I didn't like that almost all of these accepted a very simple answer. I understand that there are 100 answers and that it's not always easy to remember these things in full, but "don" is acceptable for Vito Corleone and "John" for John McClane? Can we make it somewhat of a challenge? Maybe give more time on the clock? Still a great quiz. I'm just picky, I guess.
Please could you accept Randle for One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest? Others accept just first names and I couldn't for the life of me remember McMurphy but remembered his first name, only for it to be listed as RP McMurphy! Good quiz though.
Got 64, feel bad for missing Boba Fett when he's one of my favorite characters, though to be fair he doesn't get enough time to shine in the actual movies but more in Clone Wars and now Mandalorian etc.
Btw, would it be possible to accept "Doc Brown" for "Dr. Emmet Brown"?