
Doctors of the Catholic Church

How many of the 36 Doctors of the Catholic Church can you name?
Hints include titles (if applicable) and lifespan
Source: Wikipedia
Quiz by elijahwade
Last updated: May 27, 2020
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First submittedSeptember 9, 2018
Times taken174
Average score63.9%
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Great Latin Father
Great Latin Father
Great Latin Father
Doctor gratiae
(Doctor of Grace)

Great Latin Father
St Gregory the Great
St Augustine of Hippo
Doctor angelicus
(Angelic Doctor);
Doctor communis
(Common Doctor)

Great Greek Father
Great Greek Father
Great Greek Father
St Thomas Aquinas
St John Chrysostom
St Basil the Great
St Gregory of Nazianzus
Great Greek Father
Doctor seraphicus
(Seraphic Doctor)

Doctor magnificus
(Magnificent Doctor);
Doctor Marianus
(Marian Doctor)

St Athanasius of Alexandria
St Anselm of Canterbury
St Isidore of Seville
Doctor unitatis Ecclesiae
(Doctor of the Church's Unity)

Doctor mellifluus
(Mellifluous Doctor)

St Peter Chrysologus
St Leo the Great
St Peter Damian
St Bernard of Clairvaux
Doctor of the Divinity of Christ
Doctor zelantissimus
(Most Zealous Doctor)

Doctor caritatis
(Doctor of Charity)

Doctor Incarnationis
(Doctor of the Incarnation)

St Hilary of Poitiers
St Alphonsus Liguori
St Francis de Sales
St Cyril of Alexandria
St Cyril of Jerusalem
St John Damascene
St Bede the Venerable
St Ephrem the Syrian
Doctor mysticus
(Mystical Doctor)

Doctor universalis
(Universal Doctor)

St Peter Canisius
St John of the Cross
St Robert Bellarmine
St Albertus Magnus
Doctor evangelicus
(Evangelical Doctor)

Doctor apostolicus
(Apostolic Doctor)

Doctor orationis
(Doctor of Prayer)

St Anthony of Lisbon
and Padua
St Lawrence of Brindisi
St Teresa of Ávila
St Catherine of Siena
St Thérèse of Lisieux
St John of Ávila
St Hildegard of Bingen
St Gregory of Narek
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