i dont have psuedolinguistics theories i have psuedolinguistic what ifs
this is btw my magnum opus
what if hoodlum is reanylized as hood + lum and lum becomes a suffix meaning "from"
and then we get burblum for suburbians
but then by some stroke of the grace of god or some other miarcale for some reason gabbilam is loaned to english where it is reanylized as gabbi+lum and gabbi is reanylized as cubby so cubby+lum and cubbylum means bat, and cubby now also means cave, and then scientists discover a new type of bat and decide to name it Rhinolophus cubbylumus
also i misheard gabbilam as gabyulam once
and then in some future english wikipedia they call it "Thai Cubby Rescue (contemporarily referred to as Thai Cave Rescue) was the yada yada (4-7 4-8 reference??)"
what if cubby is reinterpreted by indian english speakers as a borrowing of guha + i as a demonymizer thingy so they use cubby to mean what wouldve been cubbylum so lum is reinterpreted as an anglicizer for borrowings and usage or lack thereof of lum on borrowings determines your attitude to borrowings so like etiquette would become etiquettelum if you believed in anglicization and ofc all of this is among indian english speakers prolly living outside india
also more realistic than english borrowing gabbilam would be the angloknowledged telegoos themselves reinterpreting gabbilam as an english loan and using it in their own usage of that tongue
cubby can be reinterpreted as guha (cave in indian) + i (demonym type shi) which would make cubby to mean what cubbylum meant, which would make lum functionless to those speakers undergoing the reanalysis therefore lum shall just be considered smth to be added to a loanword in english to make it more anglicized so ppl will start using lum to all loanwords to indicate social status and many such and suches
gabbilam being borrowed to english would be unrealistic so what if after the hoodlum burblum steps are done we achieve the goal by havin bilingual telugus reanalyze gabbilam as an english loan
no what if some scientist bloke discovers new bat variety in some guha in telugu rashtralu and he asks nearby guy what it is, and the nearby feller says "gabbilum" so he writes down cubbylum
then in some peice of media the scientific name of some random bat is popularized for some reason
what is the stupidity of the nelluru wiki page it says over time nelluru shifted into nellore bruh what thats just the british name thats not natural language shift
for a b and c in equations we should do ka ga cha to not confuse fellers with ka vs kha
ర = కయ + గయ + చ అన్నేది పరవలయాలుకి సూత్రం.
ర = య + గ అన్నేది ఏటవాలు-అంతరఖండం సూత్రం.
దీర్ఘ సమీకరణం
వర్గ సమీకరణం
నాల్గవఘాతసమీకరణము??? చతుర్ఘాతసమీకరణము???
య అక్షము
ర అక్షము
ల అక్షము
ఋణాత్మక పూర్ణాంకం
వృత్త వైశాల్యం = पవ్యా^2
గోళ ఘనపరిమాణము = 4/3 पవ్యా^3
జ్యా, కోటిజ్యా, స్పర్శరేఖ
జ్యా, కో, స్ప
కో(య) looks like ~
प = 3/14159265358979323864264...
do you agree with such words and the above? none of these are coins except y r l and k g c i think
what is pi in sanskrit? pi for us got clipped from greek for circumference, but idk if we can do same. i just used a devanagari letter clipped from sanskrit for circumference
also since diameter and radius start with the same letter, how will we differntiate the క్లుప్తాక్షరములు?
I just realised the only chance for a Telugu word to get loaned to English in the 21th century was naatu for local/folk lol where else would telugu have such a presence to be able to do such this century?
కల్కి గురించి అంత తెలీదు కాబట్టి భవిష్యత్తులో కొన్ని వాళ్ళు కల్కి చిత్రం లో కల్పితాలు నిజమనుకుంటే? ఎందుకంటే దానికంటే కల్కి గురించి అంత సమాచారం లేదు వాళ్ళకి:
మచ్చా 1: కల్కి అవతరించే ముందు యాస్కినుడు అనే రాక్షసుడు వస్తాడు అని పురాణాలులో ఉంది అనుకుంట మచ్చా
మచ్చా 2: ని అవ్వ, అది కల్కి 2898 చిత్రం నుండి మచ్చా!
this is btw my magnum opus
what if hoodlum is reanylized as hood + lum and lum becomes a suffix meaning "from"
and then we get burblum for suburbians
but then by some stroke of the grace of god or some other miarcale for some reason gabbilam is loaned to english where it is reanylized as gabbi+lum and gabbi is reanylized as cubby so cubby+lum and cubbylum means bat, and cubby now also means cave, and then scientists discover a new type of bat and decide to name it Rhinolophus cubbylumus
also i misheard gabbilam as gabyulam once
and then in some future english wikipedia they call it "Thai Cubby Rescue (contemporarily referred to as Thai Cave Rescue) was the yada yada (4-7 4-8 reference??)"
what i have i done
5posting final boss
also more realistic than english borrowing gabbilam would be the angloknowledged telegoos themselves reinterpreting gabbilam as an english loan and using it in their own usage of that tongue
cubby can be reinterpreted as guha (cave in indian) + i (demonym type shi) which would make cubby to mean what cubbylum meant, which would make lum functionless to those speakers undergoing the reanalysis therefore lum shall just be considered smth to be added to a loanword in english to make it more anglicized so ppl will start using lum to all loanwords to indicate social status and many such and suches
gabbilam being borrowed to english would be unrealistic so what if after the hoodlum burblum steps are done we achieve the goal by havin bilingual telugus reanalyze gabbilam as an english loan
then in some peice of media the scientific name of some random bat is popularized for some reason
nvm ur thing's more likely
i love psuedolinguistic theories
but we're too interconnected now for a yucatan ahh situation to happen
then again we are very stupid fellows sounds like a foreshadowing statement
the 7 hills
ya akshamu
ra akshamu
la akshamu
why not v and h tho
cuz its ya ra la not ya va ha idk
ర = కయ + గయ + చ అన్నేది పరవలయాలుకి సూత్రం.
ర = య + గ అన్నేది ఏటవాలు-అంతరఖండం సూత్రం.
దీర్ఘ సమీకరణం
వర్గ సమీకరణం
నాల్గవఘాతసమీకరణము??? చతుర్ఘాతసమీకరణము???
య అక్షము
ర అక్షము
ల అక్షము
ఋణాత్మక పూర్ణాంకం
వృత్త వైశాల్యం = पవ్యా^2
గోళ ఘనపరిమాణము = 4/3 पవ్యా^3
జ్యా, కోటిజ్యా, స్పర్శరేఖ
జ్యా, కో, స్ప
కో(య) looks like ~
प = 3/14159265358979323864264...
do you agree with such words and the above? none of these are coins except y r l and k g c i think
what is pi in sanskrit? pi for us got clipped from greek for circumference, but idk if we can do same. i just used a devanagari letter clipped from sanskrit for circumference
also since diameter and radius start with the same letter, how will we differntiate the క్లుప్తాక్షరములు?
pa is good
put ౨ beside the diameter one
will be tautological to translate 2r=d tho
why ka
the vedhava mata was unnessesary u murkh murgi!
i feel like that rules out first two cos its more like existence is due to thinking but idk
everything else must be found out in a different way
Prolly last
does janma count
ik u cant do అంమ అంన but can you do a word like ంమ (in which ం is n) or can stuff like న్మ be found outside loanwords like janma?
those who know
if you consider the conjugation of tāgu as standard
good subject tho no one talks about this feels weird describing conjugation systems through the verbst hey use liek in espanol
whats an example of nonstandard?
vellu you lose the u idk if id count that
iravayyava apapently
the word in question i heard has phalam
also are there any unisex Telugu names?
yk how Belle got resurrected as a name and was nearly dead before beauty and the beast resurrected? same thing with luna or smth then harry potter
what name could be next as such
goog said ईश्वरः इच्छति
అక్రమ వలసదారులు
మాదకద్రవ్యాల రవాణా
లైంగిక నేరాలు
పలురకాల వ్యవసికృత నేరాలు
భారత విదేశాంగలశాఖ
స్పష్టం చేయుట
భీకర దాడి
కాల్పుల విరమణ ఉల్లంఘన
is there one that like white horserider or smth
మచ్చా 1: కల్కి అవతరించే ముందు యాస్కినుడు అనే రాక్షసుడు వస్తాడు అని పురాణాలులో ఉంది అనుకుంట మచ్చా
మచ్చా 2: ని అవ్వ, అది కల్కి 2898 చిత్రం నుండి మచ్చా!
అగ్నిమాపక శాఖ
గాలింపు చర్యలు
రాజ్యాంగ సంక్షోభానికి
ఇంగ్లాండ్ విజయానికి కావాల్సినవి 18 బంతుల్లో 36 పరుగులు
ive only seen this happen inn hindi sometimes
ఏన్నూరు, ఐన్నూరు
u fill in blanks
all but like 2 are from wiktionary
this was discussed in its entirety in drav server