2.35 left, typing with my toes,... blindfolded. Most of the quick times on here will likely be by other quizzers who have done most of the geography quizzes on Jetpunk.
The satellite image of Chad just proves even more that it looks like a random guy named "Chad." The lake is his eye, and the borders make his nose and mouth
I noticed the 100 :) and was gonna write that it never ceases to amaze me how much comments a quiz gets. Especially one which is not controversial at all like this one.
and Thailand is 8 letters
Finished with 1:59 left ... Make more where the answers are subdivided by continents like this one, please!
Not anti EU BTW just pointing out an inconsistency in how states are defined.
Niue is definitely more a "sovereign" state than a de jure entity like Palestine