrick Jimenez, Stephen Schaffer
The Incredibles
George Lucas
Star Wars Original Trilogy
Francis Ford Coppola, Lisa Frutchman
Apocalypse Now
Christopher Nolan
Dark Knight
Christopher Nolan
Charlie Chaplin
The Great Dictator
Charlie Chaplin
City Lights
Stanley Kubrick, Peter George
Dr Strangelove
David Fincher, Aaron Sorkin, Kirk Baxter
The Social Network
Martin Scorsese, Paul Schrader, Marcia Lucas
Taxi Driver
Martin Scorsese, Thelma Schoonmaker
Ingmar Bergman, Lennart Wallman
The Seventh Seal
Stanley Kubrick, Tony Lawson
Barry Lyndon
Stanley Kubrick, Diane Johnson, Ray Lovejoy
The Shining
Roman Polanski
Rosemary's Baby
Steven Spielberg, Micheal Kahn
Schindler's List
Woody Allen, Wendy Green Bricmont
Annie Hall
Spike Jonze, Jeff Buchannan
Hayao Miyazaki, Kirk Wise
Spirited Away
Jonathan Demme, Craig McKay
Silence of the Lambs
Spike Lee
Do the Right Thing
Alfred Hitchcock
Rear Window
Akira Kurosawa
Edward Zwick
Abderrahmane Sissako
Steve McQueen
Twelve Years a Slave
Barry Levinson, Stu Linder
Rain Man
Paul Thomas Anderson, Dylan Thicenor
Boogie Nights
Damien Chazelle, Tom Cross
Oliver Hirschbiegel, Hans Funck
Ava DuVernay
Alejandro González Iñárritu
Richard Linklater, Sandra Adair
Before Sunrise
Sidney Lumet, Reginald Rose
Twelve Angry Men
Sidney Lumet, Paddy Chayefsky
Victor Fleming, Mervyn LeRoy, King Vidor, George Cukor, Norman Taurog
Wizard of Oz
Victor Fleming, George Cukor, Sam Wood
Gone With The Wind
Steven Spielberg, Micheal Kahn
Saving Private Ryan
Terry Gilliam, Terry Jones
Monty Python and The Holy Grail
Sergio Leone
The Good, the bad and the Ugly
Peter Weir, Andrew Niccol,
The Truman Show
Michael Curtiz
Fernando Meirelles, Kátia Lund
City of God
Harold Ramis
Groundhog Day
Destin Daniel Cretton
Short Term 12
Wes Anderson
Moonrise Kingdom
Denis Villeneuve, Joe Walker
Richard Linklater, Sandra Adair
Jean Renoir
The Rules of the Game
David Lean, Anne V Coates
Lawrence of Arabia
Costa Gavras
Asghar Farhadi
A Seperation
Billy Wilder
The Apartment
Bong Joon Ho
Sebastián Lelio
A Fantastic Woman
Giuseppe Tornatore
Cinema Paradiso
George Miller, Margaret Sixel
Mad Max: Fury Road
Sean Baker
Florida Project
Roberto Galvadon
Giuseppe Rotunno, Luchino Visconti, Enrico Mendoli
The Leopard
Akira Kurosawa
Celine Sciamma, Julien Lacharay
Portrait of a Lady on Fire
Robert Zemeckis, Eric Roth, Arthur Schmidt
Forrest Gump
Tomas Alfredson, John Ajvide Lindqvist
Let the Right One in
Paweł Pawlikowski, Jaroslaw Kaminski
James Cameron
Terminator 2
Terry Jones
Monty Pythons: Life of Brian
Frank Capra, William Hornbeck
It's a Wonderful Life
Gene Kelly, Stanley Donen
Singing in the Rain
Stuart Rosenberg, Sam O'Steen
Cool Hand Luke
Frank Darabont, Richard Bruce
Shawshank Redemption
Fritz Lang
Terry George, Naomi Geraghty
Hotel Rwanda
Federico Fellini, Leo Cattozo
8 1/2
Billy Wilder
Sunset Boulevard
Tim Burton, Caroline Thompson
Edward Scissor Hands
Greta Gerwig, Nick Houy
Lady Bird
Jean-Pierre Jeunet, Herve Schneid
Neeraj Ghawyan
Ramesh Joshi, Dinen Gupta, Ritwik Ghatka
Cloud Capped Star
Mathieu Kassovitz
La Haine
Orson Welles
Citizen Kane
Barry Jenkins
Coen Brothers
No Country for Old Men
Wong Kar-wai
In the Mood for Love
Mike Nichols, Edward Albee
Whos Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
Elem Kilmov
Come and See
Ousmane Sembène
Noah Baumbach
Marriage Story
Jordan Peele
Get Out
Isao Takahata
Princess Kaguya
Danny Boyle, John Hodge
Joseph Mankiewicz
All About Eve
Danis Tanović
No Man's Land
Edward Wang
Yi Yi
Andrei Tarkovsky
Hirokazu Koreeda
Still Walking
Gillo Pontecorvo
The Battle of Algiers
Park Chan Hook
Wolfgang Petersen, Jost Vocano
Das Boot
Chen Kaige
Yellow Earth
Level 68
Jul 29, 2017
Please proofread.
Level 81
Jul 30, 2017
What problems have you found? Please warn me so I may fix them. If it is on the content of the quiz I must inform you I cross-referenced many people and websites using the site I mentioned above for directors and consensus.
Level 68
Sep 18, 2017
Just saw your response. Here's a few: Psycho, Maltese Falcon, Cool Hand Luke, Groundhog Day.
Level 81
Sep 19, 2017
Oops! Silly me for those simple grammar mistakes. Thanks for the response!
Level 78
Sep 20, 2017
Also, it's La Grande Illusion.