
Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Weapons Quiz

Can you guess all the weapons in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild?
Hint: Enter the TYPES of weapons (i.e. sword) to fill in all the variants.
Quiz by xXSeanCuber22Xx
Last updated: February 4, 2019
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First submittedFebruary 28, 2018
Times taken705
Average score43.8%
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Master Sword
Tree Branch
Soup Ladle
Spring-Loaded Hammer
Traveler's Sword
Soldier's Broadsword
Knight's Broadsword
Royal Broadsword
Forest Dweller's Sword
Zora Sword
Feathered Edge
Gerudo Scimitar
Moonlight Scimitar
Scimitar of the Seven
Eightfold Blade
Ancient Short Sword
Rusty Broadsword
Royal Guard's Sword
Boko Club
Spiked Boko Club
Dragonbone Boko Club
Lizal Boomerang
Lizal Forked Boomerang
Lizal Tri Boomerang
Guardian Sword
Guardian Sword+
Guardian Sword++
Lynel Sword
Mighty Lynel Sword
Savage Lynel Sword
Fire Rod
Meteor Rod
Ice Rod
Blizzard Rod
Lightning Rod
Thunderstorm Rod
Vicious Sickle
Demon Carver
Bokoblin Arm
Lizalfos Arm
Korok Leaf
Farming Hoe
Boat Oar
Woodcutter's Axe
Double Axe
Iron Sledgehammer
Giant Boomerang
Traveler's Claymore
Soldier's Claymore
Knight's Claymore
Royal Claymore
Silver Longsword
Cobble Crusher
Stone Smasher
Boulder Breaker
Golden Claymore
Eightfold Longblade
Edge of Duality
Ancient Bladesaw
Rusty Claymore
Royal Guard's Claymore
Great Flameblade
Great Frostblade
Great Thunderblade
Boko Bat
Spiked Boko Bat
Dragonbone Boko Bat
Moblin Club
Spiked Moblin Club
Dragonbone Moblin Club
Ancient Battle Axe
Ancient Battle Axe+
Ancient Battle Axe++
Lynel Crusher
Mighty Lynel Crusher
Savage Lynel Crusher
Moblin Arm
Wooden Mop
Farmer's Pitchfork
Fishing Harpoon
Throwing Spear
Traveler's Spear
Soldier's Spear
Knight's Halberd
Royal Halberd
Forest Dweller's Spear
Zora Spear
Silverscale Spear
Ceremonial Trident
Lightscale Trident
Feathered Spear
Gerudo Spear
Serpentine Spear
Ancient Spear
Rusty Halberd
Royal Guard's Spear
Boko Spear
Spiked Boko Spear
Dragonbone Boko Spear
Moblin Spear
Spiked Moblin Spear
Dragonbone Moblin Spear
Lizal Spear
Enhanced Lizal Spear
Forked Lizal Spear
Guardian Spear
Guardian Spear+
Guardian Spear++
Lynel Spear
Mighty Lynel Spear
Savage Lynel Spear
Level 62
Feb 3, 2019
I feel like you took almost all of the challenge out of the quiz by including the option to type out "sword," "claymore," etc. to fill in all weapons of that type. You also gave waaay too much time.
Level 61
Feb 4, 2019
If you were to type sword, claymore, and spear, then that would give you a FRACTION of the answers. Specifically, with these quizzes I opted to give more leeway to make it easier for people. I'll put the time at a capped 11 minutes =)
Level 46
Jan 19, 2021
Nice quiz~
Level 61
Jan 19, 2021
Thank you! =)