Below you can see a blank map of European flags. Guess the right color of the flag part highlighted in purple. Keep going until you have guessed all of them, the map will be fully colored then. Do you accept the challenge?
Click on the map to zoom! Feel free to also use manual zoom options
For the more detailed flags you may sometimes need to repeat the same answer or be more specific
If you're stuck, press Tab or scroll down and click on a different answer cell
Very cool. Would be nice if it could zoom in a little more. On the flags with lots of detail it's sometimes hard to see which part exactly is highlighted. Such as Spain or some of Central Europe.
Great quiz! I have actually been working on a very similar quiz for Africa – do you mind if I publish it? I will be certain to acknowledge that your quiz came first.
I cheated in a way... I picked a random colour, typed it, copied it, and pasted it rapidly for every answer. I finished the quiz with ten minutes left, with just one oddball colour left for Spain. One of these days I'll have to start learning the flags.
Ha ha, @Dimby! That “cheat” is my default for longer quizzes that I’m stumped on, especially the ones with US states or country names in them. I didn’t think to do it on this one and I should have, because I haven’t learnt the flags either. I managed 128/142 by guessing red, white or blue, then yellow, green or black, for every flag I didn’t know, which is most of them.
It might be hard to fix, but is there any way to create an arrow to point toward some of the tiny parts. I wasted a lot of time trying to find the purple spots, zooming in and out and eventually just randomly guessing until a larger purple area because visible again
Small parts tend to be in contact with other small parts anyway, so arrows are absolutely pointless. Zooming, as well as what Angbo commented, would be sufficient to complete the quiz if you know the flags
Zooming helps if you know where to zoom. I was stuck on Luxembourg for some time because I couldn't even find the first highlighted part, and I hadn't yet noticed that there are text answers underneath the map.
Great concept but sometimes it's really hard to figure out which flag is to be done next and some details are really hard to spot. Overall good stuff though.
I think you should list which colours are being used in the quiz so people know which ones to guess rather than having them try and guess maroon or something like that.
not a bad quiz; a little redundant with the colors, but since it's Europe, guessing red white or blue is a great way to start. The tiny countries were impossible to find the purple. Yes, the pink and orange kind of threw me. Other than the small countries and the redundancy, a pretty cool quiz.
Woah I was not expecting to get all of them, 2:17 remaining. Fun quiz cuz I had to think a little outside the box for ones like pink and silver. Funny how brown counted for gold
What a cool quiz!! Managed to get all of them but it took a while haha! Did not expect so many in the spanish flag- just had to keep on guessing randomly
I was ONE away with 3 seconds left. I decided to do it untimed so I won't lose. And I got out of VATICAN CITY'S RED RIBBON. NOW I AM SO ANGRY BECAUSE UNTIMED QUIZS DON'T GET POINTS. But good game.
Great quiz. However, is there no way you could demonstrate the area that needs to be coloured? I am struggling to find some of those small areas that you are looking for.
Spain's pink lion looks really weird now that I've noticed it.
Loved it, thanks
Spain: Yes
" Wrong! it was carmine!"