If not the best director of his age he's at least one of the most consistent. Not much fluff on this resume, excluding the mulligan at the beginning but hey, gotta cut your teeth somehow.
Excited to hear that Jim is back to producing Terminator films and they have 3 sequels to The Terminator and T2 planned out, and they're going to pretend like Rise of the Machines, Salvation and Genisys were all a bad dream, as they should.
Too bad that "Rise of the Machines" and "Genisys" were both head and shoulders better than "Dark Fate", now the other 2 sequels are permanently shelved.
There is no salvation for "Salvation" though, that one was just a crap show.
Dark Fate was a little bit of a let down but.. omg.. did you actually just say that Genisys was better (let alone head and shoulders better)?? My mind is reeling at how anyone could have even liked that horrendous movie.
He has done some work as producer, writer, editor, and FX guy on some other films, and he has also worked on some documentaries, but after Titanic he was most passionate about deep sea diving and spent a ton of time doing this. He even worked to develop a lot of technology used in diving today.
This opinion is awful. Sour grapes. Avatar and Titanic each became the highest grossing movies of all time when they were released, and Titanic tied the record for most Oscar nominations in history, and Avatar was nominated for Best Picture, all for good reason.
There is no salvation for "Salvation" though, that one was just a crap show.
Terminator movies ranked:
1. T2 (best action movie ever made, hands down, possibly excepting Avengers Endgame)
2. The Terminator (good for what it was: smart, low-budget high-concept sci-fi. Far from perfect but still a seminal film and classic of the genre.)
3. Dark Fate (failed to live up to its potential but still better than any of the other sequels after T2)
4. Rise of the Machines (not as good as what came before by a long shot, but simultaneously not as bad as almost everyone makes it out to be)
5. Salvation (had its moments, had some interesting ideas, but, overall, terrible)
6. Genisys (beyond terrible. Like, exceptionally bad fan-fiction terrible. Not a single good thing about it.)
There are many of us who just don’t like glossily produced films without decent plot, characters and dialogue.
“Just stay alive - no matter what it takes!”
“Unobtanium” (seriously?)
I enjoyed the scene when the ship was sinking mind, and Kate Winslet was looking fine, but it’s incomparable to my favourite films.
Horses for courses as we say in sunny England
PS: Your opinion of his opinion is awful