So how many of these still have considerable careers in music? Kelly and Carrie made it across the pond and I know that Clay Aiken and David Archuleta are still doing things on youtube.
Adam Lambert has been very successful too. He has performed with Queen in Freddie Mercury's place (piece of cake, right?) and still has a huge and rabid fan base. Underwood, Clarkson, and Lambert are by far the most successful performers. Clay Aiken has been very successful too, but he's working in different realms. I know he wrote a very popular book and ran for Congress. I think he was on Broadway too.
The rest of the winners...not so great, as far as I know.
Those are exactly the three I know/remember. Kelly, Carrie and Adam. I just about recognise Archuleta as a name and can vaguely remember a face to go with it, must've been a season I actually watched some episodes.
It is interesting that some of the ones that made it only to the top 5 have much more successful careers than those who won, specifically Jennifer Hudson and Chris Daughtry
4:00 remaining, 0/15! Instructions if you're female: If you can't sing, just hold a note slightly lower than your natural range and not perfectly in key, VERY LOUDLY. People will be impressed with how loud and how long you can hold those crap notes with a constipated pain on your face. Simon doesn't care that you're crap, but he does know what can be promoted.
The rest of the winners...not so great, as far as I know.