First submitted | April 27, 2022 |
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This list is possibly missing at least one species of Arctotherium, a genus of South American short faced bears. As I could not find any good public pictures of those species, and their range in North America was pretty unclear, I decided not to include them. I did include tigers, even though their range in North America was limited to Alaska, and if they actually even lived there is really unclear. The difference, of course is that I can easily find pictures of tigers, while Wikimedia Commons pictures of Arctotherium are scarce.
Goes without saying from the presense of crocodile and alligator species that Central America was pretty warm, even during the Ice Ages, and could support crocodillians.
I arbitrarily decided that "megapredator", is a predator over 100 pounds. Considered adding coyotes and the rare Pleistocene dhole, but I figured that adding them would necessitate adding lots of random midsized predators
Removed Siberian tigers as the proposed Siberian tiger remains are now suggested to be from cave lions, and it is now theorized that tigers as a whole colonized Siberia after the last ice age, making it even less likely they crossed over into Alaska.
Though I feel that sabretooth should be accepted.