The Razzies aren't quite as serious as the Oscars, in the film Sandler plays both Jack and Jill so they gave him both the worst actor and worst actress award.
Adam Sandler.. hahaha... I cheated a little on this one. It was bugging me that I could remember the 3 ugly hags in Sex and the City (Parker, Nixon, Cattrall) and I couldn't recall the one pretty girl's name. So I had to look it up. Interesting that Madonna has pulled off here what no actor has done with the Oscars (winning 4 awards- amazing!)
I also agree that it's inappropriate and uncalled for. And Kalbahamut has done the same in several other quizzes. Was there really a need to comment on these actresses physical appearance? It's a sad, sad thing...
Also interesting/ironic... I mentioned in the comments of the Best Actresses quiz that many of them appeared on my "We Saw Your Boobs" quiz... lending credence to the theory that disrobing will increase your chances of nabbing an Oscar. However, I noted that many other movies/actresses that appeared on the We Saw Your Boobs quiz also show up here... somewhat deflating that same theory. :D
She worked okay in Panic Room because the awkward, emotionless, stone-faced mouthbreather thing is fine when you are playing an 11-year old kid half way to a diabetic coma. Also.. the confusion the audience felt trying to figure out if the character was supposed to be a boy or a girl probably distracted from any acting deficiencies. I saw On the Road, not impressed. and she was awful in Snow White and the Huntsman, even if Twilight was her crowning achievement just because it coupled her terrible acting with stupid characters, a cheesy story, and an absolutely mind-blowingly bad script.
Interesting how many musicians trying to cross over get these. And interesting that producers kept giving Madonna money to act. And then gave money to Spears, Carey and Lopez, too. Props to Beyonce for dodging this bullet in The Pink Panther.
I dunno. Beyonce was worse in Austin Powers than Madonna has ever been in anything if you ask me, but Austin Powers 3 was just such a dumb movie in the first place I think she got a pass.
Beyonce was good, but JHud was great. She was another musician who crossed over, but she won an Oscar, not a Razzie, followed by Tony and Grammy awards. For me, her, "And I Am Telling You I'm Not Going" remains the greatest acting performance ever done through song.
I'm a movie fan, but I've only seen two of these movies which might explain my dismal score - 10...which reminds me, why didn't Bo Derek get one for "10"?
I'll have you know, good sir, that Rebekah Turner is the daughter of my father's uncle's cousin's best friend's neighbor's doctor's teacher's grandfather's boss's college roommate's former weed-dealer. So there.
See Adventureland, The Runaways, Panic Room, and On the Road.