Some times brain freezes. Got 14/15. Could not come up with Leonard. All kinds of other names from the show popping in - Dr Gebelhauser, Zack Johnson, Priya - but the best I could come up with was DJ.
I don’t like the new update at all, and I am not sure why you changed it… the other version was perfect as it was. I never would have gotten “Bazinga!”
Bizarre. The old version (last updated: 2012) gave away the answers to some questions in the hints to others, had one answer that was simply wrong, and had others that were badly outdated. Also, Bazinga is being guessed 92% of the time.
"Bazinga" is probably the most famous thing from this show. He's the most famous character and it's his catchphrase. I hear it all the time (or, I did, when the show was still running).
13/15, used to love this show when I was younger but now I find it too cringey especially after the first few seasons. Surprised Young Sheldon went on for as long as it did
Young Sheldon was a pretty massive stylistic/thematic departure from the original show. As far as I know, it only ended because they literally ran out of storyline.
didnt know the composers of the theme song and the name of the college they work at