Fairly easy if you know the recent ones and the few 20th century exceptions where it wasn't held in a major football nations (and most of those are quite famous like The Miracle in Berne or the first cup being in Uruguay with few Euro team participating so they won it themselves etc.), I got them all with 2.12 left. It's probably only hard if you are from a non-soccer playing country like the US.
Hm.. never Hungary? They've won more Olympic medals in football than any other country except the United States. But I guess they've never actually won a World Cup. Best result was runners-up. They did win the European Championship in '64, though. Canada is hosting this year but, thanks for at least putting the caveat that this only counts men.
Yes, Hungary. Why is that funny? They were maybe the best national football team in Europe during the 1950s. Known as the Golden Team or Marvelous Magyars. They had limited success at the World Cup like I mentioned but have won more Olympic gold medals than Brazil, Germany, Italy, Spain, Uruguay or Argentina; and more medals overall than Great Britain. I'm surprised more people don't know about this. I don't even care about football and I know.
It's clear that you don't know about football since you are comparing women's Olympic medals with men's Olympic medals. And yes, hungary was great at football back then, now they're mediocre.
In fact it was considered quite an upset when they did NOT win the 1954 World Cup. The final, in which West Germany beat Hungary 3-2 after having been 2-0 behind, is known as 'the Miracle of Berne'
You're missing a lot of context with the Hungary fact. Until 1980 the Olympics did not allow professional footballers to compete in Olympic football, this meant most countries had to send extremely weak sides to the Olympics.
Soviet Bloc countries like Hungary however largely didn't have professional footballers, they had state sponsored players (which under Olympic rules don't count as professional), this meant Hungary was able to send its best players to the Olympics whist many nations couldn't.
I'm wondering if UK should be accepted or not for England. You don't accept it on other quizzes about football. Seems odd that you'd be more leniant here. Unless some games were held outside of England in 1966? (Scotland? Wales?) Anyway, just a thought...
IMO it should not be accepted, as it says "Countries as defined by FIFA, not necessarily sovereign nations". UK is not a FIFA country, as far as I know
Football/soccer is one of those areas where we in the UK have to be different (awkward!). The UK does not have one single team, but has teams (and different governing bodies) representing England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, each of which is recognized by FIFA as a separate entity. 1966 was held solely in England by the English football authorities, the other parts of the UK were not involved. So this is one of those quizzes where the UK should not be accepted.
Why is Countries as defined by FIFA, not necessarily sovereign nations included in the instructions? I don't think there's any debate that all these answers are countries.
FIFA actually refused to permit England to begin with though as they initially only accepted sovereign nations. They eventually changed their mind and made an exception for the constituent countries of the UK.
Typing Germany gets me West Germany because both are colloquial names for the Federal Republic of Germany, but typing West Germany doesn't get me Germany because???
Not sure if this is sarcasm, but actually it's a terrible idea. Considering the size of the countries, matches will be very far apart from each other, inconveniencing both the teams and the public.The US can host it fine by itself, and is already big enough. Some people complained about distances in Brazil 2014.
Went from earliest to latest, while i knew all the countries (except 1962 ofc) i'm kinda surprised that i even got them in the exact order! Nice quiz :)
Especially given that the absurd 2030 line-up is only there to guarantee the horrendous 2034 host. FIFA has long been a horribly corrupt mafia, but Infantino might be the worst criminal yet.
The 2030 hosts (Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay) have been announced. (I thought the tournament being hosted in the Middle East or China would have been the worst scenario, but FIFA found a crazy way to make it even worse)
Good quiz, I somehow missed Switzerland. But can’t really understand why it’s caveated when it would be just as easy to add the countries in for 2030. Surely adding Paraguay makes the quiz more interesting and it is a legitimate host because it means that FIFA can claim to have given hosting rights to North and South America, Africa and Europe enabling them to return to Saudi Arabia in 2034.
Hungary were awesome though, puskas
Soviet Bloc countries like Hungary however largely didn't have professional footballers, they had state sponsored players (which under Olympic rules don't count as professional), this meant Hungary was able to send its best players to the Olympics whist many nations couldn't.
But seriously, replying to rufty, inventing a sport doesn't give you absolute authority over who plays it and how. It's not like it's patented.
I've created a quiz on all world cup hosts and finalists, give it a go if you're interested.
United States and
it looks like a great hosting team :D
Went from earliest to latest, while i knew all the countries (except 1962 ofc) i'm kinda surprised that i even got them in the exact order! Nice quiz :)
Also...Qatar and Saudi Arabia? What is it about human rights violations do FIFA love so much?