Hint | Answer | % Correct |
London clock tower | Big Ben | 99%
Table tennis | Ping Pong | 94%
Boy who never wants to grow up | Peter Pan | 88%
Side dish for a burger | French Fries | 84%
Carnival food spun of sugar and air | Cotton Candy | 78%
Self-help group known as A.A. | Alcoholics Anonymous | 74%
1984 martial arts movie | The Karate Kid | 61%
Superman antagonist | Lex Luthor | 60%
Series featuring Inspector Clouseau | The Pink Panther | 57%
"Shocking" sea serpent | Electric Eel | 56%
Independent stories written by the fans of a certain book or movie | Fan Fiction | 56%
Hard rock band led by David Grohl | Foo Fighters | 45%
Skull Island monster | King Kong | 44%
Show about 1960's advertising | Mad Men | 44%
Assortment of lunch meats and cheeses served cold | Cold Cuts | 42%
What AC/DC does "Dirt Cheap" | Dirty Deeds | 35%
Southern-style rockers that sang "Fortunate Son" | Creedence Clearwater Revival | 28%
4x Super Bowl losers | Buffalo Bills | 22%
Object intentionally left at a crime scene, perhaps to taunt police | Calling Card | 17%
Door that is divided in half horizontally | Dutch Door | 12%
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