Character | Quotes | Answer | % Correct |
Sean | Real loss is only possible when you love something more than you love ________ | yourself | 94%
Will | I got her number. How do you like them ______? | apples | 93%
Will | You wasted $150,000 on an education you coulda got for a buck fifty in late charges at the public _______ | library | 91%
Lambeau | Sometimes I wish I had never met you. Because then I could go to _____ at night not knowing there was someone like you out there. | sleep | 88%
Sean | Sorry, guys; I gotta ___ about a girl | see | 86%
Sean | My wife used to ____ when she was nervous | fart | 81%
Sean | See you Monday. We'll be talking about Freud and why he did enough _______ to kill a small horse | cocaine | 70%
Billy | You're legally allowed to drink now so we figured the best thing for you was a ___ | car | 66%
Sean | If you ever disrespect my wife again, I will ___ you | end | 62%
Chuckie | Now the business we have, heretofore, you can speak with my aforementioned attorney. Good day, gentlemen; and until that day comes, keep your ___ to the grindstone | ear | 43%
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