I invented this Index that scores countries on 8 different aspects and scores them out 104 being the maximum. Name them in order. I re-vamped it with Legatum scores rather than GDP Capita.
Criteria: Corruption, Military, Influence, GDP, PPP, Legatum Prosperity, Population and Population Growth.
Russia has never been a superpower. The USSR used to be. Though at the same time, not sure how the UK and France get away with being called that today... especially when Germany and Japan are not... maybe if this was the 18th or 18th Century still...
France and the UK maintain strong militaries with a combination of healthy economies and stable numbers of population. They didn't have low numbers basically, plus influence is something both have in good amounts.
I keep it in because I feel it gauges stability as well as effectiveness of a states ability to perform in it's own interest rather than for the interest of a set few. It's not perfect, but it's just a fun project.
I mean I could add that for posterity. And as for the other elements, some countries did not have enough data to accurately be portrayed, I did not want to assume or operate off of incomplete data.