
Band Names by Synonym #1

Given the fake band name, give the real band name whose words are synonyms of the others.
Quiz by MattPunk
Last updated: December 13, 2019
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First submittedMarch 20, 2013
Times taken127,008
Average score58.3%
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Band Name
Pistols N' Flowers
Guns N' Roses
The Shore Guys
The Beach Boys
Intercourse Handguns
Sex Pistols
The Undead
The Zombies
Dark Sunday
Black Sabbath
The Spinning Pebbles
The Rolling Stones
Silent Uprising
Quiet Riot
Speaking Noggins
Talking Heads
Thankful Deceased
Grateful Dead
The Cops
The Police
Band Name
Monarchs of Castille
Kings of Leon
Rock Church Aviators
Stone Temple Pilots
The Ebony Unlockers
The Black Keys
Betrayer Deacon
Judas Priest
Fate's Offspring
Destiny's Child
Humble Rodent
Modest Mouse
Polar Simians
Arctic Monkeys
Teal Möllusc Sect
Blue Öyster Cult
Albino Serpent
Inexpensive Prank
Cheap Trick
Level 45
May 6, 2013
Great Quiz! Would love more like this.
Level 81
Nov 18, 2014
Level 66
Oct 12, 2015
Level 83
Dec 24, 2017
Haha 👍
Level 27
May 25, 2013
Good quiz, but since when is Sabbat on Sunday? It's Friday evening to Saturday evening I think
Level 65
Jul 2, 2013
Saturday is the traditionally recognized sabbath with regards to Judaism.
Level 28
Apr 27, 2014
The phrase "Black sabbath" comes from Christian folklore, and doesn't have anything to do with the Jewish use of the word "sabbath".
Level 68
Dec 27, 2017
You know Christians recognize the Old Testament, right?
Level 86
Oct 12, 2015
It's a good question. Because of some poor choices within the church, the tradition has become obscured. Originally, Christianity was considered to be a branch of or the natural progression of Judaism. But because of the significance of Jesus' resurrection and the new rest it symbolized, Sunday became the New Sabbath for Jesus-followers. Jesus and the original disciples would never have wanted a wedge to be driven between Judaism and Christianity, but because of later church attitudes toward their Jewish religious ancestors, this become the case. And now, the association between Sabbath and New Sabbath is no longer readily evident. So the confusion is certainly understandable.
Level 81
Mar 5, 2018
It absolutely did not become the new Sabbath. You're right that it became a significant day. But that doesn't make it the Sabbath. Do you even know why? It's because Jesus was said to have died on the cross and then been buried on a Friday. Tradition holds that this happened the day before the Sabbath. If you go to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem you can visit the spot where Cavalry Hill supposedly was, where tradition holds he was crucified, and then visit the spot where the cave he was buried in allegedly was, which is 20 seconds away by foot. The story goes that he was cut down and buried so nearby because it was almost sundown before the Sabbath and they could not work on the Sabbath so there was no time to take him to the Mount of Olives where most Jewish citizens of Jerusalem were buried. On the third day (Friday->Saturday->Sunday) he rose from the dead. But Christians still understood the Sabbath was Saturday.
Level 74
Apr 26, 2018
Yes, Joseph of Arimathea asked to take charge of the burial, and since, as you said, the Sabbath was near, he took him to his nearby garden and according to Matthew 27:60 Joseph buried him in the tomb he had carved from rock for himself. Early Christians celebrated Saturday as the sabbath, and rested on that day. The next day became the day celebrated as the resurrection of Christ and first sharing of the Gospel - "He is risen!". It became a day to meet with other Christians, evolving into our modern tradition of worshiping together on Sunday. Those of us who celebrate the traditions of the sabbath on Sunday are doing it at best symbolically, and are historically incorrect. (BTW, don't you mean Calvary rather than Cavalry Hill?)
Level 81
Apr 27, 2018
Yes. Calvary. auto correct? There is no Cavalry Hill in Jerusalem as far as I know.
Level 46
Aug 13, 2020
I was also confused because in my language it literally means "Saturday" as a day of the week.
Level 44
Nov 17, 2020
A much more accurate clue would be "Dark Saturday". Saturday is called some derivative of Sabbath in most European languages (Sabato, Sabaton, Subota, Samedi, Shabat, Subota, Sabado, Szombat, etc). In English, Sunday is sometimes mistakenly called Sabbath - particularly by some evanglical protestants, but there is no justification for this. This clue is misleading.
Level 73
May 25, 2013
Big stretch to make deacon and priest synonyms. The former is a layperson, the latter a clergyman. The former is most often a Protestant, the latter most often Catholic. Threw me completely off.
Level 96
May 30, 2013
Unless, of course, you're Mormon, in which case Deacons are 12-13 years old, Priests 16-18. The terms are used differently by different denominations, so of course it won't work perfectly, but I like the clue.
Level 65
Apr 23, 2018
Actually a deacon in UK Methodist is an ordained minister. Two kinds of ordained ministry, deacons and presbyters. (presbyters have to preach, deacons don't have to)
Level 47
Aug 1, 2019
Deacons do exist in the Catholic Church, and are NOT laypersons . Deacons are very much ordained, who can perform most duties required of the clergy. The main exception is that a deacon cannot give Mass, that must be done by a priest or higher. One takes his vows when he is first ordained a deacon, and then progresses to be ordained a priest after some further study and practical experience with a congregation. Conversely, ordained clergy in the (Protestant) Anglican Church are actually called priests, but are colloquially referred to more by their rank in the Church (i.e curate, verger, vicar, etc.).
Level 12
May 26, 2013
It took my a while to get Rock Church Aviators and I never got Spiraling Pebbles. Teal Mollusc Sect would be a funny band name, though.
Level 65
Jul 2, 2013
I had a problem with the Spiraling Pebbles as well. I don't see how spiraling translates to rolling.
Level 69
May 29, 2013
Hi-la-ri-ous! Brilliant! Teal Mollusc Sect!!! Augmented Bovine Chime!! (2 words)
Level 33
Nov 20, 2013
How could I miss Rush!? One of my favorite bands!
Level 28
Dec 20, 2013
The first time I've said it, "Great quiz!"
Level 28
Apr 27, 2014
Great quiz!
Level 48
Jun 26, 2014
Great quiz! Really made me think. More please!

Though I would have liked another minute or so as

I ran out of time.

Level 44
Oct 12, 2015
good one!
Level 69
Oct 12, 2015
Intercourse Handguns would be a great band name!! HA!
Level 81
Oct 12, 2015
Got them all this time.
Level 76
Oct 12, 2015
Where are all the commentators going "oh they got Rush!"? Usually when Rush is not included in one of these quizzes there's at least one complaining about the omission. See! Here's Rush!
Level 87
Oct 12, 2015
Bah, only 52% of takers found them, that's really disappointing, you know ?
Level 68
Oct 12, 2015
Surprised myself with a 100%! Some neoclassics here that are sure to make you giggle like Intercourse Handguns and The Cops.
Level 57
Oct 12, 2015
Must be too old for this quiz! Never even heard OF Train, QR, STP, BOC or PE. But I still reached average.
Level 66
Oct 12, 2015
Train's my favorite artist! Ever heard of "Hey Soul Sister", "Drive By", or "50 Ways to Say Goodbye"?
Level 56
Feb 11, 2021
Great songs! and also meet Virginia and of course, drops of jupiter
Level 44
Nov 21, 2021
Blue Oyster Club has been around since the late 60s, Quiet Riot since the 70s, Stone Temple Pilots came around at the start of the 90s. I don't know which band PE is, though.
Level 62
Oct 13, 2015
How are farm and garden synonyms?
Level 71
Oct 13, 2015
From songs by Velvet Acid Christ you could add "Kashmir Crack Krishna" and "Polyester Meth Zeus"
Level 61
Oct 15, 2015
I loved this quiz! And all of these would be great names for bands too, especially Intercourse Handguns, Fate's Offspring, Dark Sunday, Teal Mollusc Sect, and Silent Uprising.
Level 28
Oct 16, 2015
I tried Anthrax for toxin. Didn't work?!
Level 51
Dec 3, 2015
Fun quiz! Question, though, is garden really considered to be anything like a farm to anyone? I guess they're related, but it never would have occurred to me. I kept trying "ranch" (even though I know that's not a perfect synonym, either).
Level 25
Dec 14, 2015
Not enough time to finish
Level 25
Oct 16, 2016
Kept thinking Machine Gun Fellatio for 'Intercourse Handguns'.
Level 76
Dec 5, 2016
Teal Möllusc Sect cracked me up. :D
Level 39
Dec 9, 2016
Intercourse Handguns xD, Best name for a band xD
Level 56
Feb 10, 2017
I enjoyed this quiz a lot! Some of the clues were really straightforward, but some had me racking my brains. Great balance!
Level 96
Dec 5, 2017
Maybe Teal should be changed, it's not really a synonym for blue. Maybe use Navy? It'll keep it difficult while remaining blue.
Level 78
Dec 26, 2017
Maybe Venom should be accepted for Toxic too. They are older than Poison and still active.
Level 68
Dec 27, 2017
Isn't it time kalbahamut's gets points? :-0
Level 81
Apr 27, 2018
thanks for the shout out. QM used a bunch of answers off that one on the featured sequel he made.
Level 69
Dec 28, 2017
LOVE the umlaut on Mollusc!
Level 71
Apr 26, 2018
Bëst önë för sürë
Level 65
Aug 22, 2021
*Chef's Kiss*
Level 80
Dec 28, 2017
Shouldn't "Enlightenment" refer to A-ha!?
Level 72
Apr 30, 2019
Eureka would be a good clue for that one.
Level 73
Dec 29, 2017
Good quiz. A few bands I'd never heard of in there, some

I managed to work out/guess but two threw me.

Level 72
Apr 30, 2019
Yea about 6 were new the me. Must have never been played/a thing here. Plus not mentioned enough in popular culture, because that alone is enough to know some bands (as it is with all types of answers, like foodproducts that are unknown here, like poptarts)
Level 64
Apr 26, 2018
Venom should also be accepted.
Level 69
Apr 26, 2018
Absolutely love it!
Level 61
Apr 26, 2018
I love RUSH
Level 71
Apr 26, 2018
listening to polar simians currently and i didnt even get that one -_-
Level 70
Apr 26, 2018
Please accept "The Killers" for The Cops.
Level 47
Apr 28, 2018
No. Please don't.
Level 36
Apr 27, 2018
Leon and Castille are two very different kingdom of spain.
Level 74
Apr 27, 2018
At a stretch, couldn't Enlightenment also be Dawn?
Level 42
May 22, 2019
Clever and humorous. Well done!
Level 61
Jul 4, 2019
This is one of my favorite quizzes to date!
Level 46
Jul 12, 2019
oh my arctic monkeys are the exciting
Level 71
Oct 8, 2019
I was really only thinking of rock bands from the 70s and 80s at first, so Destiny's Child took me a while
Level 71
Oct 8, 2019
Only 34 for Nirvana? I only know like a couple of their songs but it really wasn't that hard
Level 89
Jul 11, 2020
I like that I was able to get 2 answers of bands I never heard of from the clues.
Level 75
Aug 26, 2020
More time please! I tried so many variations of 'stone temple pilots' (never heard of them) argh!
Level 28
Mar 2, 2021
sabbath was on saturday i thought
Level 81
May 24, 2021
It was and still is. It has never been on Sunday. Sunday is not the "Christian sabbath." Those who think it is are confused.
Level 65
Jun 13, 2021
Thanks Jojo, got most of these
Level 76
Aug 22, 2021
These are incredible!
Level 28
Aug 22, 2021
Sabbath is actually on Saturday I believe.
Level 71
Aug 23, 2021
I thought for sure "Enlightenment" was "A-Ha!" ... "Oh-Well!"
Level 62
Aug 24, 2021
Should Renaissance be accepted for enlightenment?
Level 77
Sep 3, 2021
They are not the same, the Renaissance took place in the 15th-16th centuries, while the (Age of) Enlightenment did so in the 17th-18th centuries. Give or take a few decades.
Level 67
Jan 31, 2022
Speaking of Offsprings (Destiny's child question) There is a pretty good band called "The Offsprings"
Level 68
Feb 14, 2022
I tried a-ha for Enlightenment. As in "aha, I get it now."

Most disappointed that it wasn't accepted.

Level 66
Jan 9, 2023
It would be fascinating if a synonym can (coincidentally?) hit two bands with one stone.
Level 28
Oct 8, 2022
add something for the cure
Level 68
Mar 25, 2023
Fun quiz. I did not expect to get 100% on the first try.
Level 69
Mar 25, 2023
This is a very creative quiz and I really enjoyed taking it for a third time. One question that doesn't seem quite right is 'Teal' for 'Blue' in 'Teal Möllusc Sect'. Teal is halfway between blue and green, and I often consider it more of a green than a blue. Maybe you could try a more specific type of blue, like azure. Or you could use blue's other meaning, sad.

The modifed clue could read either 'Azure Möllusc Sect' or 'Sad Möllusc Sect'.

Level 45
Mar 27, 2023
i am extremely dissapointed in myself for not getting "rush" both because i am very familiar with the band, and that its an easy word... 😔
Level 53
Apr 8, 2023
It feels a little bit disingenuous to put Destinies Child on this quiz. Every one of the other bands are rock and rock adjacent, while DC is an R&B group. I just with there were other examples of differing genres such as Rap (ex. Migos, Wu Tang, Run DMC) and Pop (1D, Backstreet Boys, Spice Girls) just to give a few examples.
Level 51
Jun 9, 2023
I love the umlaut on the "o" of mollusc. That's clever.
Level 31
Aug 6, 2023
my brain confused itself for a moment and thought i was doing an 'opposites' quiz so i put blue monday for dark sunday (which is a song, not a band, anyway)
Level 46
Dec 12, 2023
Hmmm the gun choice for Guns N Roses is kinda ironic since the gun choice used is a homophone and its pair in that case is related to flowers XD
Level 48
Nov 22, 2024
im 51 yrs old and never heard of Modest Mouse or The Black Keys... guess I am out of the alternative loop.