Hint | Answer | % Correct |
Diamond is an allotropic form of | carbon | 90%
Inert gas which is substituted for nitrogen in the air used by deep sea divers for breating | helium | 78%
Galvanized iron sheets have a coating of... | zinc | 73%
Soda water contains this gas | carbon dioxide | 62%
What is laughing gas? | nitrous oxide | 60%
Gas usually filled in the electric bulb is | nitrogen | 58%
What is the lightest metal? | lithium | 49%
The most important ore of aluminum is | bauxite | 41%
Marsh gas is | methane | 35%
In fireworks the green flame is produced by | barium | 12%
Permanent hardness in water may be removed by the addition of | sodium carbonate | 5%
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