
FIFA World Cup Host Countries

Name all the countries that have hosted (or are scheduled to host) a men's FIFA World Cup.
Countries as defined by FIFA, not necessarily sovereign nations
NOT counting "commemorative match hosts" for 2030
Quiz by mac212121
Last updated: November 1, 2023
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First submittedApril 18, 2012
Times taken207,608
Average score87.0%
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Host nation
Saudi Arabia
United States
Host nation
South Africa
South Korea
United States
Host nation
West Germany
Level 9
Aug 6, 2013
100% spain got me for a bit
Level 32
Dec 7, 2013
missed sweden
Level 42
May 25, 2022
i missed that AND switzerland
Level 45
Jan 29, 2024
these two and Argentina, for me
Level 84
Feb 27, 2014
Phew... this was MUCH tougher than I thought.
Level 26
Jun 14, 2018
Fairly easy if you know the recent ones and the few 20th century exceptions where it wasn't held in a major football nations (and most of those are quite famous like The Miracle in Berne or the first cup being in Uruguay with few Euro team participating so they won it themselves etc.), I got them all with 2.12 left. It's probably only hard if you are from a non-soccer playing country like the US.
Level 81
Jun 14, 2018
I thought it was pretty easy and I don't even watch football.
Level 71
Jun 14, 2018
well done kalbahamut! Have a cookie
Level 75
Jun 14, 2018
I'm amazed that you called it football, as you are from the United States.
Level 81
Jun 15, 2018
... 11 years living overseas. Feel like I'm not really from anywhere at this point. and thanks for the cookie
Level 50
Sep 25, 2021
you must be so proud
Level 43
Jul 2, 2014
missed qatar
Level 28
Jul 10, 2014
Aghh! Uruguay!
Level 14
Oct 26, 2014
Uruguay and Sweden...................
Level 66
Jan 27, 2015
First attempt, 100%, 2:22 left on the clock. I spend way too much time on football. No, seriously. I do.
Level 22
Jun 5, 2018
Level 81
Apr 11, 2015
Hm.. never Hungary? They've won more Olympic medals in football than any other country except the United States. But I guess they've never actually won a World Cup. Best result was runners-up. They did win the European Championship in '64, though. Canada is hosting this year but, thanks for at least putting the caveat that this only counts men.
Level 43
Apr 11, 2015
who won ec in 1964? hungary? haha
Level 81
Apr 11, 2015
Yes, Hungary. Why is that funny? They were maybe the best national football team in Europe during the 1950s. Known as the Golden Team or Marvelous Magyars. They had limited success at the World Cup like I mentioned but have won more Olympic gold medals than Brazil, Germany, Italy, Spain, Uruguay or Argentina; and more medals overall than Great Britain. I'm surprised more people don't know about this. I don't even care about football and I know.
Level 60
May 29, 2023
It's clear that you don't know about football since you are comparing women's Olympic medals with men's Olympic medals. And yes, hungary was great at football back then, now they're mediocre.
Level 81
Apr 13, 2015
This is what happens when you don't wikipedia before commenting. Anyway, in that case, I still don't understand what point pero was trying to make.
Level 58
Apr 16, 2015
In fact it was considered quite an upset when they did NOT win the 1954 World Cup. The final, in which West Germany beat Hungary 3-2 after having been 2-0 behind, is known as 'the Miracle of Berne'
Level 24
Apr 14, 2015
women play in the women's world cup, and the Olympics don't really relate to the main professional football. Even Nigeria won the Olympics.

Hungary were awesome though, puskas

Level 65
Nov 14, 2023
You're missing a lot of context with the Hungary fact. Until 1980 the Olympics did not allow professional footballers to compete in Olympic football, this meant most countries had to send extremely weak sides to the Olympics.

Soviet Bloc countries like Hungary however largely didn't have professional footballers, they had state sponsored players (which under Olympic rules don't count as professional), this meant Hungary was able to send its best players to the Olympics whist many nations couldn't.

Level 78
Apr 11, 2015
Got them all. And I don't usually watch women's sports.
Level 32
Mar 27, 2017
If you ever came to play football in any street in Brazil, you'd quicly change your mind about calling it "women's sport"...
Level 20
Nov 14, 2023
Level 65
Nov 16, 2023
What the ....?!? Go to Europe, go to South America and we teach you about football!
Level 65
Apr 11, 2015
I just got most of them from thinking about which countries like soccer.
Level 67
Apr 13, 2015
100% so easy and soccer rules and i am only 11 and no one cares and i will spam this like on ck12 wutever yeah bruh 21
Level 13
Aug 17, 2015
found them all, football roooocksss!!!!
Level 85
Mar 31, 2016
I know almost nothing about soccer but managed to guess them all with 5 seconds left!
Level 60
Dec 31, 2016
missed Switzerland....had no idea it hosted a World Cup!
Level 62
Jul 14, 2023
as a german, switzerland was one of the first i remembered! 1954 was a very important one for us :D
Level 49
Sep 4, 2017
100% with 2:10 to spare!
Level 40
Jun 9, 2018
100% with 1:11 to spare
Level 79
Jun 13, 2018
2026 will need a lot of traveling.
Level 71
Jun 14, 2018
I'm wondering if UK should be accepted or not for England. You don't accept it on other quizzes about football. Seems odd that you'd be more leniant here. Unless some games were held outside of England in 1966? (Scotland? Wales?) Anyway, just a thought...
Level 68
Jun 14, 2018
IMO it should not be accepted, as it says "Countries as defined by FIFA, not necessarily sovereign nations". UK is not a FIFA country, as far as I know
Level 58
Jun 21, 2018
Football/soccer is one of those areas where we in the UK have to be different (awkward!). The UK does not have one single team, but has teams (and different governing bodies) representing England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, each of which is recognized by FIFA as a separate entity. 1966 was held solely in England by the English football authorities, the other parts of the UK were not involved. So this is one of those quizzes where the UK should not be accepted.
Level 76
Jun 14, 2018
Why is Countries as defined by FIFA, not necessarily sovereign nations included in the instructions? I don't think there's any debate that all these answers are countries.
Level 68
Jun 14, 2018
see 1966. The host is not a sovereign country, but accepted by FIFA
Level 79
Oct 9, 2018
Given that they invented the sport, you should really say that England accepted FIFA.
Level 64
Nov 14, 2023
FIFA actually refused to permit England to begin with though as they initially only accepted sovereign nations. They eventually changed their mind and made an exception for the constituent countries of the UK.
Level 45
Nov 14, 2023
I'm curious: what caused them to change their mind?
Level 77
Jan 4, 2024
The French removed the stick from their asses, iirc.

But seriously, replying to rufty, inventing a sport doesn't give you absolute authority over who plays it and how. It's not like it's patented.

Level 66
Jan 6, 2023
Maybe change the quiz title to "FIFA world cup hosts" or "FIFA world cup host teams" to remove the sovereign nation debate.
Level 37
Jun 14, 2018
Nice Idea
Level 48
Jun 14, 2018
Great quiz. Missed Uruguay and Switzerland.
Level 15
Jun 15, 2018
17/20. And I'm a girl.
Level 65
Mar 16, 2021
whats that have to do with anything
Level 55
Oct 7, 2021
Girls usually don't follow football, so this is quite a good result for a girl.
Level 80
Nov 1, 2023
Boys don't usually do well in school so it's a miracle I'm literate enough to read your comment
Level 28
May 22, 2019
Great quiz!
Level 75
Nov 29, 2019
For the 1st and very likely only time I got 5 points on a FIFA related quiz.
Level 51
Jun 29, 2020
Level 33
Jul 10, 2020
im so stupid, when i saw 2026 i got confused by 2030 and put those 3 countries
Level 56
Aug 7, 2020
Everbody from Germany knows about the 1954 one. It's the most famous win ever.
Level 71
Oct 19, 2020
Why are three countries hosting the World Cup in 2026?
Level 64
Nov 25, 2020
Because those 3 countries will be organizing the World Cup 2026 together, with each country providing a couple of match stadiums / event organization.
Level 51
Dec 16, 2020
Correct. Also probably because there are more teams than usual in 2026.
Level 60
Sep 21, 2021
It's quite the contrast - while in 2026 a whole continent hosts the worldcup, it's just one tiny country in 2022...
Level 67
Nov 14, 2023
*notices the train wreck of planning for 2030*
Level 77
Jan 4, 2024
Because money.
Level 54
Jan 27, 2021
Nooooooo!!! I AM from Switzerland. Missed it. West Germany winning in the Miracle of Bern. Of course.
Level 66
Jan 29, 2021
18/20 never watched soccer before
Level 85
Jan 29, 2021
Typing Germany gets me West Germany because both are colloquial names for the Federal Republic of Germany, but typing West Germany doesn't get me Germany because???
Level 79
Dec 14, 2022
because west germany isn't germany goober!!
Level 35
Mar 3, 2021
100% in 1:30
Level 34
Apr 7, 2021
i really forgot ENGLAND ugh shame on me i guess!
Level 58
Sep 18, 2022
Got them all but Sweden on first attempt. :-)
Level 68
Nov 29, 2022

I've created a quiz on all world cup hosts and finalists, give it a go if you're interested.

Level 79
Dec 14, 2022
man i sure love the triple combo of


United States and


it looks like a great hosting team :D

Level 77
Jan 4, 2024
Not sure if this is sarcasm, but actually it's a terrible idea. Considering the size of the countries, matches will be very far apart from each other, inconveniencing both the teams and the public.The US can host it fine by itself, and is already big enough. Some people complained about distances in Brazil 2014.
Level 69
Jan 2, 2023
good quiz
Level 62
Jul 14, 2023
Only missed Chile!

Went from earliest to latest, while i knew all the countries (except 1962 ofc) i'm kinda surprised that i even got them in the exact order! Nice quiz :)

Level 59
Oct 5, 2023
Should be a fun update with the absolute abomination that is the 2030 World Cup host announcement
Level 69
Nov 9, 2023
Especially given that the absurd 2030 line-up is only there to guarantee the horrendous 2034 host. FIFA has long been a horribly corrupt mafia, but Infantino might be the worst criminal yet.
Level 72
Nov 14, 2023
Give him a break, he had a tough childhood
Level 55
Oct 5, 2023
Can't wait for the six countries to be added for 2030
Level 73
Nov 1, 2023
The 2030 hosts (Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay) have been announced. (I thought the tournament being hosted in the Middle East or China would have been the worst scenario, but FIFA found a crazy way to make it even worse)
Level 84
Nov 1, 2023
Missing a few countries for 2030
Level ∞
Nov 1, 2023
Added a caveat.
Level 47
Nov 14, 2023
Good quiz, I somehow missed Switzerland. But can’t really understand why it’s caveated when it would be just as easy to add the countries in for 2030. Surely adding Paraguay makes the quiz more interesting and it is a legitimate host because it means that FIFA can claim to have given hosting rights to North and South America, Africa and Europe enabling them to return to Saudi Arabia in 2034.
Level 80
Nov 1, 2023
The only explanation is that the people at FIFA love having nightmares about extremely convoluted travel plans
Level 91
Nov 1, 2023
Because Fifa executives love autocratic regimes, North Korea or Afghanistan should host one of the next World Cups.
Level 80
Nov 1, 2023
Perhaps those two can host it jointly for 2038, and the final can be in Kiribati just for kicks
Level 69
Nov 9, 2023
FIFA only love insanely rich autocratic regimes.
Level 88
Nov 1, 2023
98 and Croatia third place...magnifecent
Level 57
Nov 14, 2023
Davor Suker man… I have a Croatian away jersey from that WC
Level 78
Nov 1, 2023
Tried USSR...didn't try Russia. Jeez.

Also...Qatar and Saudi Arabia? What is it about human rights violations do FIFA love so much?

Level 85
Nov 1, 2023
They have $ome rea$on$
Level 91
Nov 1, 2023
Surely when Sepp Blatter was removed as FIFA President all the corruption immediately ended…
Level 69
Nov 23, 2023
Imagine getting rid of f-ing *Sepp Blatter* only for the corruption to get *even worse*! Who knew that was even possible!
Level 57
Nov 14, 2023
There are actually 6 host countries for 2030, the 3 you listed plus Argentina, Paraguay, and Uruguay
Level 68
Nov 14, 2023
See the caveat below the title.
Level 47
Nov 21, 2023
Got them all in the nick of time. Russia was my last country with jus one second to spare!
Level 71
May 23, 2024
Really, who cares about a World Cup 11 years into the future? Way too far out to even be relevant.
Level 16
Oct 18, 2024
When can san Marino host one🤔
Level 65
Nov 22, 2024
They can co-host it with the UAE in 2038!